Show the eastern utah advocate the advocate publishing company incorporated R W CROC CROCKETT KErr president and manager HATZI one year 81 1 I 10 50 six month he be three month months advertising RATES IN EFFECT MAY 1 1908 DISPLAY kate owr 11 per IMI sat hate rate per inch tr FT month OPEN to be tied at bof I 1 of a ve tiner wilbin with 1 n one year 5 inches at ise 1000 inches at alc 13 go 2000 inches or over i t loo Alon alongside gilde full top of oldron next nex reading add 15 25 percent per cent to above n 9 matter add I 1 a 0 pr per cent to above R ier line one time loo perlene sub ftc he L CAM not over one inch one dollar dolls per month KOA LAlen ien centa per wr linc firm Bret lawr tion orvele le tr a line each a lue card arto kt at belf it all local heading reading notice add atit all co s ADVOCATE publishing CO price utah THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9 1911 lewie lewis N post postoffice office tico in specter ep ector its it hem here to inake irico price hia ills headquarter arters elcome elc me to t ur city Consi considerable real reil estate both city and country la lit it this time changing hands it will never bo be cheaper in and around price now no la to it poor time tor for labor troubles in lit carbon county the producing coal companies arc are anything but pro porous owing to tho the open winter and anti a consequent lack of order for their product it will be the farmere farmers time to complain when as it now looks the insurgents help the democratic or free trade party into power at washington the fight that has started on the old guard of the republican party Is a wedge medge that will do what the rall wedge edge does to the big log what whitt fool these insurgents mortals be there were 1378 failures tal lurea reported to bradstreet Drad street a with liabilities of increases of respectively 11 and 43 per cent over january aar 1910 and the largest totals in any month for years past it Is necessary in fact to go bak to january 1908 to find more fall urea and larger liabilities the south reports fewer failures and new england and anti the NN western estern greup of stites aport r port smaller liabilities than in january 1910 the foreign trade statistics for 1910 are pot rL reassuring assuring the total of exports and imports la is the largest total in our history the rho imports are larger than ever before by nearly about were dutiable and atil competitive peti petit tive lye but this is invoice valuation and add largely at that so that when duties and anti other importation coats are added this means a displacement in our market of fully 1 I worth of american products the exports I 1 27 61 have never nover been equaled equated except in 1907 they amounted to 1 I the excess of exports la Is the smallest but one in the last six yetra 2624 4 9 11 it Is a dangerously low triba balance this for 1010 1910 being nt at least 2 less thin it should be in order to balance all accounts acco unta A et we are told that tho the tariff Is too high Is the country going crazy aas ot of last saturday Th the large a ties silea of goods though nt at relatively low pi ices have product d a very cheerful feeling in the wool market ant an I 1 have resulted in an active demand for low quarter blood braid anil anti lots of low wools both foreign and domestic this demand has been to a great extent due to the scramble to cover sales of goods with low cost by manufacturers at the same tinie the whole market has broadened the distribution of bugl busi nesa nepa being bet tir than in several months hoth both fleeces and territories ae hae been acal t and th I 1 been leen 1 movement lent in anti texas clothing wools oregon staple and rIo clothing thIng and in new now zei ind and anti south american prices have been steadily maintained with a no 1 extent on off lots and in the a aee of decline fleeces some holders are asking higher pirl prices strictly staple cois in both fleeces and terri territories tortes are becoming ery dearee and ohio and other districts are stated to be well ell cleaned up what is 13 needed hereabouts at the present time is 13 more unity of action more public spirit more pride too many of our people have but one thing in view and that is to make doll dollars irs regardless of the welfare of his neighbors or his town to help others in the up building of a city is the best way to help ones self no man has a right to hitch onto a town like a boy hitches his sled onto a passing wagon to be drawn somewhere without personal exertion it is just the same as being a cockle burr lit III a colfa colts tail as to be that kind of a citizen the burr goes if the colt goes and if the colt dies the burr ceases going forever dont be a burr |