Show at R lode claims must now be exam by an agent of our uncle samuel tho the of tile Inter fut 1 b lecont wi tilroe hint in its nil all in stances ahem Is made 1 b claimant to title to lode lole min ing claims tile annl axi birst ex hy by alit ill akl af th brant before e of 0 o with alo requirements 4 of tho til mining linde lands will lo 10 reeled tho examination Is fer for th ill virlow 11 ef of lifar or nt not alio grotins is in reality a mineral cli clotill till anti 1 alint alie its bilut fina uv orlaff to rot title for th tho purdom of obtaining the timber arnber that u upon tt it the ground mum how show in IIi icci tvA or other e evident klentz the cf er foat that it la Is 6 lilting bing itt 1 antl ground for i 1 some soine purposes pur posen other than mining if it the claim I 1 S located it in a forest reserve it must bt by the of thu lesem P end and in other instances 11 the ie Is to bo be 1 maile b a special timber inspection agent thi this anler hai aken ID in affect but a IL short timo time and wn wnm in f fit laft 1 awl since lac the tile llast of tile present i year for luening gurves are bein being made bilte rapidly at pres ent to the surveyor geo gen orni erni and as 8 the it matter of ot nn nu inspection Inspect iou jit bequir til before bo fore II 11 kiil pf of of te ie to offered cd thie this will be beor of special vaille to a large liti re number of |