Show GREAT COUNTRY FOR ORES well posted mining man discourses on possibilities bili ties of southeastern utah for the investment of capital fred G bh beaber uffer who la is one of tho the hustling young ruining promoters and operators of utah colorado and nevada was in salt lake lost last saturday in speaking of the outlook for als lining industry shaffer mas en or tho future of a great many of tho the mining districts 0 of the western states but none appealed to him more inore strongly than tho la sal country especially the utah bide side of the range it seems to me that the mining men oj 0 your state and the world do net not halt half appreciate the opportunities aleles that are awaiting development in tho la lit sal range located about thirty miles allies distant from the railroad eta tion at cisco remark remarked shaffer RU affer after having been induced to talk of the exploits he and bis his crowd were making in the mineral belt in that district 1 I feol ferl much interested in that zono zone or 0 r I 1 should not have in vested invested my money out there but I 1 feel more especially ally interested in having th capitalists know what then there Is to be had in that country in order that the ores may be explored on a it more extensive basis thun than Is being done by the smaller operators at the present ti ainu mt there Is an tin abundance of pay rock in the camp and the only handl handicap cap that I 1 can find at the present i time Is the facilities tor for transporting our product from the mine to the railroad station we can hae liae the rio gronde grande extend a it spur to our mines just as tit some of tho the larger companies ill III take hold with ue us and deve develop loll it sufficient clent tonnage to insure the railroad a certain c amount of freight our principal pal aa aldei lire tire in siler and copper in ono part of tho cerop while across the dyke d y ke there has abton sonio some of we fenest gold ledges exposed I 1 have er ener seen in all my mining experience then in part of the district we ne hao haa a regular iron dyke which the steel trust la Is dicker I 1 ing for the possession of with me our copper values ure are astonishing the assay returns showing us as much as 25 per cent in the red metal while the allier sah or values will run high in some instances the white metal ie Is almost pure and tho the ordinary y run of the rock will show something ille sixty to seventy ounces in the white metal 1 I am making no secret 0 of the fact that I 1 wish aerne some of the big mining men would expert this territory tor for themselves vea anu eee see the wonderful op there for a largo actu n oo 00 a comparatively small investment the district has fins an area of about ton miles in width and twentysix twenty six milea miles long and salt lake is the natural market place of the tho product As your city will the advantages of the immense wealth that will III come from those mountains I 1 believe that our mining men wen can do no better than to investigate the conditions as I 1 have done and anti see for themselves the advantage sto be gained in getting into that section before many months |