Show MORE KNOCKING KNOCK INri THAN BOOSTING tho fol follow loi ing from jast last weeks emery county progress Pro giess contains a chollot lot of truth A As tin all illustration of tho the noil nott enterprising sel fish and greedy spirit that characterizes characterize tho the aver uge awe M salt lake business roan mail lot let us look at what is being dono done at tit green river and elgin in in emery und and grand counties in tho the litter latter town ft a few feir n v days ago a it gasoline launch N was as placed in ill coi commis ninis bion on foi toz the purpose of prospecting the resources on and adia cout to tytha the green iud colorado ri rivers ors ivil LM in utah when once under de clop ment these resources will aill open up onu ono of the richest mineral bolts belts in the country vho aho is backing this enter pris and putting up tho the capital for it ID and til taking icing all tho the chances of failure colorado capital in a it few days hence there will bo be launched at tit green river a it fine little gei and f freight that will make regular trips between green river town and moab bringing to the view of thousands of heclo pea 10 lo egme of the most beautiful and grandest scenery on the american cont continent nent whose enterprise and capital Is backing this plop position ion lon and eastern peoples to be sure when both enterprises are stripped of all semb lanco lance of risk or failure fali tire the salt lake merchants will bo be sending their drummers down thero there and preaching patronize salt lake city jobbing houses when mien an un attempt was mado made to develop the east pru ern utah oil field which by the way is is still a good ono one how much salt lake jake city capital was spent in the proposition A few dollars for locatI locating nF a few thousand acres was all salt lake city folks have money to spend in idaho canada and mexico but nary a cent ia will ill they chance toward building build hog up such sueh enterprises as those above mentioned and in their own o wu state too lt As a it of fact in ill salt lake city there is more knocking than boosting done to utah enterprises |