Show proposition 0 BONDING TOWN money would complete the AD water system TO ALSO RAISE PRESENT DA DAM M SEVERAL FEET matter to be submitted to vote of the people by special election next month at it special meeting of the tile town last friday evening the office of town clerk marshal und and road supervisor held b iq henry flack waa was declared vacant cant J 0 Ferguson was named va ae as marshat and road supervisor and ara celb pace paco town dark clerk the clerk wag wits ordered to it at anc make up tip the poll tax hat and yet get the he sume in lit intelligent tell igent shape 0 so o us as to get in till tills tax at once dr ar wark ark on 00 the streets in lieu the boy boyo who are playing truant from thi ill public schools are to be rounded up tip by th the marshal urshul in whilo while those who inake a it habit of jumping on and off railroad rall road trains are also to be looked after the mattor matt of bonding the town toi fol thee the completion of the waterworks extension proposed and land which was dis cusand in last weeks advocates ad acate ocate ea 19 gal a a came up lly by unanimous un ote of the tile board it its decided doI ded to cill call a it special electa election on for the alth of april it ft ie is pro proposed to boad bond tor for ten tell thou thousand dollars for ten ear ears with the privilege of paying the bonds off after five 3 ears jn in tho the estimates arnado it appear that 2400 ft be required for cornew new piping besides that no noy on hand and tin unused used for eri ellare larg ing the preen presen reservoir 1800 tor for labor for hydrant hydrants and about to take up town wai wat rants nov outstanding tee tre reservoir la lit to be fenced agaid live stock of all kinds aa its well the rhe proposition to bond he ho to bae a publication of four speko inthe in the advocate beford an election can be held kotce not ce of the same will be found in another portion of this thisie in pre pres ailon slon |