Show J saloon I j ROBIN SCHLEGEL proprietors ebors t 4 e t fine wines bonded whisky eastern beers it finest cigars private club rooms in con lection tion hay grain and stabling it a 4 Cc colton Atoll utah t 4 4 W H AT LAW PRICY UTAH in lilithe all the co courts U arta of the state alio also la to the federal court courts omee at court huss P r JOHNSOM alexanders ALEXANDER S FOWLER JOHNSON FOWLER ATTORNEYS AT LAW S MAIN STREET salt lake city utah R A KIRKER KIRKE OuT me E examinations and reports on mines special POOW attention given 01 to hydro 1 barboo in eastern U utah tab and western colo rdo pado Poat POsto Adrea eee price pried ld jtb and sad grand junction colorado Co lorido WILLIAMS BROS PLACE SCOFIELD UTAH nothing but the best whiskies wines cigars beers and mixed drinks is the yb latest pianola husir on tip tap punching bags club rooms eto etc in connection best conducted and finest resort in the great coal camp k |