Show JOHN U BRYNER WANTS LETTERS IN THE ESTATE jihnu john U gryner hai lint appl applied led to the district court for blatteis of tuition in the estate of his mother mot lier margaret br net who died at price on the loth of lat list the petit petition lon state 4 that tit the heirs lire tire henry 0 G kuhn mabel he lie berl naugle 1 Nit nitelle egle hay icily ilond helen J Fa fausett Fuu sett Wiett james X brynn Bir birbarie barit V 1 mcmullin knoch enoch C ahner 1111 ito willa E anderson liau A jacob A bryner dalith M eppick bh und and the pe petition titlow r the tate conalee of a one on third Inte tet in lit two pamels of land ou oil of tent tanti tin ind the other of a hundred und and sixty lu in carbon county and nd town nt itt price nil all of 0 the daltit of about 2 ua due search and inquiry irti been mude for a will but none has L n found |