Show RATHBONE SISTERS ACTIVE A t recently organized lodge at scofield and winter quarters chooses staff of officers brothers assist them SCOFIELD utah april I 1 on friday night march noth the ladles of scofield and winter quarters roe tind orr the order or nath rathbone bone slaters airs mrs alta norton Nor tarl sul 1 runie deputy cliplef came from front Bing liam cannon canon to institute tho order which will bo be known oa as golden no 4 sisters thirty ter in embers wom initiated at the meeting meet log which wag was followed by a blin brinquet and general good titio in waa which ich tho the brothers partial participated 31 mra rs norton tho guest of honor was escorted to the banquet table by our honorable mayor thomas r kelter and all united to make the ole evening b u most de delightful lightf ill one and one loot long to be remembered by nil all present on saturday night a dance lance was gh given onto in bhohall during luring which supper was served nerved the promus croci to go dortho for the ot of the newly instituted order the brothers lent most generous uld aid bath and socially and helped to make tho the oa 01 ono long to be remembered by everyone of tho the large number who participated mra mrs norton left on monday for provo junction and murray at which places she will asslie in tho the in of ether other lodgy 1 ille I lie following of floars 1 were elected and installed at tho tile mooting meeting on friday night past chief of temple mn sarah reese moat most excellent chief mrs will bruy broy led lei excellent senior jacobson excellent junior mrs ldridge Loverl Lo ridge dge manager mra mrs mary aulmer Vu laier ints juls of records and correspondence miss agnes Broy loa ini ot of finance miss minnie Mere protector mra mrs susie guard mrs mary 11 davis L mr 11 E lewis will leavo ro row far for salt lake lalo where BRO will trill spend a few days during confer ono mrs lara lars jonsen la is a ilok nt ok in Spring springville ville ale louise vano of the winter quarters school eh ool leaves on saturday for suit salt lake city where she will remain ft a few lays mrs william E leluti and daughter elaine leave leme tomorrow toino now for salt lake city they will albond conference J R whalen left on monday of night at for ilif uli homo home la to missouri having beon been culled there by the serious illness of hie his father |