Show FRUIT CROP IW YET IS QUITE LARGE nith alth general weather conditions improving anil anti warmer armer weather predicted for the state after and including cl last sunday fill all danger to the fruit crop it la Is believed has passed another cold snap as severe us the one juat just passed la Is not lively again to occur thie this spring and fruit men generally Kene rally have no further beirs the neat next ten ton days lats lat ill spend considerable time inspecting their trees to determine the extent of damage to the crop from the freeze fretze nned wednesday night of last meek considering the general a extent of the cold bave ave fruit men feel that thoy they have cume come oft off lucky in not having the entire fruit crop dt abroy ed reports from other fruit stat 3 lend tend to the utah trull fruit inca nit n in that fruit here buffered suffered lea thin in the fruit sections of other states Assur assurances inces are riven given thit tho the portions of the crop nad s from the ynezo will aill be of excellent quality ind and nil naturally natu rilly find a realy ra ly and anti strong market in carbon and anti counties it ie to believed all tho the d done la Is confined to apricots and anti pe peaches iches the apple crop and anti stil synill ill fruits of orloue ir lous kinds sire safe and those in lit bent beat position poci tion to know say there will bo be tho the average a crape beld for this motion section of the damace done however hoever are blow slow to come i in |