Show in eastern and southern utah EMERY COUNTY 4 atle 0 mis mch tsih nad olson is home from Sunn yide on brief visit john kollpack of driggs ida ids is 19 in emory emery county transacting business county clerk leonard Is putting on ti substantial addition to his new home W C chanin and family of claw eon son have movel moed into their castle dale residence recently purchased ol 01 ray jonsen jensen chris of richfield la Is abit ing la in cantle dale with hie his friend R RC 0 miller john knudsen who has spent the past two years at id 14 at his homo home in castle dale date on a visit frank beers doers and family left castle dale on tuesday for pleasant grove where bears expects to open a general mercantile tilo store 14 orson miles baa has been chosen of the clipper ind starr j canal canals and will 0 P acock for the great canal miller the huntington merchants tire to establish eta blish a shear ig corral and dipping vat at at tho trimble corral ut tit the tho month mouth of cedar creek 0 11 geary is out with ith softie help pitt patching ehing up ill roads between huntington anti price which are made lotte bud bad by the tile water running in t the 1 wallace Gl gillies Illes an academy und eon son of a ex county conn cate gillies Gillie of green uler rier is t suffering Nith beere ee ere re cascoa case of lle heart rt trouble lNell elldon bon of huntington ha hat cont control rolet et thelorice thell tha price rice shearing corrals this spring ond and is putting them in cirit class shape fixing up ill the ini vata etc te G 0 W lawreame it prominent elt izen and expedit fruit grower ot of pal pat leadem colo is looking over emery county with the lew of inestine in real e estate here J A young formerly a artist of price but anu now cow resides at elgin Is up tip at the tile county cicat from the boom town purchasing haslag flour and ether other pro iaione the green grean etter land company with era at glean river utah has hats billed it its ita A articles of incorporation po ration with the count county clerk its it capitalization Is the twin city creamery Cr amery company y was organized at tho the creain cream cry nery mass meeting held hold in Orang orangeville eville on saturday night last ahe capitalization was fixed uc at UW divided into achares hur esef of the tile par value of V per hare share I 1 henry thompson the ferron perron cattleman is rounding up tile sa maeral eral precincts for yearlings and ear old sterra he ue hae has lately gotten Ic between teen fournad it a hundred together aud ie Is now fertil feeding ang tit the stock at his ferrell place the so called foot race ram pulled polled off at castle dale on thursday Thur day afternoon assumed tho the appearance of a rank fake lake on the part patt of charley whitlock archer atcher willey his opponent ran to win us as everyone knowing him presumed hy would berul of those lw ho liae lime latley dispo wd ot of their property lu in green river and anti rece lel a it lt lot of real money fer for it are lo looking oling around castle dale date and other castle valley towns with the tile object of inestine their judgment Is first blus clus the gleen city and I 1 arigi 1 alon with a main at green river utah tins tiled articles I 1 of its 6 ie lii lla tilt aided into ten I shares at caoli each the olt jet eel let L orth la to to construct and main maintain vilu cana banals ais ditche laterals literals late rals etc ete nd ind furnish catir to patrona pa trebe 21 walter dairman Wu Wa Irman nian tile unfortunate so badly ha left afat lat week through the ex of it gun barrel Is still critically I 1 ill 1 1 the eting emi people clistil an ali enjo enjoyable able time last friday night alt made shade his tits debut its a a iolia isolin placer and gae gaie a exhibition of dance music alt by themay the nay went to Sunny sunnyside side in search of work early in tho the week but returned thursday apparently well pleased that the camp know he we was in town AROUND ORAN EVILLE sEVILLE 0 P F ladimere burl Lari mere ie is on the sick liba fall and fullmer eipert to have the Orang orangeville eville bridge completed about april Orang orangeville eville citizens are considering tho the proposition of putting in a waterworks system the public school children and I 1 teachers tou chers enjoyed an outing yesterday day taking in tin excursion up tip the creek i wallace moult moffit broke his leg in he nines a few daya days age and was taken to a salt lake hospital mrs rhoda Rb aud nd mrs susie taa tailor lor ore are visiting at sunny aido ade and other wards in the northern part of tho the stake in the interest Int erbst of the a association ahe marr lagot miss dalyn jo john insoo and anti L W occurred wednesday afternoon at the home of the brides parents mr and mrs robort iToh johnson neon hold reid I 1 EMERY ECHOES ECHOLS john Sore naon of emery Is 1 critically ill the salina can cannon on road in h still flowed mr and mrs gilbert burr are visiting at fit mrs gribble tie con battled them as far as her home horne in enter lite A A IL fa farewell surprise parta was given C A kni undersea ond atia family ou on monday night who are to leave soon to make their home on the cin lin tah littion SANPETE COUNTY it pleasant Py pyramid march I 1 th L C It asmussen Is 1 arran arranging glug to erect a dwelling house on his hl uty ity lot in tho western part of town I 1 ferdinand I 1 clark hits haafeen been confined to bis his room fyr for several days this week with a bad attack ct of tho tile grip the 14 linear acar old son of at and mrs andrew anderson of moroni died tied laet last friday morning orning in in los angole judge fordinand Er erickson ILksen cn spent is portion of the week in bavler county hearing he irvng cases in thu tho district conic court there W D livingston haa leased hie his t reamers to ernest Jorg lorgen eabon bon and anti brei garbe and his farm to A L Merr merryam lam the mt ML Plea pleasant 11 saut dun gun club haa undertaken der taken the task again of the tho gaino laws in the mistrot which it it pres ants dr stewart wits in salt luke lake aguin again tala this ivecek to bo be present at an in operation performed on oil mrs rose thompson of spring city miss edith ite noble slater of mrs A 16 lar larion larsen sen of thia this city died at her home in moroni mouda dropsy drops being tho tile cause of or do lith ferd ii ent to black hock title week to join john J watson information liming been rece reveled led of thy the illness ut of tin the lattera wife A N t S 8 kielbon went to salt stilt luke lake tuesday un on arl ite business and for the tho purpose of looking inoru closel closely irto tho recent dipping law i reuben heri i of the board of count commissioners of I 1 sanpete count county was wits married in lit last saturday to mia it bai sarah A horae horw bojer danied le leme from froin lo 10 angeles wits in town during the week gool good hortas are not being sold here in tit number numb tara just at plesent piea ent di nord alile ank freric that ills eldest boother biot hr who was a it re redd ildene of that place ld hud pil sed alay at lit tile tha ad of sa mr mrs aulne 4 jorgensen Jor geBsen sr mr mrs clarissa Chiris sit J seely and und mrs miranda edit to castle dalo dato tipon TiP ln eix deeks or to Wo months month i elting re relatives lattes I 1 I 1 from mon aon of moroni who was tn in town ditt during ilig tho the week it is ica riled that cit Is i to hav lia a nw and anti up tip lo 10 1 a date hirai I 1 hotle in the near future i whittaker M Aldr lIt and anti niels i rolfzen return sd id this week from west wh are tre they have been for several weeks they report ort the outlook favorable for a boom in that district next slimmer summer W D candland and other members of the state land board started to panguitch this week to pass upon some public land there buethe but the enow isnow was so deep south of marksville Mary Marys avale ville that they were unable to proceed complaint was mado made it ID the city court during this eek by hendricksen age t the diamond saloon the charge being that of allowing bowl ng a minor to patronize ize the place A plea of guilty was wits tho beautiful new hou offrand of mr rand and mra mrs W D candland in this city one of tho the most modern and nicest residences in county was dedicated tor for impose tor for which it 1 1 intended last evening loial sheep hiie haie e ed I 1 the Iti estl a of making it n strong protest the r recent dippi ig or dor der by the state board i but af atter thorough e have haye d to offer 1 ne no opposition to it 1 loung oung gustam No idstrom la is in trouble again it d Ispa sa lug that ho lie Is I 1 to goon the lock alio pil lu lit ogden soon among other things ho lie has been planning to itlie a age a general dt ller of inmates at the ach reform rin school AT nul FAIRVIEW iviEw mrs Fit derick christensen Chrls has for ua days bea u lying seriously ill i Leou nril poulson inho has been spending a couple of weeks here herc returned to snit salt lake saturday claronce Clu vanco of this plate und and misa miss vernetta vernette brigg briggs of oak creek creel ere nt fit Manti Wednesday file cit administration has decided to inake a it astren strenuous bious attain attempt pt to check theLl the ti garette evil be bes s mis its down fiata oien sunda aud and her brother oscar oslar christensen monday summoned by the bey u ere illness of kacir mother i C olden und anti son gentee returned i last from front where they ahne spent the winter george has bean been teaching reaching one of the rooms in lit the public school a it part of this aln week tho tile itell bell tnIe telephone phone buado thu tho Fat company an oner offer that they feel they can accept and they will doubtless make arrangements during tho coming week beteby beneby they can join in ill some softie way any with nith tit the big corn pan considerable dissatisfaction liis IIA been caused br b the tho nay ay in which john L bench luia has been recommended for postmaster which culminated in lit u citizen meeting ne eting tuesday me evening for the purpose of allo ving iring the public to muku a choice instead of the tile executive io committee of the republican part making the selection at tills this meeting lorenzo peterson james L peterson ind and jumes james II 11 ha were candidates dittes the latter iving tite the choice of tho the meeting SPRING CITY 1 barti murch march it 11 au to the tile wife of charles olsen u daughter S 8 T beck went to Spring springville vIlle friday frida da to visit his son nho alto ig Is kick blek there J P carbon carlson cattle home from front bait salt lake cl last and anti ie turned j j thomas came home from front malt halt lake cita tuesday sick and hie lite wife came the tile next dav da last wednesday quite a number of j to bear ill laher ter tw to find orli on tho beet farms farm in bilat I 1 i cil clusty lity mrs rose of who wie wits taken to a hospital in salt I 1 luke lake cit citi last ast week werl waa as oj rated uon upon hai ha Ingon ngone of heri legs is til lilt bated atlow file knee horace lai laar nr and may barben nil sill came I 1 homo home from salt lake city this WL week th horace and lu lhnn ar lime been employed ump IP loyed ba 1 tho the desert ahe block t for foree Krul months ri a w UINTAH COUNTY vernal ernal march ed F 11 Har armston meton is preparing a new now map of ulilah county for the county commissioners the rho dry fork people aho vho bo ha have hae e been in town during the wee report about eighteen inches of snow still on their farming land john 0 evane evans and S 11 R bennion are wintering about head of cattle cattie attle attie oval the range north of vernal and across green river S 11 I 1 dilman haa hats removed one of the old landmarks of vernal by tearing down the large barn at the corner of 0 vernal avenue a ond nd first south street X A ross was in vernal monday he haa has completed tho the erection of is house oo 00 bis his homestead near tho tile highwater high water bridge on the duchesne Du chesno river above aboe theodore some of the youngsters ahme been burglar lAag og the naples school house during the winter and large quantities tie of poncia rad other school supplies lim 1 a e I 1 cen taken b bv them tho the trustees believe they halt au found the tile parties ed F and diml E tue day afternoon from ilief havo lime completed the surveys ol 01 tho tile townsite te they say ruy that the anon Is all gono gone 1 PA the tile dry gulch country and it will elou be possible blo to cor cora amente mence fanning farming in that section of the bridge u whito white ner roer at tit the point where the mail line crosat s it was carried aa thursday for dae the ico loo had gorged in the river und and formed an immense ice dam when it broke boobe it carried the bridge with it ks tha the uintah railway company compan anticipated tho the loss ot of tile bridge they arranged a cable to raio al ra niall mail 0 over er so e n was as no delay in the mall mail service lee chere was it wild rumor OB on the streets the birst of the week to the effect that the tho indians had burned about 1000 worth of logs and lumber belonging to iru ira D L laman man on his homestead near leland Sil sharill and find lyman started tuesday forenoon to investigate luestig ate the tile mutter matter but when them pack pact e end nd harmston they learned that tho tile rumer runor was fate 0 o ahw to vernal G RA N COUNTY moita I 1 line time mach filth john E brown has bought tho the 1 arthur k ta taylor y lor ranch below mo ib james dubols dubois ni will ill clot move e to colo hh this wm afek h where lie it is hied on I 1 ind ihen illert tius bt en some softie heavy hemy real estate transfers lately from one cod cad of the tile valley alley to the mothr r ed of t bluff 14 4 making moab it visit this week eek looking after contracts for proposed new buildings mrs william Vill villmore mote and children 1 ifft ft friday morning for pat pit s ou i where they ingling t their heir home alto Il ert dark clark cattle in from froin the acsa last evening und and reported that them hud had been unable to bleak weak it load into gold basin after several davs effort it Is reported at moab this wk deek a new warin gement will take charge of the tile interstate inter state stute mining property nt tit gold ilasin basin during th present month little tattle tins 1 becu dou dow during A I 1 inter on tic ac count of vea o 0 3 snow and breakdowns the the tile past wiek birte laid up tip friola snow on the la lit and anti it BOW DOW looks its if the tile season would alx lx late for the tile prospectors A large amount of de development ic nork hab been mapped out for tilt corning coming sef sep feon son especially tit atiel and und miners basin itna round around tile bends of mill and anti deep freak i |