Show E tu ca r y CUU t cl y N e WS CASTLE DALE castle dele dale broeren Iro eren aug ith mr air and mrs airs W C behunin returned home yesterday from chicago I 1 mr air and mrs airs G W brandon have spent ane week in richfield and mt nit pleasant C A glazier state bank examiner was in castle dale yesterday making un tin official visit prof and mrs airs G F hickman of cristle dale have an all addition to their lock flock of little ones the new now comer is a girl val acord Acor dand and family J T hand and family and ray pay jensen and family all till of castle dale arc are camping in upper joes valley mr air and mrs airs A A day and some of their younger children are visiting their daughter mrs J A christenson in sevier county mrs airs charles Wen grenn of salt lake county after a pleasant visit with wi ith her brother john nordell at Cla clarnon Claw non departed for hume monday 11 P ottosen and family aren hansen and family and miss anna seely a party that left for the uintah reservation on monday clarence the 6 year old son of C P andrson anderson of castle dale came near losing hl hh i right eye a few days ago by contact with the edge of if a large urge piece of lass eugene the 14 year old od son of mr air and mrs peter johansen sustained a potts fracture of his right ankle on tuesday while in the act of holding down a calf for branding castle dales baseball team tean was obliged to cancel its game at price today on account of half the member WN of the team being camped or ene caged ged with live livestock stock in the mountains district attorney woods was notified by judge ericksen yesterday that the regular summer terms of the district court for grand and san juan counties had been postponed till november tho the regular full fall periods for such terms county attorney dickson and sheriff beel returned today from green river while there dickson prosecuted mel guyman for an a assault with a shovel upon thomas whiteside over water layman pleaded guilty and was fined fated fifty dollars and costs 0 temperance with prohibition for its ita goal was given another boost forward in castle dale last monday e evening V ening when the huntington committee of the mothers prohibition movement invaded the county scat seat accompanied aarom danied by several advocates of the cause that is winning grett clanty in utah W T jonca jones an old resident of huntington as brought over to castle dale a few days ago suffering in a peculiar manner from inflammatory rheumatism in the right leg the severity of the ailment had caused the tendons to draw the ankle out of joint and this condition remained so for eight days clays an interesting home hoi be case will soon be heard in castle dale growing out of a a suit by eck hambrick against nate biddlecome of ferron biddlecome had bad the horbe chich H hambrick W replevin ed biddlecome states he purchased I 1 I 1 e horse for burdick of Sunn side and ift 1 the latter claims to have hae gotten the animal of thiele thiede blackburn of wellington who raised it hambrick clair claims ns to ha have e purchased the ho horse ri ff of george kofford of castle dale ho lie of paul judd the latter of soren bonset Hon set cr hansen of camei 01 sen and olsen or somebody else of blackburn As tim matter is untangled some peculiar developments may appear orangeville ORANG EVILLE E L 1 peacock who haa has been at dragon for the past tv two 0 years is 1 3 home on a visit forest inspector Feathe rotT and wife of salt lake city have been spending some time upon the range assistant forester spring specialty is the planting anderie and arre of tree nurseries is dally daily expected to visit district no 2 C A stilson charles curtis A AI fullmer frank fullmer Full rne mei will full mer and frank powell have gone to clear creek to work in the timber T G humphrey and wife of salina father and mother of ranger humphrey arey have spent the past few dayton the rang visiting with their son 11 E jensen of ephraim assistant ranger is looking after the road work between ephraim and castle dale for which the government has appropriated mrs airs george L fail fall and mra mm edward mccarrick of salt lake city and the lat tere bister mrs van luven of new york city are visiting relatives and friends in orangeville Orang eville roldo peacock and wife of manti are visiting relatives in orangeville Orang eville peacock has just returned from the reservation he lie reports everything looking fine and thinks some of returning to locate PERRON FERRON thai barton was dangerously ill early part of the week mrs airs claire lowry has gone to mccammon ida to join her husband mrs john lowry jr arid son lawrence of manti are visiting biting vi with relatives and friends in forron mr air and mrs airs oscar mo morgan and children left for st anthony ida on monday for a visit with their aunt mrs airs eliza davis the old black hawk fighters of emery and carbon counties and an army of their friends reveled in a campfire meet in lemons grove on on wednesday and thursday of this week mrs airs ann wrigley Wrig lcy wife of joseph wrigley passed away early tuesday aged 55 5 years she was the first white girl born in amen an fork and until her marriage resided there with her parents she and her husband were N ere also among the cry first persona persons to settle on ferron crr cre fk vit deceased leavea leaves four sons and four daughters besides her husband to mourn her loss low huntington new arrivals in the past few weeks are a boy at dave da davis vis and a girl at frank guymont Guy mons james W johnson returned hotha last satui Satu saturday day iday from a mission in hoi 1101 land where he has been laboring a little over two year yeam the coop co op store is all worked up over changing hands this eek reek W A guymon jr ir going out and the granges an and othora putting J II 11 stevenson in to manage the busi business nets lion joseph E johnon Joh ngon an ex member of the utah legIa legislature ture passed peacefully away at his home in huntington on august ath surrounded by hia hii wife children and a host of relatives and friends for the past two berrs johnson suffered as few men ever have with wit n an ailment that the skill of 0 the last in the aate helas he was born torn at santaquin San january 31 int his parents v ere of othellio the pioneer neer stock who entered utah in 1801 1851 |