Show 1 E q j T 0 w n N AND i I 1 IN BRIM the county commissioners ar ay lo 10 session today town board meets in regular a it beeh from next monday evening even leg 0 kaj olson ha moved from sunny hnatio dale date where hip his family os hs resided forloine fori for oine t independent co coil col l iod ad coke company la in carbon county lag lao ficen christened paterson Pater soa john jolan peery has quit the employ of tho utah foci fact coin company pany ht ut castle gate and will likely gu go back to helper poor and numerous land slides continue to delay trains of 0 alt all clasa esron the blo rio grande western A mcadow and wife ace id ida miles who ha hao hae e been conducting the dining robin ac at hotel clarke are now vow residing at halt salt lake city forty seven thousand dollars in gold was paid out at sunnyside Bunny Sunny aido side last week the payroll for the month of february tho the smallest sum for quite a long time county Assed sot tidwell Is a ranking his bounds of the several precincts of the cout county ity serving ao ze first tax notices and doing other work in coined tion with thai the duties of the 1 considerable difficulty lips already been experienced and more 1st 14 expected t to bo be ec encountered countered lu opening u up the old union pacific racille nines at G 50 go o held field because of the property bel being ng on fire this trouble was unlooked for george J dunn of scofield eld was here several day days a looking over the valley and alding e up lip its future prospects with a view tb to investing he is a conductor running between colton and scofield green alver dispatch charles W king hoe has been beca appoint yd lid chief dispatcher for the blo rio ornde or gr nde at salt lake city thus king returns to hie his old position which he deserted some time ago to become trainmaster train milster at helper king xing supplants R it norton the mixed teala out of Sunny sunnyside side waa was wrecked three milea miles beyond mounds last saturday evening six cara cars of boice boing badly smashed up and going into the ditch passengers and trail train crew escaped without in 1 juries more berous than a good shaking up G T has returned to emery from wayno county where ha be purchased ono one thousand head of one two three and four foureau fou rear old steers the stock III be read reada for the market abutin june 1 at it olson recently sold to tile tue utah ruel 1 company nt at suna sunti aide side beven seven fine mules president fitzgerald and manager landreth Laa dreth of the utah irrigation und power company were here burlog tho apok with consulting Consul en g alexander of newyork new york the surrey of the toe proposed canal wa looked over by the visitor visitors and later it trip la 13 contemplated to the reservoir alto sito in the the st caf rickia ball ot at helper last saturday svening was quite largely attended amoral couples couple from castle gate price and spring gleo glen being present pk csont with music by a spanish fork orchestra the knights of pythias led lodge go had the affair in charge und and netted n tidy sum for the order frank engineer of or tae water train in ceilon co adon v ith no 3 of the blo rio bande iVee tein at mounds on christmas eve 13 now working out of at lali on the san pedro but Is likely to bo be reinstated on the western and to return to halper EH per to 1 ou old run Fire fireman mati vaughan Is 1 bach back at helper from sr st marks hospital george gelger geiger baa has resigned cs as general superintendent of the blo rio orando railroad the same same taking effect last friday liula al succeeded ceede dby by W A whitney who has been super transportation with bead head quarters at denver gelger geiger han havi the offer of three better positions but will tako take a rest before going to work again an important question to 0 tha wool growers prowers of utah will be decided at a meeting g of tho the trans missoura freight bm biti au which wilt will bo be held dr u kansas city on april ad at meeting of the bureau held in that city a month ago it was decided that aganes of the railroad corn pan iea should not bo be allowed to assist in tho the loading of wool in the territory embraced in the utah district dietr lct in tho the future the matter will again bo be taken up at t the to be held hold april ad E H cotter of helper baa has naked asked for I 1 fifteen das da lanoit ela and Is 19 to take talo in the nevada country green vers town board ts s fight log the opening up there of the fourth thirst parlor MM mrs olive miller waa was do down vu from castle gate last saturday amro A hallinger fiall and other friends fri eude thomas pouts fouts has bought ten actea ft of lind I ind below green river boino four or tle miles and will improve it mr and mrs W H e and mr ar and mrs thomas fouta were logreen to green ill ver and elgin lust saturday and sunday sheerer have closed their perron ferrou store and angwill will look for a business location at some of the neva kev u da camps murk mark P braffet Dr affet for the utah ful company tas S 9 friday visitor froin from salt lako on business for his corporation A W H chinn has rented the wll wil biant hill hilt property to the north of the first national bank dank and is moving his family here from Suany christian lund who Is 1 to fight jack christie at it fountain roun talo green was ivas foria erly a guard and deputy cheriff for the utah fuel company at ld during tte strike much in terest centers la in thY match peter olson woodside Woodald aund and surrounding rounding aur country was transacting business in prica last saturday satu aday hie his section Is tous and the outlook with stockmen tind und ranchers a splendid one for the coin ing dewton a the big dam it at green liver Is corn com plated and the pumps for tho the ninety foot lift litt far for taking water to the inala nals aroon are on the ground and being put in plan and adjusted tho the dam simp ly backi the ater up in the river insuring a plentiful supply the irrigation when the river rune I 1 low inflamed aea may bo ba relieved by binding over them thein fara far a few minutes tha the scooped a fresh potato headache almost always will yield to the application of hot water to the feet and tha the back of tho the neck at the thestine thee tuno saine time if it sweet oil Is applied to the skirl immediately after a blow or bruise it will keep the akin skin f from rori turn ing blue or black mrs 1 8 kirkwood tire of our dentist was vas in dreen rier last week and while here to embark in the millinery busl business nesb she left for the east immediately to pu purchase lchase the latest lovely creations crat tons of the millinery ort art the doctor has bought a lot rind nd they will build the doctor Is also 1 looming locating hero here permanently careen reen h er dispatch alth A pretty social e event ent was the card party saturday night given by mi mis r M Gunn gunnarson arAon in honor of her guest afos 18 louise wajo W of price progressive high five was wa 1 iho diversion and there were pica nice bod tho the prize a pearl bandied handled knife mrs george beson deson took the trophy as tho the best lady play player or ft a beautiful framed ilc ture mrs george sap tap cured the consolation ioa prize about twenty guests were gre green river dispatch 6 |