Show in eastern and southern utah t 41 t 4 EMERY COUNTY A 4 4 4 4 44 4 caitie CM dale I 1 ro im aa it 11 th R C miller and C P anderson were castle dale visitors in zion this week charley taylor the provo cattle man was v as in toa n yesterday cecur ing some cattle the baby bey iky of mr and mrs claire winters is suffering with a case ewe of whooping cligh the quart quarterly y conference of em cry stake held at huntington tun next saturday and sunday mrs nathalia andersen who has been absent from her home for the past eight months returned to I 1 cas tie tle dale thursday hon orange seely wae was called to salt lake city this week eek to testify i in the coal land cases against the utah fuel company in the court of chancery v it mrs eunice petty aho has been voting at castle gate for the past few weeks returned to hiar 1 hj e i s n costte daly dale yesterday accompanied ac compan 10 j by her daughter mrs belle check otts arthur jene thie thio week purchased eed oed of oscar larsen a vacant lot adjoin ing the late george lot on the south in castle dale for a of on onu hundred undred ami af 0 bollam 4 the fifth and nieth grade boys of the castle date public school went over to Orang orangeville eville ard played a team of boyt of their own ase age beating them by a score of twenty five to iwo wo mr and mid mra mrs albert edwards of castle dale weri were bya byla by a number r f friende friends and neighbors on wednesday evening A big hi jolly crowd was present and the refreshments good and plenty jamea james crawford jr president of the emery county bank was a from manti mantl during the early part of the week ft t Is the opinion f t ef of crawford that financial condi eions tione are taking a turn for the bety tw ter c A ceoly of Castle Dale lale who ho has cabeen been ailing for I 1 ie ja now in sunny sunnyside ide side under ti ue e care of dr dowd mrs orange seely hia his mother left for the coal caina thursday on receipt of a phone that her son on waa was quite eick aik county quarantine physician C J d the precinct health officers who attended atten dd the th state convention of health officers at salt lake city last ack k have all 01 returned and report that emery county took the lead in representation per capita atle ules dailes school 1 closed this week on afternoon dhere were field sports in m which the thedis dis brict school lada beat the seventh grada amy academy team by a score of twenty civet ft to three in n the evenin eveni ag of the same saine day the pupils f enjoyed a fine dance miss sarah clawson who has had charge of the local telephone exchange for or the pait six months will leave for her I 1 iome lome ain n spring city or on monday during her st v here and management of the local hello misa miss has made many friends who regret atin t she is leaving leavi nj dr horace florace W marrill 11 formerly lc locthi of ahn F amery merr academy and ano wt 10 who is now finishing his hi medical cour cobrae seat at the jefferson Colle college geat at philadelphia write to his friend S A harris of castle dile that about att july ay iy ho he will hang out his shingle for practice tice in the county peat mat K N ai H Or nansen cn the spring city strawberry and raspberry berry grower and plant is 1 1 n emery county delivering plants ho ile is is I 1 placing awe eh a thousand raspberry and two JB aaa U 03 thousand usand strawberry plants in m the valley this spring and the prospects are he will double the amount of business next year frank largen cant over from sunnyside Sunny side last week and purchased theold the ald house of joseph larsen Lars enand and moved the same onto his lot deagon ally across the stevet sti act from the court neuse zad is filing up the same for a residence himself and family however ill nut not return to castle dale to live as long as he has good employment at sunnyside Sunny Sunn yide side edmund crawford cashier of the local bank was developing into a crackerjack baseball player until misfortune overtook him bim last thursday while beating out a punt hint to first base in order to make the star play he fatt fatall ll to make a leap to cover tl aach and in doieg so sprained an ankle it will be several days b before he gets into the game uzal in and now is the alms outside towns to challenge th county seat team while it is minus millus one of its artists CLEVELAND clev 2 ds schools closed last friday with a nice program program and dance danee the village school of long ago wai presented by a number of the pupils certificates of pio pi emotion were awarded and other feature features helped make a good program and time cleveland will have an entirely new corpe corps of teft ehrs next year ju 1 L P vo eon who has been principal for so many years baa decided to take a rest from schoolroom work and will either devote fai himself amse if to farming or take the civil service service examination for the forest service difford Cf ifford ther the 14 year old son of thomas B P davis of cleveland Cle velard while splitting split ng cedar wood one day this bew wew was as unfortunate enough to have havea a piece of wood strike him in the let left eye causing a splinter pl inter to perie penetrate the eyeball he was brought to castle dale where dr ferguson removed the splinter and dressed the injured member the farmer farmers about cleveland who have taken up land on washboard flat have been busy lately with sith the 11 lutch ditch exten extension alon through which water ill be carried onto the flat from the main cleveland canei from the eagle extension which is about two miles long and seven feet wide and two tn feet deep another three mile ditch ia being dug four feet wide over foar harred hc acres will be seeded to grain or grass on wash board this thia season huntington our conference people have ret re t turned and report a glod time at the capital both in conference and in the health convention A N of tig flit y was in town wednesday ay delibert de delivering livert nice looking lot of bushes of dif different sorts grapuso raspberries and strawberries we were surprised ett last friday by finding a cw of measles in town A little girl of W J greens broke oui with a rash an ant it proved prove to be measles dr F on ilia his way from silt salt lake city vas called in fad veri verified flod the local dlag nois I 1 our jur ailing ones are still with usi J E johnson johns an for a few days has no 1 felt so N uell ell probably on account accounts Of the change of weather the little wakened child ie a slowly imp improving ovIng jens andersen anderson is also has been poorly for coir d time tim some 1 thing giong with hia hift feet S I 1 rowley wh lives in theo theio uth field ave ta suddenly called to mourn the loss of a little son about 2 vears years old on the par cuts missed the kule J itic one from the house and went ent to look for it and ft it was nowhere in sight A search was made for nearly an hour up and down the field and th cinal canal the fath r finally saw the little one te loaf float ing ng down the stream lie ile gathered it t up but too late to save life principal kellys department of the public school will continue for two more weeks oraon orson nielsen and ernest murphy of salita are vi siti g with their sister aster mrs airs J W humphrey B 3 V luk luke county democratic chairman attended the big demo chatir powwow wednesday evening in Salt Lake city the high school dramatic company presented thelma gain again here heri saturday night and der doroted doru aed ted the net receipts to edward cox who V ho is to acate on a mission to australia next week the play netted finen dollars for the departing de partin 4 missionary the pupils of fred reids department sixth aza and 1 seventh grades of the public school on monday night gave a first class entertainment to an audience that filled every inch of available space in fit the social hall the program rendered was lively and snappy and a good intellectual feast EMERY heber J jorgensan or gensen cn of chicago is visiting with the williams family and other relatives here earty saturday n morning orning last after the theatris theatrical performance given by the orangeville Orang eville high hi gh school and the saloon had closed a couple of sheepherders 4 loaded with redeye stole a couple of overcoats and some other stuff from the carriages belonging to the in the 0 01 jn r hotel yard a 4 packed them oi off to their camp a iw few rt to out cf cl lown own officers were ere notified as soon as the lose loss was discovered and be who ii waa as ere rent went to the camp and made a pearch and found the stolen articles under the bedding of the borders her ders the men were brought to town plead guilty before justice burr and each parted with thirty dollars PERRON FERRON M mrs ra W G of la grande ore ia is visiting with her parents mr and mrs airs ezra funk OrO on monday londay night last mosiah S Beh behunin inin 0 well known knon citizen of paon ton and arid emery coun county ty passed pawed to hia his eternal reat re at he ile has been ailing for several weeks with a stomach igou trouble ble and for years was ni aa a sufferer with white swelling of the leg de clawd was a resident of forron ferron for fourteen or years previous to coming here he acted as a mormon missionary among the indians in the valleys of wayne county and farther south Fun crl serviced servi cej were held in the matting hoube u on thursday afternoon and were attended by a large number of relatives and friends 0 4 4 SANPETE COUNTY V W 4 4 MT PLEASANT MT PLEASANT april 10 at P r rosenberg one of this re 1 specter residents died on saturday of last week old ages weakness was as the cause of bf death his Ilis funeral was as held on monday he ile was a native of sweden and was 73 years of age he if e had lived in utah forty ix 5 cars c ars 8 L F has gone to california on a short business trip born in this city april ath to the I 1 ilife wife of ernest of moroni a daughter c E brandon and family returned irom from salt lake this week to remain after L ending binding the winter there laurence ericka en injured one of lin lim hands one day dal this week running a meri t saw at the ericksen ksen mast Ms v Prod product uoti company where he lie is employed emp loyed pd I 1 irl seely and henry larsen re 11 oa T abc a fc STERN AND TURN concluded I 1 rum ra 8 2 turned last friday from the west est deserts where they have spent the past sh six weeks rounding ronn diny up a bunch of desert borses mrs john romero of this city died sunday of pneumonia she leaves several children some of whom ai aie e young N whom bom she has supported ported d for conle time emil nielson leu anis week for the deaerts de berts after remaining home long enough to get acquainted with a little littie daughter who came to his home a couple of weeks week ago ray harmon and wife h have ae been Ni i the parents mr air and mrs charles musi musij luf f thi city have gone to idaho where here they have a big ranch and where here they tile v expect to settle permanently crowds of loung oung 5 men are lesring the various towns of this section for the shearing corrals of this and neighboring states where they will be employed at the usual spring woi k with sheep for some lime time L Q mccraley returned early in th the e week eek from his trip in search of th the e carload carload of casing aich he had ordered shipped a couple of months ago and which was to be used in sinking the next oil well ell which he expects to put down the car was found near chicago where it had been caught in a train wreck A MORONI I 1 MORONI april 10 H J arnoldus I 1 an enterprising citizen who during a portion of the winter iner has traveled much in the state of wyoming has returned hone home and has posted up bills announcing that his household furniture would be aue auctioned off on thur thursday day thu thi h after which he intends to leave with his family to locate permanently in that state A son of jabez FAUX jr who waa was brought brought home from snow academy t sick 1 with pneumonia is recovering erastus christensen of shelly ida is here helping to arrange the business affairs of james christensen and mrs peter Christ etLen mrs annie has gone to sterling to attend the funeral services over the remains of the infant child of mr and mrs peter S sv ensen dr stewart yot trot a hut ry up call from the home of nelson christen sen where his little boy seized a razor for a 3 plaything and cut his finger very badly morley son of amasa morley hilp hile in the field harrowing turned his team too quick which partly upset the harrow striking him on the leg cutting an ugly gash that required the set services vices of mrs anderon to sew up th the e wound r FAIRVIEW april 10 born to mrs jaco jacob b 1 I bushman on wednesday april t pal ath a daughter archie christensen christense an is home for a few ew days from provo where he has been nt attending tending school since the holidays mrs helena andersen mra mrs maggie sanderson and mrs sarah fo fow les are working in the temple in salt lake this week mr nir and mrs william cheney attended conf conference irence at salt lake laake city and mra mrs cheney iq h vi biting with her alster fit n provo for a few days hyrum defries will leave for his native land in the llan hawaiian ablan wands island on tho the of the prasert month to fill a mission for the later l atter day LS saints binti church SPRING CITY 1 spicing CITY april 19 mrs down from salt sal t olive glazier came to for a wednesday lve lae short time ha db posed of I 1 I 1 jes jai claifon some thir like two hundred thou sand trout to parties in different parts of the state thi ty ive men and boys boya went to wyoming last lase monday where they have the cou contract tract of sh shearing se several eral thousand sheep they expect to bo be IKI absent about three months marshal walker arrested a alexi can here whom lie supposed to be the noted garcia who nho was implicated in n the murder of officer ford of salt lake kut upon examination he MS as rele released asset s k miss myrtle madsen I 1 sick with 21 kidney troubles she us brought brough ta homo home from mt pleasant ast 1st where sha she had been beed lying sick for over a week at the home of her uncle francis bensen latent advices say that MissI miss madsen ladsen 11 be taken to S salt alt lake for treatment one of the enjoyable events of the kind ever held in spring city vas the meeting and bri bibet tiet last I 1 1 fliday iday evening in the methodist church of the sp spring ing city social club twenty five members being present after luncheon was served the rest of ohp th evening was spent in giving toasts and playing of games |