Show SEES GOOD IN ONE MAN FROM GEN ERAL condemnation comparing habits H of its people with of other Coun countries trie ho he find finds something to brals Pr alt I 1 monk monks not all laz for the of at me I 1 cannot duluc myself blat feeling of af resent is the which eo no many fellows in the fore forc exhibit wrote a member of col cot joung hus bada expedition hile in lasso lassa last august the abo anost objectionable able point about thomas the gnass of the in Is that tb t they are ver veri dirty but so aru I 1 think many folk in india who hav have not 0 o t the excuse of the old cold atje ham me lets are not more filth than thousands to be seen la in tho the punjab and lassa itself la Is ool urse than many parts or Ca cahutta lutta it la lit quit quite as clean aa as pekin the fact tact 1 that en n the mat ter cr of the tibetans must be judley ba h ej standard stand arti the tte bettor better clashes look carefully care fulli after them and their habitations babl tatton at the present resent moment he the mission people are living in a hou house of naich the rooms RIP me cleaner than those of an english hotel secretaries abbots and the people of that kind do not near rear dirty clothe whereat on other frontiers front tera of india I 1 have met many chiefs chief and boss bass mullahs who could not possibly posit bly bo be admitted into nto drabin rooms roams for m ofin n part P art I 1 cannot vee i trod of Wre headed eil k banding in the gateway of sonn somo creat rn u s ig tery without my rantui baoni n ni s back to nid times tirrel such an as our england herself I 1 wv nc when aliese same moche nere supreme in europe and cajoled anu ana coerced hail ruled the people there dipre ft ere among ahem s now in tibet devout and anti learned men man intriguing aai political men cruel anti lascivious men men dull lull of understanding like the beads of tho field all ot at these my be seen in any uny of the monasteries around labsa in take lianda hands of the be tibetan monks Is all the art and learning of tho the the comment 01 the sacred felest ex and valte rite new ones nea every mon monastery artery to s aliso a library the monks barve and paint they haold tro tto budihas and the anti fan ran efful and chinese goda gods aich adorn wen overl abrine are clat cist from their tip signs but the lamas are ure the folk whom I 1 have heard the severe evereit it etric tures it Is stated that they form the backbone of ot resistance but the priest militant Is not an unknown figure tn in other countries again it Is ld the live fat easy lovci on the husbandry of other others that la Is a cam complaint plaInt I 1 I 1 1 have reason to believe which alfo may m ay be heard beard about brah mars dolzea and the priest of a nun dred rell dons aa As for the lamas fore ine ing tom and clothing out of the people that la Is incorrect one may lamas nt at the plow and with tue the epin pin p ning wheel heel |