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Show 1982 Page 4 Millard County Progress, Fillmore, Utah 84631, Friday, March 5, two of their three children. The family lives in Linden, Utah. The bake sale and spaghetti supper put on by the Varsity Scouts Sat., Feb. 27th, was a success. They would like to thank the Relief Society sisters and their mothers for all the help they gave them. The climax of the day was a Walt Disney movie, Snowball Express. One of the actors in this production was Johnny Whitaker. Sacrament meeting Sunday was conducted by Counselor Gordan Staples. Eaine Halsey is President of the Kanosh Ward Choir and would like to anyone who encourage likes to sing, to join them at the Ward Choir practices each Thursday evening at 7:30 at the Chapel. The program for Sacrament meeting was presented by the Roth family. This fine family have purchased the former Ann Allen home. This was a very fine meeting. to the office of an Eder, at the General Priesthood in meeting Fillmore Others coming to join Sunday. the family were another Other Kanosh B re them daughter, Chris Jones and her husband Doug, advanced in the Priestand little Kallie, from hood Sunday were: Monte Kimball to an Eder and Spanish Fork. Ward Newby; Rex Hutch-inseto came congraThey Stanford Johnson tulate and show their love and David Wachner were to their brother, Clark made High Priests. Crook who was ordained The mother remarked that they also have a married daughter, Tami, who lives in Idaho and also that the family loves Kanosh and the folks who live here. Willard and Dathel Whitaker were happy over the word they received Sat., Feb. 27, of the arrival of a new grandson, who weighed 9 lbs. oz. His proud parents are Bruce and Leah Bunting of Kanosh. He has three brothers and two sisters anxiously awaiting his homecoming. Grandmother, Dathel, left Monday to go down to help out in the home. Until 1982, this Whitaker family didnt have any birthdays in Feb. Now they have two little Jims and grandsons, n; Meadow Moments Hr l.uella Edwards Don and Phyllis Quarn-ber- g Tom and Carolyn Memwill leave March 3rd mott, Randy and Mylene by plane from SLC for Memmott and families llj London, England to meet enjoyed Sunday dinner at their son Eder Rod the home of Jay and Quamberg who has been Arlene Memmott. Paul Peterson, Tooele, serving an LDS mission the past two years. They grandson of Ralph and plan to spend a few days LaRue Peterson, is stayin England and Wales ing here with his grand- before returning home. Nord and Colleen Mem-mo- tt recently welcomed a new granddaughter into their family. A baby Leahs. daughter was bom to Mr. Family members visitand Mrs. Kent Memmott, Russell Karen and ing Crook the past weekend Payson Feb. 13th. Nancy Robison enterhave been their daughter, tained a group of young Christofferson, Allyson her husband David and people at her home Thursday, Feb. 25th the occasion being her daughter, Tracys birthday. Ted and June Thacker were overnight guests at the home of Georgia By Lola Monroe and Wallace Ivie SaturMr. and Mrs. Gary selected among fifteen day. Morris and Pat QuamRobins, Mr. and Mrs. young ladies as an attenMont Robins, Mr. and dant to the State Dairy berg and family, Green-rive- r Mrs. Richard Monsen and Princess, Kari Garfield of were visitors at Melanie Monroe attended Providence, Utah. As Hilda Quambergs last also the Utah State Dairy Prin- attendants They along with weekend. cess Pageant at the Salt Stephanie, Ireena Stokes, visited with Richard and Thatcher and Lake Hilton in Salt Lake Tremonton; Lisa Begler Romona Nieder-housFeb. and Jill 26,1982. family. Morgan, City, Jennifer James celewere selected to Stephanie, daughter of was a her birthday SaturindusRosa brated and Lee, represent the dairy Gary contestant in the pageant. try. Stephanie is attend- day by entertaining a She is currently repre- ing LDS Business College group of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Stan senting Millard County as and training to be a legal the County Dairy Prin- secretary. She was a 1981 Schaibly of Aberdeen, cess. Stephanie had the graduate of Millard High South Dakota, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Memmott, distinct honor of being School. Scipio Scene er parents. We welcome him to our ward. Visitors at the Nord Memmott home during the weekend were Kent Memmott and daughter, Wendell and Tammy, Paula Memmott, Mike and Monica, SLC. Ward Primary Daughter and Daddy date was held last week, a very delightful evening for all that attended. Fillmore Frolics HoldCIX llCippCninQS B Ella Crosland Lloyd and Orlene Christensen have two new grandchildren. Joseph Craig was bom Feb. 10 to Bruce and Joan Christensen of Spring City. He weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. and has big brothers Steven and Tyler to help welcome him to the family. Bom Feb. 23rd to David and Lois Christensen of Salt Lake City was a 9 lb. 1 'a oz. baby girl. She will be named Lauri and she has a big sister Erin that is excited and anxious to help mother. Gerald and Nina Coats received a phone call from first time parents Larry and Paula Anderson announcing the arrival of a 7 lb. 7 oz. baby boy. He was bom Feb. 24 and will be named Dustin Larry. This is the first grandson for the Gerald Coats. Nina went to Logan to help out in the home for several days and to get acquainted with the new arrival. Spending the weekend with their parents Don and Karla Dastrup and family were Grant and Tauna Nielson and daughter of SLC. Flowell Features Under the leadership of teachers, Jill Christensen and Carol Masner, the Merrie Miss classes of the Primary held their Date Party Saturday evening. The girls really enjoyed having a night out with Dad and the fathers really had a good time. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Margaret Stevens was in Ogden for several days visiting at the home of her daughter Dorothy and Gordon Gabbert and Daddy-Daught- er family. Ruth has Hargett employment in Salt Lake at the University of Utah Medical Center. We add our congratulations to the Millard High School Basketball team and wish them the best at the State 2A Basketball Tournament. We congratulate especially Gift Stephenson for being chosen on the Region All Star team. Hattie and Bruce Stephenson were in Henderson, Nevada for a weekend visit with their son and wife, Wendell and Hilma Stephenson. an enjoyable visit with their and daughter Lee and Diane Hogan and children. Mr. John Sevey came son-in-la- w .r; By Virgie lvie Miss Little Melanie Valynn and Tyson FrandJackson was honored for sen, Melissa, Brandon, her 1st birthday by her Brian and Mind! Jackson parents Bill and Jean and and the tiny guest of Grandma Veta Rassmus-se- n honor's sister, MiaKay on Feb. 22 at and brother Jeremy. A Grandma's home with a special guest was a friend delicious birthday dinner. of the Frandsens, Cindy Other guests were Uncles Winch of Manti who and Aunts, Grant and teaches school in Delta. Carol Frandsen of Delta, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lee and Julie Jackson of Robinson were in Salmon, Fillmore, Grandma and Idaho the weekend of Grandpa Merlin and Zel-d- a Feb. 20 - 21. They Jackson, and cousins combined business with Friday from his home in Kearns to get his wife Jolene and their children David, Robin and Hanna-lewho had spent the week here with her parents Ralph and Leah Robinson. Alden and Brenda Robinson and children Scott and Suzette of Hurricane spent Sat. here with their parents and sister Jolene and family. The little cousins had a great time in the beautiful outdoor sun- e, First Security pays me 14 on my BRA Savings Plan. Tax-Deferr-ed By Angie Green Mrs. Dora Robison of ladies from Utah attended attended the the course which lasted Fillmore and reception of one week, and when wedding Harold neene graduated she was her grandson, Hindmarch Scott and Teri presented with a bronze of Provo. They were mar- plaque. On Saturday, Feb. 27 ried in the Provo Temple and Mr. and Mrs. Beene 25 the and Feb. reception was held that evening at Duain Gee drove to SLC to the Womans Cultural attend the Salt Lake Hall. Harold is the son of Tribune Garden Festival. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon L. They arrived early so to Scott, and Teri is the fill in the time they daughter of Mr. and Mrs. attended the Fancy Breed Ted C. Hindmarch all of Cat Show. They were Provo. The young couple delighted by the hundreds will make their home in of groomed cats, each one so different and beautiful, Orem. Rial and Leona Carling and they also enjoyed the judges Brinkerhoff of Lovelock, watching Nevada, visited Leonas choose the winners of the sisters Dora Robison and blue, gold and white Hattie Ivie of Fillmore, ribbons. Sherman and Joleene the weekend Feb. 27 and 28. They also visited Stephenson drove to SLC, family and friends in Feb. 20 with Curtis and Flowell. Cynthia Black to attend a Mrs. Josie Ashman had concert. On Feb. 28th, Mrs. welcomed visitors on the weekend. Her daughter Dora Robison enjoyed an Cathy, four children and overnight visit with her husband David Stringham brother, Norvel and wife ' of Spanish Fork arrived on Ellen Carling of Ey, Friday, Feb. 26 and com- Nevada. They came to bined visiting with help- Utah to attend the funeral ing Josie clean the green- of Elens uncle, Gerald house. They returned O. Billings of Delta. He home on Sunday. was 83 years old and the Mrs. Marjorie McBride last living member of that and Mrs. Angie Green of particular Billings family. Mrs. Millie His funeral services were Fillmore, Pace and her daughter, held Mar. 1st in the Delta and her son, drove to Fourth Ward Chapel. Those coming to Doras Spanish Fork on Thursvisit with Norvel and visit 25 their to to Feb. day, sister Jacqueline and hus- Ellen were Rial and Leona band Dick Hunsaker. Brinkerhoff of Lovelock, They returned the same Nevada, Hattie Ivie and Phil and Mary Jean day. Mrs. Beene Cooper Robison of Fillmore. drove to Los Angeles, The Second Ward in California to attend the Fillmore held a family Leadership Acadamy of ward banquet on Mar. 2 Neo Life Company of at 6:30 p.m. at the Stake America to study physical Center to introduce to the fitness and nutrition. Five ward members the Physical Fitness Program. AB shine weather Sat. enjoy- the wards in the Stake wiU ing each other at play participate in this one before they returned to program which is year their homes that evening. endorsed by the Church to Mr. and Mrs. Evan Anderson were in St. George Feb. 19 to attend the Temple Marriage of Connie Tomkinson and Craig Bringhurst Strat- IN ton. Guests of the Andersons this past weekend was Evans mother Irene Anderson of Springville and Cindy Anderson of Salt Lake City. Irene also with her son visited Dexter, his wife Laura Lee and their children. took Robinson Grant Veta Rasmussen, Archie Christensen, Avalon and Johnson to the beautiful Provo Temple 26 where Feb. they enjoyed two sessions that day. It was a pleasure to in Grant's new car. Salad Bar Clyde W. Muir, 61, died Feb. 25, 1982, in St. AND ITS ALL SEE HOW YOUR IRA SAVINGS GROW Received Elk's National Veteran's Charter vice Award. St. George Ea- member, years. e. Born June 3, 1920, Clearfield, to Thomas and gles Lodge. Maintained for Corilia Harris Muir. Mar- - dual membership ried Billie Bailey, Oct. 26, Layton, Utah, Eagles Retired supply 1944, San Diego, Calif. Lodge. Active civic leader. Pre- - man for Hill Air Force sently serving as St. Base, serving 28 years. George Elk's Lodge Este- - Member, LDS Church. emed Leading Knight, Educated at Weber and was newly elected lege, St. Exalted wife, Ruler for the Survivors: coming year. Served as George; four daughters, custodian and mainte- - four sons, Mrs. Edward nance for St. George Elk's (Janet) Schofield, Lodge for the last four land, Ore.; Billie Herold Powell, Judy Ray, both Monday - Sat. Ogden; O. Bailey Muir, 11 A.M.-1- 1 P.M. Leeds; Mrs. Robert (Ruth Ann) Rabenstien, Clyde Closed Sunday Col-Agn- es Port-trav- - in our fiousc grandchildren, brothers, sister, Lloyd J. Muir, Santa Ana, Calif.; Harold H. Muir, Bountiful; Mrs. James (Mary) Starkey, Meadow, Utah. Funeral services were held Monday, March 1st at the St. George Elks Delta Lodge. Burial, St. George City ox Lfouxs. Cemetery. You pay no fees and your funds are insured. is There substantial interest penalty for early withdrawal. TAX-DEFERRE- D Every dollar you contribute to your IRA fund each year can be deducted from your Federal Taxable Income. And all the interest that First until you Security pays you is also can't beat all the competition but we'll do the best we can if you are interested in quiet JEKARDE living. on VA acres with a 1415 sq. ft. rebate for any home home. As a starter, 20 from 1,000 sq. ft. up. tax-deferr- ed withdraw the money. Open your account today I4V per annum, current fixed rate, for a period of 18 month!. Minimum opening deposit of $500. Additions in any amount, or choose from three other IRA savings plans. These tables are based on the assumption that one contribution of the amount specified is made annually at the beginning of each tax year and that the interest accumulates and is compounded quarterly. DOUBLE the dollar figures above for married couples I if both work ) who together contribute $2,000 each ($4,000 total) annually. INCREASE amounts by fora married couple (with a spouse) who contribute $2,250 annually. 0 more information call Jim at 375-546r For 7. one-eigh- g FiirsQ: Seouiirolty CBainiEis H, t el W. Muir, Jr. Ralph C. Juir, all Layton; Mrs. James (Sherri) McLaughlin, Denver, Colo.; 23 grandchildren 15 great- Coll Ahead for Faster Service At Dav. Clyde W. Muir succumbs 40 E. Main al. 743-531- MEM0KIAM 864-2207 First Security, you dont have to pay the annual sum in one payment, although is that certainly an option. You can also make periodic deposits every month, or double up on deposits, whatever is most convenient for you. Monthly, by payroll deduction or automatic transfer. The more you save, the more interest youll earn. We can arrange it your way. encourage its members to strive for better physical condition. From the Pink Lady Newsletter: Magazines, handmade stationeries, items, baby clothes, and grooming aids wifi soon be sold in the Fillmore Hospital. Youth volunteers will take a cart containing these Hems and others to patients each weekday. Proceeds wifi be used to buy equipment for the hospital. AB suggestions for items to be offered andor donations, especially of hand made gifts, will be appreciated. Please call Nancy McDonwith your 0 ald at donaand suggestions tions. Max and Verna Nichols spent a delightful weekend with their two daughters Mrs. Beckey Olsen and four children of Sandy, and Mrs. Tena Jonas and daughter Lyn-si- e of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Max and Verna were proud to give them a grand tour of Fillmore, and they were aU delighted with the beauty of our valley and mountains. After the tour Verna a scrumptious cooked Sunday dinner, and they all enjoyed eating together again. Tena and daughter are returning to Sandy with to await the Beckey arrival of her husband from Fort Lauderdale. Millard East The County Daughters of Utah Executive Pioneers Officers meeting was held in the parlor at the State House on Mar. 1st at 1:30 p.m. The meeting was opened and conducted by Pres. Eaine Goddard. DUP Board meeting convened at 2:00 p.m. Those present were Pres. Eaine Goddard, Roma Bird, Christie Whicker, Angie Green, Sylvia JenJean Nielson, sen, Maxine Robins, and SteUa i iM r"T Each affiliate bank of First Security Corporation is a member of DIC. Each depositors account is insured to $100,000 by FDIC. F 1J5H |