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Show NOUNCED 12:30 1:00 1:30 LAWRENCE O WELK SHOW HOLLYWOOD O SQUARES O EL RANCHO GRANDE O SPORTSWORLD WIDE WORLD OF O SPORTS USA 6.30 was program organized by the U S Olympic Committee in order to provide an for opportunity American athletes to take part in Olympic-typ- e It competition consist events. of com- 26 petition in including summer sports. many 2:30 Olympic plus and oO THE RACERS BUFFUM AND COMPANY SPORTS O 1i SPECTACULAR WBA-WB- pet (R) (CAPTIONED) Product Tots' Learn 'Moving, Liability, how to one-eght- detect illegal some practices moving companies use to overcharge ) COLGATE Q EUROPEAN OPEN Top clients, and pick up hints on how to cut legitimate costs. The also program examines the effects of the "sue somebody syndrome' that has raised the cost of products and product insurance, liability and offers advice on what to look for m selecting a day care 3:00 Sports will provide live coverage of the third round of play m this prestigious golf tournament from 90 Pennsylvania. MOVIE Last runs W (ADVENTURE)" 4 00 Command 1955 4:30 Hav" 1 Anna A!lq,.;r we and n Be s p a; Texans m,i-- e stand at the Aamo hrs.) j Page 97g 4, O TO TOP-IFriday, T p.i.t-v- r AN- - ij seme :u(;to to selecting 5:30 O H PREMIUM j! NON LEAD :i care a day GONG SHOW 0 TURNABOUT (CAPTIONED! T- REGULAR fpr in center I! FERGS -e Wax .V-ct v'.nn' men society we T"e R.--,- r, v (Jf n t"e p u'neer on the , West 'S using scenes and mu ogue A" DIESEL ICE 50C BAG jt icjn t What PARTS Llh P'-J- ' FERGS DELC0 ) compart 'S overcharge ci,-e-and pick up h' ns on how to cut g '.mate costs. The also x,rm:-.e- s me effects of me sue somebody that has syndrome raised the cost of products and product i. ability insurance, and advice on CAMPER SHELLS): A C mins (CAPTIONED) ng L ability Tp.x to detect ) BE (60 ho For W SPORTS O CHALLENGE O HEEHAW CONSUMER O KIT SURVIVAL Denver and the Ric EdGrande" 1952 O E ;t;n mond Sterling K,, n Chronicles tm? bunding of the Rio Gra- : and Railroad through me Roval Gorge n me m.rs HOWTO... Wck Adonais" MOVIE 1870s. (90 0O u ROUNDTABLE NBC NEWS CBS NEWS 0Mourns ,2 WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW OLD 6 O t With Wood 5:00 STAR TREK o O O 0O AFTERNOON O professional woman golfers, including among others Nancy Lopez and the Colgate European Open defending champion Judy Rankin, compete for the title at the Golf Club in England (2 hrs ) TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES 3:30 BONANZA PGA CHAMABC PIONSHIP center 12.00 m,d chamdieweight pionship bout 2) The Whitney, featuring and up in a h mile and race from Saratoga, New York (90 mins CONSUMER O KIT SURVIVAL It based j! tooi-- s on od letters . everts in diaries, and wspapers FERGS 743-979- 3 south end ot Fillmore EVENING 6:00 0TUNE e classes to be ) O ISLAND FANTASY A taught for young woman with ideas revolutionary about how to run a a household and attitude and her plumber who wants to A Chi iNim.is Si a) surlve like a king arrive family's dependence on her. Olivia decides on Fantasy Island vive program id tne I tan to get away from her Guest stars: David Lung Assm i.imi Hi is lu ma problems by taking a Doyle, Diane Baker. conducted this week and R 60 mins.) icb on Guam. R next in Millard Counts ler ECONOMICALLY IN PER O SPEAKING Airline FORMANCE AT victims of ihror.K lung Alfred WOLF TRAP Dionne disease. But Deregulation' is prevention of the Civil Kahn Warwicke' Superstar more effective, less cosily Aeronautics Board. Dionne Warwicke of William Callison of 18 songs, and within the grasp sings Delta Airlines and ranging from her own every citizen, according to Senator Edward hits, such as Say a Ffankiin K.. Brough, f seLittle Prayer, Kennedy express the to a em ive Director. of pros and cons collection of songs Respiratory disease selt-earairline regulation. others have made 7:00 O THE BIONIC classes are being famous, including I WOMAN Jaime Feel Like in the Fillmore and Making taught Sommers enrolls at a Love' and '1 Honestly Delta Citizens Senior Love You.' (60 mins.) college to discover Centers July 31 to August how a student 10.00 NEWS 11. Jill Feigal and Beverly is MOVIE compurter whiz managing to steal (DRAMA) Holmes, trained instruc$25,000 a night in OSI 1948 Hamlet" tors of respiratory self-carfunds. (R: 60 mins ) Laurence Oliver. Jean are teaching the ABC SATURDAY Simmons. A young O COMEDY SPECIAL classes. Dr. Brough said. Danish Prince conThe Archie Situation a is tends with murder Miss F'eigal Musical Comedy and madness (2 hrs., of chest physisupervisor 30 mins.) Variety Show' Archie cal therapv at the IDS Andrews, the 10:30 O MOVIE comic strip Ball (COMEDY) Hospital in Salt Lake Cits. character, comes to of Fire" 1942 Mrs. Holmes is the public Gary television with all ot Barbara Cooper, his friends for an hour Stanwyck. Delightful of entertainment and play on 'Snow White' music. (60 mins ) as a burlesque queen BOB NEWHART who moves in with O SHOW Dr. Hartley s seven prissy professional integrity professors studying to the is strained American slang. (90 breaking point, mins.) during a confidential 10:40 O HAWAII FIVE-An Italian journalist therapy session, a when who has information patient s confesses that he that could lead to tne committed so'ution ot a kidgran larceny (Rj case napping FIESTA LATINA It is witnnolds it. citing frequently associ7:30 FIVE DIMENSION freedom of the press with ligareite smokated SUMMER (R; 60 mins.) LOWELL 11:30 ing and with other abuse SATURDAY O REMEMTHOMAS of the lungs. Some people NIGHT LIVE Host: BERS D. Charles Dwight Grodm. have a hereditary t. tutor Eisenhower' Guest: Paul Simon which causes them to get 8:00 O NBC SATURDAY (R; 90 mins.) AT NIGHT THE 11:40 O emphysema, even with MOVIE MOVIES to The Land minimum exposure The (DRAMA) That Time Forgot' Jazz Singer" 1927 Al abusive practices." Dr. Stars: Doug McClure, Warner Jolson, Brough explained. Susan Penaligon. The Oland. a When Prevention is the best survivors of a torJewish lad enter?; course of act ion in dealing show business, his pedoed British ship Cantor-fatne- r land on an uncharted thinks with chronii lung diisland populated with he is forsaking his Prevention is sease. P'ehistoric creatures religious beliefs. (80 and primitive men. (2 mms.) by avoiding or his.) 12:00 O WORLD abuse am! eliminating THE LOVE BOAT CHAMPIONSHIP ot ion the irritat lungs stu h Three TENNIS Eddie Dibbs vignettes. as smoking, air pollution, vs Cliff Dryadale 'Gopher The Rebel' Eve Stars: Plumb, 1:00 ADAM 12 occupat itm al exposures, Don Porter Cabin ABC NEWS O Fever' Stars' Antonio NEWS DAY OF Fargas, Kay Ballard. DISCOVERY Pacific Princess 9:30 O ORAL ROBERTS Overtures' Stars: TABERNACLE D'dne Baker, Gary CHOIR Collins iR 60 mms ! 10:00 O WILDLIFE IN SATURDAY Cre-u-.x CRISIS AUG. 6,1978 NIGHT MOVIE Burn' Without T ears Stars. Marlon Brando. MORNING AND ISSUES Evansto Marquez ANSWERS Marlon Brands stars THE FACE O as Sir Wilham Walker. 8.00 IN SCIENCE NATION agent and ci(ivc,nlurtir AGRICULTURE 10:30 MEET THE PRESS who is sent by the 7:00 O HERALD OF LET S FACE IT British government to TRUTH DIMENSION FIVE the Portuguese Island HOME CANNING 11:00 O JETSONS ot Quiemada in the 700 CLUB SHOW Caribbean to wreck 7:30 SACRED HEART RUFF HOUSE the trade sugar BULLWINKLE BRADY KIDS 11:30 O (2 hrs monopoly 7:45 FROM THE JOHN PRINCE Respiratory diseases ( 0O0 0 e well-know- n O ! 00 THAT 0 0 0 0 o 0 ) 0 GREAT FORMANCES PER- Piano Arthur virtuoso Rubinstein oins the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Andre Previn. The concert includes Piano Chopin s Concerto No. 2 m F Minor and Scherzo in Flat Schubert's Minor. Im 00 00 00 0 00 0 0O CATHEDRAL 8:00 JERRY FALWELL ANIMALS. ANIMALS. ANIMALS; SCHOOL. ROCK LAMP UNTO MY FEET 8:30 JA8BERJAW; SCHOOL. ROCK YOUR TURN: LETTERS TO CBS 9:00 REX HUM8ARD GRAPE APE 00 12:00 the improvement, ing nmu association teaches bron hial hygiene to lung disease patients and (heir can so thev xp.iuxrs riniove mucous sc. return that Hoik the flow of air (trough the airway s. 1 hey barn breathing retraining skills so thev can ventilate ol ihtlungs ami : ' m. e 'be u ,'.pp .1 ,rr that is characteristic ot ihronie obstructive lung disease such as emphv-x- i ma, asthma anil chrome bronchitis. W hen path ms learn to exhale air that has been trapped within their lungs, it makes room to take the next breath of air into the lungs. lastly, several genet. d health measures ate taught to help in the of hreat management it' g. hese include gi aded ext rcise, inteciion control and fluid intake. fl- 1 1967 O Brum Hugh John Mms A Kenyan hires two rancher American cowboys to prove the herding and domestication of w i2 animals hrs ) ' 2:00 o 00 0Indianapolis l LASSIE SPORTSWORLD SPORTSWORLD USAC TEXAS 200 champion and tour-lim- e Ai Un-.-- 6.'C ' inl,-vinnc-- r Foyt are expected to tie the favorites to take the USAC Texas 200 a tor race A J 200-mil- e SHOW INTERNATIONAL GRAND PRIX TENNIS championship division indy type cars (2 hrs ) AFTERNOON documentary reports on a lonq search through the mountains of California and Mexico for giant rock left by paintings Indian ancient O O O O uitet turn g alletgv i'ls.ulcx .fid loughm g "I he lungs have a marvelous and delii.ttv ii tense nifihanism w hieb. setv es to keep them i lean and functioning tin h r normal t irtuniM ami x. Bui it ix easily overloaded and throw n out of kilter in today's world of fumes, dusts, mists and smog ranging from home aerosols to dust on the job to cigarette smoke at frequent intervals, said Dr. Brough. While the causes and cures of lung disease are not fully known, breathing improvement for lung disease victims has been successfully taught by the I'tah Fung Association for 10 years. A pioneer in leaching x skills for breathi o 0 0 B NAME 9:00 AR 60 Self-car- I Hugo Corro vs Ronme Harris in a unpredictable chimpanzee. ALL-ST- ANYTHING GOES BABY, I'M BACK with Ray's Col irresponsibility. Dickey s unromantic Flat Mmor. B mms 0 ice hockey from the skating winter qames (? hrs 2.00 in STUDIO SEE This will 00 0Disgusted promptu No. 4 in A Fiat Maior and Brahms' Intermezzo No 2 O MOVIE (ADVENTURE) "Afrlca-Tex- as Style" oMURALS MYSTERY OF BAJA CALIFORNIA This |