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Show iB Tuesday, December 30, 2008 The Salt Lake Tribune BUSINESS ; Che Salt La reTribune toler MNT Cam A)3 |e (S2.0"40%) GAINERSLast Chg%Chg wore) ($2 onChg%Chg GAINERSLast (32onwone) GAINERSLast Chg%Chg Name Name AMCOL WCIBk WTCpC Tramp ane 21.23 43.03 +166 Atyin 1791 42.23 +142 Donte 22.0 +263 +136 ApexSly 227 +27 +135 Aemsonic OT Cap 3154 = = +128 2300 +261 LOSERS ($2 on wore) LOSERS ($2 on wore) WHX 258-22 110 ShebP3 2038 662 245 MACC Merich 277 -13 45 Chenire 1068 112 95 Ogebay 15 2009 +50 +295| SentoCp 15 1765 Last Chg%Chg nps ptm 252 -83 -248 watrsun 399 -46 -103 NuSkin 5 26 41541543 SecNt +32 +3831 gartum > oe 9100-490 aal +45+1957| A ee <i Te -50 -100 ¢5 and changed 5 percent or more in price. Underlining for 100 most active on NYSE Vol (00) Last Chg : : ; daily net change, as well as one to two additional fields of information throughout the Name Vol (00) Last Chg Voi (00) Last Chg Name TOAD 86 +02 Nasdi00Tr 600802 3644 +59 SirtusS 611249 211419. 111.16 +146 Microsofts 161768 2083 +31 SPDR 148777 1404 +28 BemaGdd 7349 383 +18 Intel SunMico DUADiam 64805 +34 Semiffr pn +93 Cisco 4185 +141 55751 104.68 130858 aa +51 130771 783 +20 Digthnge 52865 382 -13 JDSUniph Genelec Motorola Nekiatp McDrids ATT Wits 38143 949 +08 TmBo 117779 4058 +53 Shien EoorMil -02 1078 16.16 «115 O82 Pachim 258 +231 366027 2746 +25| 1362 215 +79 week: +09) 314443447 201613 2440 +851 its abbreviation) name company’sfull by thetc listed alphabetically aremacie Name: Stocks tatertat aaah(not tenia! of bil names Coseny PO 231406 514 +186 Last: Price stock was trading at when exchange closed for the day > stock's ticker symbol. Vol: Number of shares traded in hundreds. -04+1750 25.16 FinRT f(D 25.02.10 +842 Arhyth -03 +500 k +38 28.14 SPFnd 15013 +101 2718 +03 +216 sTWIRE Advanced Declined 2,509 Advanced 763 Declined Unchanged Totalissues New Highs 148 3,420 617 237,847,940 Volume 1,942,762,227 Volume Volume Feb 04 87.07 +67 -1.07 the bankruptcy jaw. Appearsin front of the name.Dividend Footnotes:a - Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. b - Annual rate plus stock. c - Liquidating dividend. e Amount declared or paid in last 12 months. f - Current annual rate, which was increased by NaturaliGas NYMX -229 ‘ate. | - Sum of dividends paid this year. Most recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m - Current annual ___Yesterday mele $414.80 Gold (tray 02., spot) rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r - Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date. 1,386,039,868 Source: The Associated Press. Sales figures are unofficial. New Lows 1 12 New Lows New Lows ComMmopities CME 299 3,535 3124 Unchanged Totalissues New Highs 91 970 141 Unchanged Total issues New Highs 4.97 NYMX Feb04 90.81 S most recent dividend announcement. i - Sum of dividends paid after stock split, no reqular 2.272 964 5.05 15 4.15 Heating Oil 691 +10 +129] 5380 +374 +123 594 Advanced 285 Declined 0.85 0.97 Pork Bellies than one security. vj - Company in bankruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under Diary Diary Diary 0.86 FuTURES ear. wi - Trades will be settled when the stock is issued. wd - When distributed. wt - Warrant, allowing a purchase of a stock. u - New 52-week high. un - Unit, including more : ; 1195 +195 +131 +62 HarisHa 1223 +08 +205 NBRESecn 1495 +05 +62 OmniEn 111.16 +146 +57 NVECpn 2901 +27 +184 SPDR CedarShrs NewsCpA =~ 0.76 __Exch Contract Settle Chg Lt Sweet Crude NYMX Feb04 3240 -46 Com CBOT Mar 04 24211 +3 Wheat CBOT Mar04 364 2 Soybeans CBOT Mar04 792 ‘8 Cattle CME Apr 04 73.72 -5.00 to installments of purchase price. q ~ Closed-end mutual fund, no PE calculated. rt - Right buy security at a specified price. s - Stock has split by at least 20 percent within the last -10 +147 123 4.00 2.00 [t 3.24 4.24 30-year vfs 4-\ 4.00 2.00 rt . S-year _ 10-year n- Stock was a new issue in the last year. The 52-week high and low figures date only from 4350 +477 +196 ViTech +70 Yesterday Wk Ago Auswoia 1.464 tee ee te Fi 2.8980. pone are 0 Brazil 33-month _6-month the beginning of trading. pf - Preferred stock issue. pr - Preferences. pp - Holder owes 274 +39 +236 138 -10 +2271 an eins oe Be ae as G z $< Prime Rate Discount Rate the American Exchange's Emerging Company Marketplace. g - Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars. h - temporary exmpt from Nasdaq capital and surplus listing qualification 5.14 +186 +539 382 -13 +195 AltaiNano 1846 +03 +134 oMdgent 2555 +13 +750 DagitAngl 2724 +07 +714 EVLDn pia te company d- New 52-week low. dd — Loss in last 12 mos. ec - Companyformerly listed on 905 +155 +980 Nanogen 33.45 +551 +212 TmBio ' 29400 3 9300 Argent (#0 "ago Stock Footnotes: cc — PE greater than 99. cid - issue has been called for redemption by Votume SurRce +50+1935 3644 Nasdi00Tr ‘Star pfD Met. pfA +A Change:Loss or gain for the day. No change indicated by Stocks with greatest percentage of outstanding shares traded. Surge is in %. Stocks must be worth $1 or more Last Chg Surge Last Chg Surge Name Last Chg Surge Name Name hae Net YTD 12-mo ge i827 oe Ene Cae Set ee ee wastes ek 11,238.63 7,607.86 Nikkei 225 Frankturt = beginning initials appear up 2730 341 +04) 149550 2272 +56 ApidMatl -00 Votume Surce Vo_ume SuRGE StarpB Pubs _Chg %Chg %Chg%Chg +247 +74 +366 +4.45 Res 40841017 +100 222016 1,426.59 Brussels and Nasdaq and 25 most active on Amex. Tables show the stock name, last price and 230001 905 +155 234520 1318 +1g| 47508 308 +16 Nanogen 41142 «120 +03 Oracde «126062 26.00 +25 Whealfig Pizer Chinallen 122425 3475 +274 Haren Ford Last $0450 FOREIGN Low_ Name 218.44 Amsterdam High 34299 Exchange. Stocks in Bold are stocks of local interest. Stocks in /talic are worth at least Most ACTIVE ($1 onwore) MOST ACTIVE ($1 on wore) Most ACTIVE ($1 on mone) Lucent -+6.80 +1 19+34.79 +35.51 +898 +1.62+4719 +4752 : 2 ESS an i ee Name 381.82 S&P MidCap 343.06 Russell 2000 52-Week * 120 20 17 6130 +18 +558) 28 16 23 1780 +41 +470|ZonBep ‘570.30 56388 10,792.60 +133.16 +1.25+29.36 +2951 = aes oo SS e ce teeee re ae ae ee oe Fe Sek Ct, 18 1700 RS ae ask Ree ts Gee CO hee 451 248 -23 65 SwiDiag 45 Yamanag 6430 302 Pres : 45.19 +45+4206 +4268 +1.69+50.24 +49.79 . 1068275 7,503.16 Wilshire 5000 = 4 ate oer “eee 235 24 (570-08 +727 ee 1054 -01 4215.6 Zevex 1171.14 006. 1we48 350 Spent +26.16 ‘57753 55742 4 16 1630 +43 +400 644 +06 +690 08 799.99 Amex index Nasdaq Composite P 1,166.82 Tpe847 "798.00 SaP 500 Sr sat +07 128) 13915 3 Lot Cn ae es 10,450.00 +125.33 +1.21+25.28 +25.41 +31.93 301243 1,918.12 Dow Jones Transportation 3,008.15 +3982 +1.33+31.52 +208 +79+23.99 +2422 266.81 186.56 Dow Jones Utilities 265.61 +76.06 +1.19+28.84 +29.20 644220 , NYSE Composite , ; 6,370 24 441862 +52 +148 738 Net YTD 12-mo 52-Week ee ie 1037593 741664 DowJones industrials 2066 -24 +5a9| 2 23 15 3529 -05 +289 20 195 -05 +455 SkyWest 37 22.06 +56 +96.9| Sonicinnov MityEnt Moin oe oe ArerComt 37 oe ios |Nevedach 585-75 -114 Novell ce eee a ae = foe” ika6 tn aoe arma 295 ankCov LOSERS ($208moRE) Last Chg%Chg Name _Last Chg%Chg Name Name 164 +05 +1343] 1-200Cont 385-07 +824] Cversth 450 +05 -280 498 -04 +945 Questar 27 905 +155 +207 lomed 322 +55 +206 Meritved s 236 +29 +140 Nanogen 380 +36 +105 Mitcham 606 +65 +120 SingngQM 2706 +285 +118 BetPw ee Te ede -256| 2051 +02 896 +156 +211 Headwatrs 905 +112 +141 Nanopts 29.98 +324 +121 ThaiCap Satyam Oneida § Ortho = ee F eo “ = # 20 + 21CenHid Arristar “ “ +4148 + = Div Yid PE Last Chg %Chg «1277 :+.17 +331 DyntrCp 327 +72 +282 Eq@Ol 700 +145 +261 Evnsut 278 +56 4255 FX Ener 3345 4551 +197 eboom 388 +61 +187 ICTS 2093 +308 +173 MagaaCp 9.35 +15 +169 Tegal Selas PainCaren viv vid PE Last Chg%schg Name 514 +186 +667 Airs 322 +168 +1091 Trio 2479 +379 +180 GpoGimec Krnosn Name Silver (troy oz., spot) Copper (pound) me) 39.62 1428571 — = —=<—_—— UeReY __—__ Jan04 6.150 POT $5.917 $1 0420 : : Exchange Ago Wk holiday $5.780 $1.0265 =CBOT New York Mercantile NYMX Briishpound expressedin¥ S. cules. At cers Chicago Boardot toads.CHE= Chicago Merantie New York Stock EXCHANGE » Vol PimCpOp1442 17 18 +51 AXIS Cap 12356u29.24 : CenterPri9275 I AM IN CHARGE OF THE ACMMI 773 519 +05 Bi Sve 15225 36.57 W18 30003 9.29 +37 Buc Sir19650 18.65 9.45 : -12 BP Pr 1277 +12|BRE 7596 -.03 Bakery 14958 + f 36 BaliCom 3306 AS O.R.P. u2?.30 33.67 3249 ri 58.74 +44 BcoSnCH3575 11.66 13 ie4p Barwtne0794 uA70 eee wi 29 +29 Axa? Aaronfint $1436 2065 -39 12-331 ae ee on + +25 Chimelni6ag2 947 ae +08 vi +.08 u42 11 + 4% RbePactos2472 Bkbtawaii'261 13564 u3312 +10 +06 BKNY Actuant $1863 36.80 +125 Acuity 2411 u26.14 +1.29| Banta Bard 7.17 ig 2224 Aonentore11606 2631 ActPert 1775 1958 1.29 BKAWA 3515 19.03 4B +23 1340 u4082 2376 80.93 +. 8777 u29.87 +55 = ee eee aa 74 Polaris 1135 87.03 Polo RL 1740 28.86 +67 cree ae on >. 2200 +263| : Gandvine eeey u19.77 +34 7614 4900 +135 NatHP 183 Loews Chilerdn 36.68 +.67 Chubb 5467 oe est i 7 ChoiceH 737 541 974 eee ee a DuaneR 701 1000 -O4 Conaghy 3342 32.25 +48|/MCO -06| Gomesipizq2 1540 +234 MSH 6153 2489 ip > Gannett 6972 20993 Gap 8888 2316 +98 +20 2783 w2262 ING ING 7.20 867 27.09 +18 LongvF’ 1728 u12.39 +13 laPac 9479 18.06 +10) -18 L Lubrizol 1560 1793 789-05 Lubys 55.00 3276 +14 +23 +29 +14 Neinetn 1344 2195 NetwkAsc9—004 1510 374 +24 NewAm 3440 2.16 +03 +11 +09 :zy +10 + wees +t! Anne “i ewpte s 10015 TA8m8+128 1M SBoweh 2s ee Aetna +. 3138 101.60 02 4a 2750 + 22 § 25 +09 92257 1641 +08 Berkley s6052 3485 +53 «7.56 «+12 BalteA 460 BAND AimSRE 1113 1661 +08 BerkHB 882800.00 +33.10 +¥ a 6006 15.14 +14 Biovall 10222 2030 +61 Alarisided1648 AlskAir 1228 2794 +29 BlackD 6361 4965 +44 4777 +103 BMT 1261 753 $2 Recess TW 6123. 64.15 1773 +27 . 65.87 1ee8 eee tT EE Infonet 3219 GaGui 2084 u29.60 +40 2103 Ingerd 5500 u65.04 +64 Micchot 1011 15-90 +08 MPS Grp3002 3690 +33 Bay "Ss GiaxoSkin7847 45.89 +44 \niMuh 1065 17.87 23.06 194 iiPap 16536 A312 +89 1881 35.45 +35 Gimehht MagnHunt9711 u984 + +74 11616 +37 Dots 10315 +114 MistHis 1261 er 4758 Allianz 1 1258 13 42 +49 17.64 +29 Conseogee? ia tee Eepeniaee Foy! 1a GoldFLid18905 1390 +37 pecpupicd390 +19 446 4 ae Te u4200 +65 18022 Boeing +08 Byh u32.36 7937 +03 -15 Bombay 2262 786 21.83 3825 +01 Borders BorgWami566 8533 yop 1441 48.16 +48 y +.02 540 +48 107u64 Enace a 5040 14 10 1140 u2425 +35) JG 49 1692 u1570 1011 u31.10 +17 09 Novartis 1891 u44.66 01 NovaStar s3284u45.25 -06 NovoNdk 105 4025 45% +14 NSTAR 1230 146.64 Mandala tantow 1172 03159 +05 Manorcareaiai 3380 4706 Manpwi 10 Manutimidss 18-35 +57 Intrawtg 1008 +43 Goldman62440399.58 3840 852 4140 +45 Invacare 021 u30.09 +1.64 +11 MirsSvcs3a38 6.11 +76 eeor 77) +38 Boren 42 gi 1 Goodyeari8457 7.88 +08 Invlech 3659 16.90 jae gl 578 +17 Marui g5380 3221 352 +09 eee re “an io Egylast5363 ee 2910 30.72 -09 iarathonese7 u3320 + 328 4431 +22 +03 CompScggis nth 2045 B96 +17 tare 703 1620 747 4046 +41 paces ve oar ae tee = s +69 a Marit 5812 46.16 +82 pai6897, 2625 +24 Enompls 443 3047-85 Graffechi7197u13.82 +47 +21 MarshM19110 4828 ; U 46.96 + -09 PubStg 2737 +09 + PMIIT +.03 QuantaSvc5549 +18 Marshils 4543 u38.35 16 ++45 +09 +27 153 +05 89 NYNYP 16.77 +92 +23 Altel 11085 45.55 +.81 * +49 NuvQualPf1367 15.87 +.20 readysd 5720 1682 ee tae - Comertorait wats Ry 10% +46 CperTaedsa1 2152 +18 3293 +57 1577 u2321 Brinks TBA a ce 249 Coors B Amdocs15307 2332 +83 som ON +e ou Te? lee sie Ametls 204 538 +87 + AmHess Amitess pf965 5500 +11 BrwnShoet579 u37.74 +1.29 ComelonroT 1285 -07 720131040214 9340 +.13 Ameren 4046 45.69 +25 BrwnFB 1126 re Pe Sa 2 oe aoe AmWest 5089 11.81 +19 BuckTch 1489 991 +11 Cpnvii 840 880 +09 ee ete +3.03| fae 121.23 Wee AMCOL 17005 AmAxie 1781 u4053 739 +49 2% V +85 825 312 1599 pr 1803 Eaffiesc = 1279 1047 +43 Verba 19.19 +06 2081 +51 Jpri 2633 +67 Maximus 785 3929 +45 +1.62 Jarden's 1523 721 u2222 Gooimsa 1375 4325 +09 Griton 2426-02 4.29 +29 TMM A142 4015 EOHPT 7603 28.99 ;+26 GTelevsa2073 +75 Eqiyone 166) 374 +14 Giech 2620 49.36 +36 lieertem ae tn Guanghyi107 1446-13 +08 Gueet sour Esteel 2635 3988 +28 Guess 3018 1289 +.02 Guidant 12971 58.79 +72 Creme 900 “G15 8 +76 GullTerat267 7 : 4150 +£2) HCA Ethan 43.32 +41 Inc17319 u4263 & t+37 3244 +50 +45 woes +18 oso 21-50 Con, IESE +80 COMOMP 9401 u56.90 Bsc 067i 520 18 CrtwFn 171677520 eroe: Coventry 5301 u65.76 ee eet Oot Confiadiot791 2536 +20 te +236 a +15 13237 se - meotaice ae = ConsGr 1161. AF AREst 35 Be suse z 1.99 +80 309 1687 + 90 +12 AmTowerl1479 1060 -15 CANTY 105 1552 Bl hoc 912 3074 CEC 3810 47.59 56.06 CIGNA tae kn Was 567 ae ae +44 +21 +09 +10 7% 334 + jo Crane 1333 3065 +10 JmiReg 1112 u20.88 -53|K2inc 2141 +06 1565 7388 +51 MedcoHitn6103 35.23 7 +36 -58 MedStaf2976 3 1102 12 966 u665 1233 -02 +20 FMC Cp 1753 us454 FuCLanes 2 FTI Crt 3800 a0 Factoott Bo 00 F 515 +41 122 +85 156 156 +15 Memors 1605, 24.19 14g 135 + + +40 Merck 7742) 4569 1.58 +79 18 4650 +21 +13 Meredih 1349 4862 + 27 Handim 992 2063 +07 Keliwood 1253 u4146 +36 MendGid 7745 14.60 + 56 601 +21 aay By -J Hans 290 1031 +08 Handi 101 20.06 -08 fMRIN 770 2493 +10 HangrOrhB10 1563 Kayoon Keane Keithley Kellogg +02 “B14. 2430 1011 8861 2609 1513 1823 5793 3278 1374 1216 +05 +31 9814 41750 +36 FanniMaez3010 74.52 295 +A 16 Harman 94412 u74.25 +3.45 Keycorp © 4424 +1.78 +1.39 +53 +17 u813 198645.87 +10 0632 47.55 +206 aay aoe 12 fx ere 3800 ST OD oa Crowbold6@62 95) +37 Feary” i504 a Cryolde 1856 1191 2585 Amder bie eee- 757 CumminnS177 +40 Cee 3845 +53 5494 AnaTayk jena 1855 -02 Cablé oS ia so 1772 140 -01 99 3600 Anieon 8889 +31 Cabot 7426 +42 Antvem Tt, 11.14 +13 5°) +02 /F + Cimenr 1276 40 +12 |F . 12 146 23128 2B +m — % Compeary 28 tat CacbyS 1905 2980 250 DRHodniaaso 446s 377 Oh +52 Eas s sx DawmirC oun 1412 76) +27 Se, te en ae? vias = DanPinr AppiBio 8379 20.77 «+17 Aptia 2757 892 Acguiia = Aracruz hae Arbitron 1136 ArctiCoal6515 ArchDant4580 maaze Ardent 1815 Aptargp «2845 +27 +38 an an Be A a 4185 + 31.87 +12 15.20 — 28.00 + 05 30.02 +. 30.15 DanaCp S742 “16 u on ae in a oe Darden 5 ae oe toe ae ee i Se ite mes Mi) e299 SDSS? “ai wen? oe ie 7 CallonP 55170 hr 3 = bd _ CapitSe ni Arvidert 2659 «2444 Cooter 5248 +3 +72 Cardribiit!1200 63.06 125.92 Ashanti 4489 1338 +63 BO 31.57 Ashland 3146 wA4.53 +78 CammaliZii5 39.32 AsiaTigg 826 1023 +16 pins 11420 2452 +72 1281 37.12 +09 CampTechi841 u31 43 handan463 “ax +2 CammamiZ746 nz 3 CarrSry TMOS 3340 +90 CascNG 241 u2i 89 AtwsQicn 1029 7086 1824 +16 Casha 1786 20.37 Autolry 20) aa +30 Commie 408 —s 4 AutoData 16861 oo = Catefus ro 5) +80 Cater Za 4.60 ef | Wea + Cedarr me 1433 3 ColeraGn27 +54 vere mb ae oh Colesinc 96424 a —_ ae ite a att aes oF? 1820 2 Cemex i571 i810 : ; bwista o be <h 45 og Harsco 1777 F HarteHink 945 21.73 a7 Patliden 9231 u58.76 +13 +91 KindME 3284 049.15 KindMorg4054 u59.02 +14 MichSt 3717 +19 coor 4477 13.98 +55 PXREGmpB40 2249 +29 + ; tee ae ae Fidelrin s5475 Faiobn o07> yon 145 Hasbro 6900 21.28 +06 Kinross grsz1866 8.19 +38 2032 7663 +54 Knight! ee +33 Haverty 872 2011-20 1 4400 0 ua863 353 (MME! 957 ud737 +30 07 4487 i W863 +23 HCP 1319 u61.03 +57 2012 30.14 2.33 PMCARENT1362 u25.90 +48 KoreakicS300 1043 433 P: 4572 422 +07 PanPach 2156 1310 +44 ParkEl 1342 43.09 +104 ParkPc 16513 1174 4380 +35 ParkDd 4990 f 1674 w2697 wA7 98 w2751 i109 263 75 712 +36 ParmeRel02 5600 +73 HtherRlty 899 36.05 -07 Kraft 10504 31.72 +24 34 -20 Patina s 3428 78.00 +25|Paxar 697 7095 13.65 732 u50 9 MobleTe!1864 1156 vi870 Kramont 6407 +50 Krspkrm +21 32.25 +.17 36 497 HrstAsT 1210 27.61 143 Heatiiien9067 50 29) +25 MonacoC2599 2471 +59 PaylShoe 95255 13.12 704 ‘a 189) +10 To. aa Wis +90 Fogere cai) ne «A ee on = GA eee US noe cael fates 7 le -8 : + Kroger 22045 1639 2854 Kronosn 790 u24.79 +3.79 Monsnto +33 +32 1-3Com 5689 51.20 +88 |MonSt 116 1854 ABT wi2.i2 +36) 28.70 +24 2256 7715 +44 +33 +23 Hibem 2775 u2349 +20 HilncoOp1577 7.13 -01 11559 10.69 +04 1861 2565 +15 1825 32.63 +31 2312 2160 uB137 41.25 UNTV 990 2640 UE By WT AS 752 4977 \NRPr \Silogz2—9@ 888 LaZBoy 1474 2044 |\aQunta73B5 649 LabrAdy 1568 ui3.21 |LabCp 5595 238 laBmchi7473 1125 LatergeNAZ673 40 50 15 Moripek 667 Gpii54 31.70 3616 u60.20 +21 Bie 5015 +11 -01 MooreWall1027u1854 +07 f +30 91231 24.09 +69 MS +81|MSEMD 677 967 madi 317 1452 +29 +H 951 53.00 +31 : + LeucNat! 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