Show TOWN AND COUNTY n tho cortrel enLa and state tair fair crowd from eastern JEaa tern utah Is large one ne thia this I 1 jear robert Gr greenwood eelwood Is ij ao no IOU louet gor arouty uty sheriff harry J world hs resumed the tile duties castle dak date s eclectic elec tic light plant plaoma Is elected to be installed by new 1 ara ar a and serving patrons the tho at tit einer enter atako academy at castle dale ie is quite near the one hundred mark marl J 11 Nl baa ha built it aul hub sidewalk from his business alace lace to the court house work is on tho the creamery bunding building at huntington tue marlit nery is now en route the harmon Olson Merci mercantile coin pany stock of funeral goods good hal aoa been ordered und and la Is boon soon tu arrhe mra mrs hulda karll earll of rucker ruck erha has purchased of mra birs ath heu hou waggoner the stage station ut soldier station vouchers Teo Tou chora chers examinations are tire to be held hold at cantle dale october loth and diat also at price on the same dates harry 3 world hns has ghen up the idea oc of establishing it re in the building to the east of dr riske office marriage Murr lugy libuse waa issued last tuesday to DrIg brigham hain stevenson bt evenson of Sunny sunnyside side and delpha west of desert lake juhn john bottino hillst week bought the jamea james mccune property on main street at helper the consideration being 3 10 1 0 the government la Is at this timo time asking for hide bids for carrying the tile enalls in western state from july 1 aw to june au no 10 1910 it it 11 mcdonald has rented the building of J 13 millburn to the west meet ot of tho tile adnot advocate ato office and will occupy the situe same na eta tho leade reads to the south way at tit some ome time have been in worse mom condition thau than now but the tile oldest inhabitant liaa has now recollection of it 1101 8 A harris fartut fr nurl rl principal of t the kniery stake at tit castle dale dajc will III thia this carbe prin cipal of the spring glen olen school the town hoard board monday even evening jug appointed robert mckana registration agent forthe for the coming coaling election hia his office bator thu hank bull ing county ct 0 flar u ribon has been to his room nt at helper for a week with ft a eore sore right oye re suiting froni from getting it cinder tinder fro from i a locomotive in it the wagon road cout mines north of price was dam darnis teed ged considerably by tho the into lateral balti 1 storms poo pie wanting coal have been somewhat in consequence mn tience klueh roland lately signal sergeant in charge of the tire government trient telegraph office at price waa fined aad coata costs by justice curtis last tuesday fer for dlo charging learnia lr Ire arnia arrus within the tonn to vrn limit limits governor john jolla 0 cutler has hits ai ap pointed edwin V lev I 1 0 of nine mile as a delegate to the good broadi conven tion william howard la Is named irem emery monr from granil und and hardin lian nion from vittali the benefit dance and entertain trent elnen tit town hall tuesday ening ten A lag Grcen Grecul wool rood who Is eoon t to 0 go ou oil a ladon rn to scotland and licit finite well attended and an a comfortable sum wa realized for or him parcia io tile the oraon 0 rho n 1 hat furniture and Ms of the alark hotel from U IL 11 aurtis and tako tak poses pos lilon tha eeb abir curtis la 18 et undecided whether he will remain I 1 ia a price ho he may r turn to his farm at however it Is I 1 undre tod that swett lawley and wade have been granted ft a rut of per ton by the tile RIO to grando system for the coal coat from front their lulao north of 4 St 14 pilm pil liff m ilea to salt lake city Whet or tr this will permit of their working the mine la Is a nt known at a meeting ot f the town board last monday telling taj th salary of the town marshal was alved at 78 at year it aa as decided that tho the water works a stem le extent extended a us ai i for as the th present ye yar ar k allond ux loni of pipe id Is on the wt wry y at tit this time tho the beish new year began last friday morning the ear ie Is the tile since the creation and for ten days clays special rell religious glows xer cleed are am held hie stowing of n thu ram rame urn oo 00 h N a feature of the daye days the day of t the Atou atonement ement on oil at h a sy abam ab am diner glitter and autt otto hurter harteros Hart erot of hober heber oil oila vl open up a general merchandise store at tho the towny itu on 00 the ie nar near the junction of the duchesne nud and strawberry rivers the name will be glenera harter and will be ready for bu bubines sines 4 early next week four of the colwes in the county jail dug their way out of the south wall of the building last tuesday afternoon they had been working on the wal wall for two days with nails and mad beer bettio stoppers st opra there yas vas a burglary charge against them M 1 B whittle of salt stilt lake city will have spent alenty five thousand dollars in ili his irrigation enterprise in emery county between forron and emery before ho fie ie to through with the proposition about eight thousand acres of land will bo be brought under tinder ditch mrs adelbert oviatt pas passed away at Cleie cleveland land it week ago capt sunday of or typhoid fedor she was the augh ter of mr and mrs barney stephens oc or aud and was 39 cours brot of ago ac at the time of lierde seq 8 la Is survived by a husband uld live tive children six of her children are dead mr and mra mrs fred J thomas have moved from price to Sunny sunnyside Suun yaldo side to it make that camp their home borne mon day evening they were wery ien a our prise by A number of friends who took along ot various kinds the evening was wu eti I joy ably passed byee by overdue rone present chool thool the ol 01 I 1 wade hotel tit castle ciatu ia being lifted fitted up b the tire etith atiel 1 compact ua its it bo botzung trUng house heat and hot tot mid cold eold water and bath baths aud and toilets being added the will ba under th tile ol 01 J C heat best who looks after the hattiet hot tiet tit t tho the company lit the oth thre e f euils ot t thia tills county mra mrs delphin A carli 11 widow wido of the tile late hawley it L barll of W afield ld has applied tor for letters administration on the estate which la N to bo be worth about nine nice thousand dollars do lare seven thou of which Is personae per personal sonai and about two thousand in ili mil real estate of 0 the sevan thousand personal four thousand Is in cadili froni from ili life tile inacy friends of alm ida robinson the tile eldest daughter of W A robinson ahlet clork ciporkin in tendon welbia office 1 of tho rio 1110 grande railway will be grieved to learn ot of be bs death from typhoid fever at st harka marls hospital sunday morning she ha has been seriously III fr for some time and waa was thought o 0 0 be improving when the end cant salt lake herald ild up to the closing ot t the tile land at vernal laet last 81 afternoon ago filings had atsa maile made on uintah lands aggregating oyer acres an average ot or about twelve k day now armoor to the call and the loca loc eions ore are pretty well scattered tho the greatest gred test attention just now ix ing to the tire land along the tile uintah river below the whito rocks agency cherp a nuro num berot brot have been made within the paal past few day days abe old of govnor cutler ia la ask eked to assist in anding the 19 boar dd old eon ilion of rs 11 bead of splitlog mo M L 0 I 1 in n a calnin uni cation to the governor sira mrs iana states tate that tho last she i aca aiani of him wae that ho raa arrest ed at t helper donjune ran ing log in h I 1 illo BIG grande boxcar b he haa as ll IH l A t light h dr blue ets udd and weighs IM pound pounds lends nahne dwa does cot not 11 ap 1 poor pear ou on tho the jail rewind ut of thin this county it arrested at ut tiow eor he might have paid bip fine at a recent meeting ot 0 the hand commercial t b the question ot a wagon road connection through fantl can on nith perron aud dud other emery county points was opened and the v to cate with the chairman ot of tle emery county committee with a it low lu of ar ranging for ati all early start upon the work from joth side sides of the mountains aa as soon as the fro fi oat 3 t Is out boutot of tho the ground next spring it was the con of opinion that a god good road through beautiful manti canyon nill soon make this route the tile favorite for business or pleasure and chete la Is no doubt whatever wha of tta its jid jad aly erly consummation |