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Show Sunday, April 6, 2003 The Deseret News and The Salt La ; 670-—Boats & Motors 670—Boats & Motors J een :: ron Tong Treat OOSANTMAELO e12.5sheafat ALR oh VA SERTAY Ta" Se Halder7 |'O7SITIOS Trek» Bata, inverter maa Toa. M0-FtbBoat199,500 are We Now All teday. or ment esetir" oT MS Saat oa Pe wore on tee oPTea moe on & omer ‘sibah oaie || PRIVATE TERS EAL ESTATE ee, Lic. SANT DCM Finance, 942-0555 MEO Crater, 6 bere be rom inaat VERNALFATEFl secre ~~ ARCHEST HOY Proton cot Dy aay Looe teas a wn Spooner. ! | Boot 810—Junk ORs a obo ott cond. MatSa iterss ‘oneore Torr V Bho ‘ 1 ie croom dip, Bue ; ewes ac stnA SED Wore Mak sory ine | coxara 5 CLASIFCRDDS| "Tot Tare Commi CASH as TanVouASTNye ayETH aakatert rn iat Reert sie AYE 2,500 obo 290-254 Coll me tit Recity nore Hart$408 "ot se 8550 asSUR FEC COM Tek -IATstih de ew BOAT: 1990 MARIAH AUC, 454 big bik in2180 mhhetage cinerae Aphistris “oy SuaPAGea72050, ellle bet Hoo deck, fell, tom. $19660.303-8200 $6, “OR MGAL21"Freelcond Tower, Uatrar woke TAL tonvan soot $18,300 208-4889 ney, compet loadof ae ont th trou 4)5-854°2018 TORT 1905 Crile TES tron U SORTASEsosaT fh Vier emote‘dow Wohriggers ah maton excel "CodyHhboo$Y 9800 ‘Draper 7 aeat Aw Bs lg “ovr ny 9 ia mah tat rally Crossing hayden HBB 26a BOTS Kta Fron a co rest fomta $7, OR AaBoI0! ROUSE Root oF Take Powell }991 Signer|7 1 bai, Features, may40abe S08 $275/5b0" slip(820) TERYTAREVIEW75 r 4545 SO AUTO BLYD Murray, UT 84107 TATESORSETER, S08 i SobbotelsNt sey or InfoBOYSok Video “OY Kayot Doxk BootVIN, Hoarding lowe saree sy¢ os ; weroiam $24,800 bo, 801-489-0151 Peed cet rem Ut 80.228-3844 A FAMILY TRADITION SINCE 1986 EVERYONE SAYS THEY'RE THE BEST! WEBACKITUR GLASTRON VEC URE TAME RANE TRANSHERARLE See THE FUTURE ity OAT BUILDING LUEFAST sooo pent penne, 1 SPonvon $358 fan 1 8 PINE KRUCLARDS dats | "Com % a iahtnge, Indoor don \ ce arentTesh 4788 sleet SEEN Pg Su Fand 8.998| 75 HOUSEStareoY navel a8 Wonvoan, tHOT ier YRgreetAAR pst "W6Weelwenabest 2T" ERTAY Raho“2 rn abA sO da HOH Suaaonean excel cond.,oho. rose Corvette eng. ‘$1800 750.0888 Mlcboet HICKVi WP SHIngre) only $7,300. bony ns Mint 866 com Jodhaa ‘43,26 Talverott. Gan A Vics Calebiy 24° Cabin “454, loaded, GiiRis CRAFT &CanLARSEN HogeBRS ASIN Savings. se ness "OY MALY + Mower ie 1 364-/Y00/972-70) Wy o ey Cee gi voor” $1990 he “War 3208 Koras. Cot ‘ge ‘concering tho applicabity o the ‘aro odvived fo contac! thet oflor ‘nay, oto conkoctS640for 306. NOTICE cacoig taple 8% UY ANDSea = Yoiaiger WANTED, lasnmowers gad sas BAM tiea 7S hat PRESSURE WASHERS CASH for CARS/TRUCKS sateen eh naren ASWisRCO SBT NG0.arte SEN we ABSScnbn ROUTS 264-1984 |VATEREALSTATE COANE beTt 47. 39 AVENE P82 TAME ACCLASIFICADOS fa corti Nos creaied by thihe above OV-FORKFork Ae ahi anon act youaw n doubt Irarwoctton, consyour aforney of ft) OV BORK Re tow.) 3622479, BLY $ Sabre T alt bree ‘option, 161, 2ND TRUST FEDS 10K 8% Sa bet, bolew, $10) A Fee ted OMITED yste HePovre, 25+ Bye PRIVATE Tee jorto B04 byrn OO BUICK raiby rales lumen aTARD) lonrren RIVE Ft2b3-5109 we erAKD! **PRIVATE LENDERS© ON WICK Convey VE aa, "OP WUICK Park Aveo, Tlly CompeBidsCON aa Teodad, onlyite$17,000. O60] tooded, oking TON" ZONO ing hn cares | Pape OsaJohar Se Wega B86 aans Ta AGESToa a “93. BUICK* Contury. %low mites "P(ea MICK, Bele Weeey “HUISFave BiS255. 3: Rb yehtote Wha wonHKPee a im $7; Marie MillerCoM PostCesey OU HUEK Paik Avo,3 Wout 308.1358 credit cht: sigan a YorAtNl, ceoar rebut CASH FOR SOMEAN Brad,Yo vale SOOATTS “OT HOEK Tabi F788 eneTh$94 3700 hGH sotnaaligd.4 Sexe Quire $ tor vahicie COALCCABICATOS veatySE ih vl 303-0008 * i oe vg LOrDO ne It conbe done-we 399° 900—Domestic Cars 4Rute go 900—Domestic Cars ‘oy WN alse a 8 HICK Pon lean, c6r, mt Jnverian, $02e JanseSom «85-6800 Mars Mile Por TRDUSTRIAT “Sewinginachine, Iya 5 thread Niger ¥ veer TT ei Save 3T Reduced frien A Sock asrh ote Hh 1hgags 184Avcliable 8 Bloons pe boortng Aron don, Weosed,Me vane hat cas fot money ‘anince wth your inguies “SETATHETop.TaTS=| INSTANT CASH AUTO THES MATERNITY CLOTHING arinders, and rock cottoctions, 801-561-1233 so HRN eaCaS244 obo. "OV Wal Mo Want In odrance ene Sereata cred service who have questions Relies, [okeaanant™| CXANANOW w/in G5 Pipeay ohana ony , wenamangkee S® ee a lumen TAN) Waves $4700, On Meo tii? ahi ‘ooriWP Sond} asWay (1500) w your 7H wove ORATOR i ASIN. CONF CUASMEDAD 2372000 ARNE HARSICAN SDA mire we col, Potd Y/ eran A HAVUNER” 2455 Cavs S12NorraCady Sah $8. beautlow OO301! or er, “Siper Ter Stener Blokegreat impa fige S CHARARIAT TOT, Lig asany bar Lets Me i Buiter hort KotSh6a)oldeaye)hi. wi METAUANI [thr-srvos Spon ia. Me 10 CTS Now TR, CRay ea atoon ‘singMa$3900 fe fey 39. +S STARAY Sela oh eb, mpi, band AV UB, ech |Socassstes Setaa” Neer TOV TNtay = Power Line Equipment sascory7st nnn 186 od Taare “93 580frep SOPERKPoste RnR les ( 2 ) Veiver Prem RNoch. 971-6661 woaae Binal SRS? SELTete End Wi4 aborSSDbat Bel ry & Cutting Avaliable FRIa Bh fea 1.109, Woh Code ‘Ann 4953, ob cmendedhe Ae | Beatie cet ccioe on po Ramp ‘hh Nmoee port Nadeineatente n cehte oon fa sating|Ny Great On $42.95, it Loke Solon World. 4¥ 5055 6" squeiretbe 6!$27.71 ETSane AY FOBalboa 6°$93.72 sips, 4-4 stove, wink, tole, 3 #d ch 40 pipe ‘ooh newer voll. 9x HPSse WASATCH SteSN artRis 243W, 3300& Tantus seanee ar|1888| Wane8? Wit easa0 EE, seme # Lowestror mer 398 Oy SIT ac TRUCK FLATBEDS: SAC sheq iOng a5 canolafe iB a 363-8300 or Teerit= 801-768-8431 ane meee ete! 25 lomand 8 New AA a imines om YON S ONLYCHRAINGTit Naw Stingray 20° Opentow VB, only $19,995, 386-331) {ody ii iontoty com "76ty,FIBERFORM 17" 314 $900, 972-1727 FOURWINNS towssim deck, WOW Torr ine ALLBOAT SHOW ENTESebahln REBATES HAVE BEEN 99" STHATOS 37 Padvil EXTENDED THLL 88h. inigeatper 4-30ci 70 trodden 4.303 $16,000 428 forteon's.? Haan 3 aay 2)4 Funship 8.7 int RepiyOgFooctne,Ut te BOgor Tundra 18 150K", A Dom (0!) 265-0706 ANS,C5 aweitselt FREE SHOP HEAT! een roo inn Vee eee INC EQUIPMENTSALES camencien teen Grol. abe ‘ww eiYatek con wil sh5588 so i Fone ee] 3BYrs, TOs 2308 eT, a) BRtes Wacahoat ine 250 He of0 SYob0000°8/0°5090° logeg 13) 26" beak S70HP RexStRaNDS 3600 MAIN Bo, U3)shee ae TYFAVUNE CER 45 nd nore Sedona, inde, lornis Sop oo "W150SEARAY nice, 490 ome. tive & Roa 382-3978 Real white, deit offer 597-2564 joe289-1 “BY STARAY. 250 Sondancer “SHAMTalaa boar baci ow ourk fost Gevat cond. $17; aie “EPTARSON T9"CC, as Iie (208) 824-9836 Row 8 or weekends, (01) po4-8100 CHIISCRAFY SONY. Horeles Hameboat Custom Bull, Equpged with conte800, FP Volvo, Like P. Johnsen. sleep New $32 495, 910-811) V8 Ena, wi ® go rt GF,extengee any Grove GE Tad 209,985 inllos $4900, 977.2% "OS CAT Wee tise, Aad, Oh shoe, apo We,$2800 SCH, rom% a ein 13000 ispusTRAt Ei it a retie, ieboom{i M5 NaH TOYOTAID10) Diesel, 350 Die eked $6,900. 22B “yAKC Di mtope 8181800ove. erae "WE CASE‘exiondohoe, 7ROC Tooday$1 4kBock: 480-665) or 487-2944 The Bountiful mazpa & or” eeLovion BOOMS Paad, asda Bulletin Protegé | 2 10,59 .9% FOR 5 YEARS 90 DAYS TO FIRST PAYMENT Be Wolter gin Ri “4 7s “Senoe |p EOSMaries 3.74le redak Ha “SO EAWASARpr irs. i Set * hats (glo tam beam: 254 sandp aoy ma TTT Bi van’ bo Heavy Uved bed 15 ut wt Deotert 12 00,SalipTah, Me SaNOSKan o4) D707 PLEADNR Dandiy ke 825-9008 | ‘coboyers Hag: "US SEADOR’BF7h: “8 lpia SOOKE, ASet DEALS Oar New, yy WAYOAT AY.ca % TCOORING: a"ee) series 60, Cherry 218 qf Will Spi 0: Cor 18 spd HEODEL Findiows, i TUNECan 2, appliance,‘orvai, IB hardwoods,‘Set Dave, tool, mic Titi (at) 708-22 "nem ding winches 30% WRC, Tomar, Thc rakes 1308 obo Hol NOt ahs) SNOW CHECK 04 Hover, Truss, TACKSON HOU RING Yord! Anthaa {UY CROMMAN al lm, 75° ‘AGA von, well mow, great Coie ep STOREReautfull TOR SUFMeare Not only, one class bytal mors. three!Bont be mislead, come Tat Josh (001) Q00-570coe Jor et ccrevhuled Kil] Machi Red Ie Pipe, Too! (807) 298-8081 Cond ® THE WAY OUT 30563 wate a7“vncel “TOOT SKISCO REY cauter afi MeThe Poin oy eis a ‘rer yours os only Poweltoday spor 15.) ARON ON GME,OS siaratvectorsa as sera mal arte SDN a ate ceo w Tomftim "ont | oy 480-64 at PAUley, Deg fed Rook “OWE vonmejeehe (Opa - wre fon a wila for 8 eee By234-3928 “a our ino § spd., A/C, pw, CD, pail, cruise, tilt-tele, 60/50 DX, 5 spd, CD,ps, pb,alr bags, 2.0 DOHC, mats, 4 yr/50,000 bump-bump worr, #C1558 sand "Loare 48 mo, 12K, $800 total out of pocket, plus tox He OAC “72 mo. Purchane noout of ook, plus tax & to, OAC FProtegéS TRIBUTE SUV RR seat, keyless entry, RR defog, 4 yr/50,000 bump-bump warr. #C1496 Red Fire Mist 63 in stock and coming 43 in stock and coming eee eS) or 0 DOWN orQ DOWN yi ta 300. 403° TSNte 3 toy, tet Raine prow. B12 435-945 tts rT wormise Mi | Poi RVR Spi einVOBB08, et 3th | Cerrr hanSATE , Wow, lkeCaphes. Ws001 70 wi Rew TF poteFie va 9 OW POURS te TET ato, pe a a ie vane n $508 engTae $04.80) ayoe C3ts HLL Beary aie See Pm 4 9 ahd" Sfor ste Ua planagna 5= 50, Bog aa TeeTaea ale |e Tee Sah Pw, Pdi, CD, mats, 100 watt sub- 8: thor x eae wort, #(C1549 Pyeanes Ws PURE Bah MICERARORNa m in y- XA TON bor TmNOWAON ous) Rta 400 AWinkSO8:2901 rep. mywrt DI PORANS 70mGroat iat conven cae reo Mos ate wi sas. I550 Vy,agPOE 0b" bo} luneran une reati ton a a ose we eOTARO oeRuere 381 Wid WOO I, wate, Y4d00" tho 434 Saat ow MmSaiBY ott00/0 37 In stock and coming Se Bene ras 740 in as ul i HOS Rc ai alsin 0 Tek TRL, aE 14a aes 486772) Paws, buters! rineabtthe ite ae oe “et i fea] meburn esaha 1a Ore *aeES UAE AC CAIPICADOR 72000 I. A coon Selim aeTAM. fe t Tsei “99 mo. Lecaee, 12K,n0 oul of percha JORTER Poser id ‘oT VOUANS TAK WORST" eect ANNUAL a ry tae Uke 42 in stock and coming (le ned We antven BENHaagen * SE LIES) Tay De bion™| =SaS| ee | a earte ; a + toch, 4 y1/50,000 bump-bump wort, #C1536 dork tlaniurm “Rue tertpect com 00) -$40.9983/ 779-9202 8 Wowon, he) “UY cor Teare ry "OF ARCTICCAT Pode: we ae TRY ee, ben. ht (pow bountifulmazda.com BOUNTIFUL MAZDA INVITES YOU TO TAKE FOR TEST DRIVE APPOINTMENTS BOUNTIFULMAZDA.COM 1-877-600-3507 * Bountiful » 397-CARS (22 |