Show REMAINS OF LATE HAWLEY H EARLL LAID TO REST WITH PYTHIAN Py rHIAN HONORS PROVO utah sept 22 aho glubt au servia to be paid to the late lato hawley 11 earll of 0 the tile town board of scofield who has resided for eara ears past in that cal cerop kuok place wednesday the deceased is aa its an enthusiastic in hirt life and the services were iti in charge of Hath rathbone bone lodge no 9 knights of lythi 1 of which body lip lie una aa a charter member As A the was to be in u the amily family plot at provo an early sen semlee tee at aas tiec and find so ut at 7 a brief ser er aitio waa was held at tho the home which wait wax attended by a very lurge large naul cumbe numbe bojo ft of tho the citizen citizens or scofield elo ills asa ocia tea in n public life hie his brotheris brot bro heie theis und anti und and annoy who his bounties in their anted were tit atthe the ser ices A brief address of comfort tj efort find eulogy was delivered by the rev 11 A simpkin and the lodge teok took its it way to the the depot where the body waa was on the train and anti boru to provo at kt thia this garden city lodge no 10 waa was in waiting and y joined the delegation la in 6 r ho the clovo intile 4 try wry where tho tile beautiful sevim evac was spoken tied tin nedr sa tie dis by simpkin grand chancellor J M X beattle of winter cra tind had conlo lu and 1 I together with Garti gartice cn city badge no aj li 10 had charge of the arrangement 4 vf mr air carll was lorn lu in ogden thirty throe three a bears ago though of 0 rail trail r i le ue livo 1 a i we eind anti ahlf be he dw gilld nai tarnas t arnas tor er turie be he leuel a competency for hie and four children mra mrs earll if to it daughter of W 0 burrowe burrows aa all old resident of athla the death of 1 air earll Is mourned by a large hoot L of friends in castern utah who loved hint him for his tits sunny fiut ster ling integrity td id broad ob arity |