Show SECOND CLASS FARES TO BE discontinued all in the western fasben ger association after mily lat so mccond nd 19 ofa ass a fari Awill 11 be discontinued W whether ther choo chooses ses apa g 0 a chair car or a pullman he mu ae pay the same fare to the railroad company but of course must pay pa the addi lional rate charged by the pullman lit company compani in case his desire leads him to prefer this car to the chair car cur the difference in fares generally will amount to about on all tickets sold out of iho the state and through the he district affected by bv thia this new ruling second clasa class fares vi all be abolished b utah points and the states of alabama arkansas florida georgia illin illinois is idaho indiana oklahoma towa aras kentucky manitoba michigan minnesota Ainne sota mississippi Misa oUti montana nebraska north dakota ohio wisconsin and south dakota the dt di d brict beyond the one just indicated will be affected where tickets are purchased hassed over ever lines un ane 0 er the direction of the Wes western terii passenger 14 association 1 fai |