Show JURORS DRAWN FOR THE OCTOBER DISTRICT COURT following Is lea a list of the petit lur jur ore ors drawn for the september term ot tit district court for carbon county to be holden holders nt at price race beginning 1 october irth boxt clear crak darld juadell Ku adell an brew drew sheppard james birch castle gate charles john daniels william R babcock chris davi 0 H 11 winter quarters Qu artere sidney rotor potter williom Will lom ki john shaloy george gearge ahi bohu gentry F P A young daniel harrington too tou jr john petter potter WillI atit ramsey Bar arice 1 11 frandsen aa J it whitmore icren olyen olsen 0 F burlow ld birj J lewis lara lars hellier W WJ J aill hi spring olen glen J X miller wellington 8 11 fred R R branch jr |