Show KEEPS A DOG IN CONDITION wire wine will give him exercise if se cidred in proper way doga dogs especially betters setters pointers and other hunting animals as well ai aft fienco and unruly once ones need to be kept chained most of the time the bunting hunting dogs to prevent them rua inam straying away generally at night and others from annoying or endangering endanger ng the safety of u people c coming a ml n g on 0 a the premises to keep dogs oa ot a chain constantly preventing them from getting much needed exer exercise Ziso ie is cruel and prejudicial to their health and it also serves to make mako a cross dog eo so a much more unruly and dangerous danger oua oui as frequently to necessitate having him killed there Is a practical and easil easily r constructed method of overcoming the dl difficulty and still restraining tho dog of his liberty A post la Is securely planted j alOn alongside gaido it I 1 t a do doghouse giouse having about 35 ancho s ot of it above ground another post it 1 then securely planted 1 about feet distant and a stout telegraph tel Q wire stretched chea taut between the two posts and securely fastened the chain la Is attached to the wire with a 11 drais ting ring and the ot other herond end to the collar ollar c on ho deg theldor soon gets to understand tho arrangement and dud will eoon have ft a v worn along the entire length of the wire vire on both a bido ide JQ in his him scampers to lo prevent fouling of tha chain at the far post attach a support aich which will enable thi th chain to slip gilp over over guil into place roadel the location of the wire run can be so arranged as to permit the dog to guard both the front side or back of the du di elling velling as well as the g gate ate though match over loo feet teet will make it IQ mace and keep the wire from iron sagging under the strain of a good sized dg d g |