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Show 28F —-The Sait Lake Tribune and The Deseret ews 300—Domestic Cars | 900—Domestic Cars 900—Domestic Cars | 900—Domestic Cars| Teron tar, ot, | AG Siam ATTA $b 399 | — FOS Tourer — weer vaaner | U7 Sey os “|FORDTe DODGE eww kengarfidodge com | OF‘de DORE puto AC ee, VIE miBUTTYF, $7,905 ody | CY Covel, mony $4,935 j 98s URCOIN Townegr, U2 toodedt. landoy oa top 139$6,999. 67-7227 wFis, PORee wus ta b99 “ze, $3300, CamSone, Mart Miller Puntioc266-8833 yee806-398-0704 TOO Sia, re, aS wiles Newry SHE CADHLLAY COOGE intrepid SE looded, $9,092. HOOSAZA 00-237, S121, DL3G16. oun Bet nore, Hss702 801-553-100 00D,TOYOTA Runner A/C full pat Lid op. tions, lodged, S4705. Teaaet, MeaHATONaas west V/ CAD ala Teenee VALLEY eV Conike 41V8 win Ris shape ToilawwFreekengarstdodge.com 1-866-556-6704 $800 966.3560 Coad "OT DOUGE Nana 8 eat, 2 SE 166 CADSEIU SIS. Uke $70:700" bora" a "PU CAD Geille Cnasors, V0 A/C, TOYOTA tear AIC, pw eyite A more, dice #8e708.""'1 "801-5 $100 PONT WG GD, fer, His. eavi CHEV Ti cavalier 17 Blok, Cor, Pontioc266-8833 1-861-553-5100 sewnFreehang r fBoe-386-6704 tidodige core Toll ON DOOGE reps. aaK Fir Loaded! Excellent condition I fomrran "en Fr exams FORDContour BOLG7-3409$2850. FORDConor ootO. $7000 435-783-5500 UNITED we 00 FORD port XLT, Wd sec, sari 5100 foot, aris $3 PONT C on Ade Bot 330-065 CHEV” CAPRICE 4a SATURN $12, ‘Bo 765-9848) 468-0904 OTea DODGE Sirota SE adie angercowete, ll outa, spotless Riinig $173,000"963°5860 “ADOS pou yy CHEV PHU GIT TEST CORSICA while $6,995. 414-9150 abo. OT CHEV” Fi, i Coniea. Rone ulSale $8488 ten 300A& "0‘great CHEV VO, ovo trans $500, ike HALE ACURA 265-0202 Soo, Coll 284-4033 HEY Vion, dually, 0b, "BB CHEV Beretta, 30K mi oe na ong.7197, Rune great. $1,200 WE CHEY, Covak¥ evi, 734 $1 7591 “aa cw COI $98) 4anaees se A/G, w/e 4 the Bay 188 eta SBN SB TRANSMISSION SWAP MEETE ‘Sat, April. 19. Utoh State For Park 7 AM ‘Sellers- $1 Buyers. $1 Call Brent 964-1248 Toyotos32-6333. BOUT ba white, claon, $9,487 CAR AMERICA. "OT DODGE. $9,995. 532-2000, ‘BLI465, TIMDAHLE 262-5521 aa °O CHEYSIFR 300M, Fal 00 Teather, sunro0 w mat BO nade wheels, tow mic WUSTIS Pe) t Covaliay 27m tives DODGE Tnivepld, auto, % fll sdeey Seinen2138 956-3222 D,toades, $7,995, fae, aesat, oe“ihe. * Hates, 7668,"0i 1) 00GY, Conon, 19d WaiFreeerate jurrey "OX CREYSTEY Concorde UX CH witad or fn Cat Ni. Tagenvi eat| Miler Foooz64-4833 ‘Buto, Pw/pl, Bur seoKs, air 4528 Sa. Stole 262-5521 faphe, ARES CD, i oe ‘OEY Canali, aa ¢ ti, $16,me 437-4008 DU46s ‘WODOOGE Noa,a HS CADITATDeVILLE. it UTE, $6,405: '532-2006, client condition, pole yellow a SWARK MILLER SUBARU My, woe a |,“OR agate TS,“ 84." aa $25,000. 1-877-884-0329 cD. erie. Wooded + ‘OF CHRYSTER " Ct "WO CHEV Cavalier TIMDAHLE 262-5521 495-6959 BTSee Wats08 "OF OY Cavole 17788 JOR SEIMER NSL "800-978-9651 A/G, ervise,0b WchOoe Ch Red Gus Paulos Covatier, ABS 8. 1801 Touring,CHRYSLER low miles,PY $13,988 4050, 3800$,949.8271 Orcta a Tew | Bountiful 798) auto, we ay ay 48i,Gee, 45:7 106, BC4dob. Hae Ie, 18 waded Toad OO DEY CYNelo |$7.250/0be. Cail 835-5152 WO CHEV Maire 151, ~aaF, Out, 34K $3.98 40503300 5, 96.0221 CM ANERIC 297-2930p ypaulos.com sOCHEV WORTE CARLO CRY Cavalier T i aR Silver, Louded, 9. w Ca ‘ Sin eevee Ato.FRY ICE BB, str foyano’32°6359 |CHEV Tahoe. 71 ky Urey Carnie voce ig | eseey MOTO Fe c ORY | 365-1820 % ‘BI EHV Covali ag DODGE Shi peel avi ie a8 iisBeas ae ee uy CHRVSIER(XT wise tee Tou Fettits 1800: pys,75 "OY CHWYSIER FY CRUSE. Ute, red gray, rore OO DODGE Titres er “S51 696/450-3983 WRST VALLEY TollawaFreecengarttdod f066-550-6704 Neo, 43r, air, 30,495." $a" Tae y Tour ovto, pw ce dul nite west VAULEY BHV-CHEV 1-888-203-5103 | Gregory Pootioc Boke sewFreeaenparto ORY Cavalier | "7 CHEV rear Tal P8o6-358:6704 outANG, Nak uahsS 801-97 1-540 03 ie Oi3023 CHRYSUE 100M aver west VALLEY 7 ie "OO tailic Yow mi. ond looded 6,990BhB-203-5099 509. "97 DODGE spd 5 RIVERTON” JOHN MECHAM CHRYSLER sre sengortidodge.com Ti Free Fase.S8e OF04 "FF CHEV p40 Tonle Great buy v4 ‘WICKovale, ate, oly BabA, BV-ONY 1-888-203-5103 AnitMy $8,095. 32 4506, “we THEY MaliW8BRB ‘OF TREY Tapale Why Fay ‘$00°7 et more 6489 $172,990. B-Day 1-888-205-5103 DODGE Strom, pel,aosem Bergese100 oy) le a7 es 963-2458 "ans Sa? Meteor Call 0-55-5400 OMITED wE ee o HEY Halibu 1S, ooded,| Londns. $7093. 96 Oh A 297-3330p Wane oon “OECRY. Matos ner oy Eo 49900. Gv-GAN i ehn-203-5103 ‘Or DRY Wali. day$0,908 oe BSB Mites oreo Aiko periol484-0608 7 west VALLEY sted com VaiFree PoBBb S567 OE CHE Balbo, Gato, Aye V6, looded,. "Gas $14,188. #32088 4050 W. 3500 5. 969-8221 1 gunpoutes cam CHEV Malls, Geain ear tee $10,99% a rere tEo ater. $4000, 255-7676 EVERTON "888-703-5070 RETROfaves bo SET |“oomeno LOWEST PRICES! ALL USTED AT 203-5103 DOOCE vooks oreay S2APS 10-dixc "CD, 7 DODTEleiepid ov. |'9CAYSIER Concord UX ted,"$4 fully londed, tungreat, (rote very clean, $3500 918-7629 | $SE55'c0o"s 3 $2900 (801) 972.0838 "VE ertCHYSIEF Tatra CF himgrat $4680 as,m4 Orne Sa She. Gl4.885 |. donsettNg313-995-1607 |863-4000 200 W. 90m 5, "V5ORYSY Tebaron ee \¥ THE i mi,WaExcel a ss20tebe 59 S143 &. CHEV Wale 7 ey yd, $4680 ce SBT com jee ortigoxiye BO0-358 0704 SY CHY Cavalier 5 we 1S a | YOR agBsa wiySul.nddl, 35,088. ours? . ia (8 Ca Wa A ge BUDGET! Ps looded, ‘low mi. Ur PhosORY"RBGe aoKe"ee 95. #003076, eon, Steve FORD ta, Tauris, veomtieOSsho0. 67 B40 UNITED we Y¢ eramot | Oy" CHRYSLER” [esares aa it ry, omgSAPO. 8 160 CHVSEY eoroa We ‘aan convert. New engine. From $2050 obo 5: ‘Fe CRYO U convert ute, white, $1475, 782. ert 480 “TE CHEYSUE Teboros, 4 ev, VE.oma,dank Cove, $800 red 5715847 Pe pl, alloys, $7,995 TIMDAHLE Murrey 5m Seok 262-5521 ManMilltayotos32-6333 OTstro FORD Heat don, $0,985 ‘OLayFORTFor SF.Tooded. aut, mi $8,050,322-0464 537; ASerorenstor Me tag, Tat 3 cart ohi SprtasT30ABE Sore KLAND OL FOR Fear, The he Diowat $6,495. 255-1122 TIMDAHLE 262-5521 Pe Pate cTicte Snort 877-WETGIVECREDIT 563-4000, 7 Sette runtata uv TONYow SS TSS PORES 8 at Butterfield 90th SOUTH & 1-15 in Sandy! 700 W. 90m S Tyo ahs iat, pera cit wT Ly UTAH DRIVES fs)oud A:ae 563-4000 | OrRae oR waft”Patt Teak ti =) (athePaneabe _ ue-& ‘or q See * "PETORD ARO PTwrt Te Ook ee ae ‘Tahaoeas Soo ae |