Show PASS TOWN 1 lt he to it resolved by the be board of trustees of arh ts that price ta in order to me cure cura water and rights for or the purpose of providing and applying a waterworks r tern for or aid said price town that raid said price t town OU lii la hereby authorlee guthorl led ed and way purchase pu onu thousand thou band ot of the capital lock stock of tho the paco water company the water represented by sald said shares ot stock to be diverted thrU gb water mains from m to be and constructed by sal I 1 urice town said shafts of fater tater mock stock to be purchased aeed at a price not to exceed seventy we e reata cents per share passed approved and ordered published thil this A D 1905 J IV ROW nt attest at teat hosny FIACK town clrk cl rk or UTAH I 1 b COUNTY or OF I 1 hemby heiob that the resolution was regu regularly larl y and du y po by the bo ird of bruste truit efi of price town jand ad that the forr for is I 1 a tru true aud correct of aid sald as the same now appears cl of reaud in my office omee HENRY HACIC tow clerk cler dated price utah march marchl IS 1 1 1905 I 1 C OS rim First pub march 16 lat april 1 13 |