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Show The Salt Lake Tribune _BUSINESS Postmodern Investing Logic: You Win When You Lose fter two years of a hor- bear This revolutionary approach for the 21st Century has just one basic difference _ the old greed-based mod- works to redress injustice. Asa side benefit, losses help discredit the stubborn belief than the old profit-seeking approach, thus helping satisfy the New Age appetite for suc that stocks and stock mutual funds are wise investments cess without too much sweat and strain. MUTUAL FUNDS and thus confirm the wisdom of the many New Age sages I don’t know about you, but Ihave shown a pretty good —_—_—_—_— readyat all times to tellus why knack over the years for pick \ CE oer ek postmodern investors aim for losses rather than gains. Sunday, April7,20020 Se melo Aaaedear en enae ee ei pexpeeee tributions from any funds you _value, I can take the extra = the losses you realize via jour postmodern strategy can ee prize — ma! te it toa think oi ope Bank Rate Monitor's weekly survey of the 10 largest banks and S&Ls lighten your income tax bill. Losses lower the value of your estate, which can spare ing capitalism. On the negativeside, widespread loss-taking could hurt This week Last week 1.07 1.06 1.83 1.82 226 223 3.16 3.12 447 41 Last year 1.98 4% 418 4377 470 be used to offset thase, and your survivors a tax burden af- next several years. But the law money outof private hands Will change again soon. Losses also could help you been hard to follow:the less _—wealith Uncle Sam leaves in serve? Friend,if you have to ask, you haven't been paying attention to the way political and social thought has evolved over thepast 10 or 20 years. To Lead it plainly(something mest NewAge thinkers don’t usu- gasguiping SUV: b) drive it constantly around our already countryside; orc) was carefully written tocreate 80 Much confusion thatevery9m canonlyassume the rules to “economic escape the alternative mini- take upa prized parking space. Reason No. 2: It contributes ity.” credible surveys show that most mutualfund share. owners are people ofmoderate mum tax. It may be weli-nigh impossible to figure out inadVance whether thisadvaniage U.S. Treasury must take more than it spends in order to keep the economyhealthy. That reasoning has always the private economy,the bet- ter off that economyis some- how supposed to be. But quite few people nowadays think means (median family income: $62,100, according to theIn- veill apply toyouinanygiven case — but hey, if we were the image persists in much code our lawmakers would policydiscourse that investors have made it understandable, Tich. So, byinference,anyinvestmentthat loses money Reason No. 4: Postmodern investing promises tobe easier reached at ccurrier@Bloomberg.net. Worker Sues reasonable ways to prevent people thwart other measures abnormally hot or cold, then After Refusing Drug Test test. They didn'teven give hera aimed at preventing tampering. such as temperature tesiing. Determined cheaters have that’s suspicious. Or if it smells of bleach. Or if the person has been tested before and given a contaminated sample.” Teynor said he is seeing courts increasingly defer to the DOT regulations. allylike to do), you are hopelesslybourgevis. For thase who must have an explanation, here are four reasons whypostmodern investne sis eee ee vestment Company asa groupare the privileged damaging or impugning on the chance.” meant to d the tax added a warm mouthful of Mountain Dew soda to a sample, or brought along their own thermometer law and that Beece’s at-will federal court out of Washington, D.C., has allowed direct, same-gender observation of a person providing a sample — if there is a suspicion of cheating. “Tve never known any court interpret Utah's Drug and Alcohol Test- can M it Association program instructor Southwillow facility in May 1994. Approximately 140 pills of Oxycontin were stolen from a Tur i the theft, interviewing South- employees or both. Utah is one and requesting they submit toa urinalysis at Project Reality. The clinic is used and supported by the United Way. Salt Lake County Division cf Sub- testing in some fashion. The state's Drug and Alcohol But Loveridge said courts generally de not accept unobprocedures used by manyin the ated fosters OA ace Beece complained she ting orydoe oa alleged assault a few day Maltby said “The only time when it even makes sense to talk about observation is when there is a reason to think a There are scientific, noninvasive ways to detect when someone has tampered with a Transportation day and had failed to report for her shifts on Nov. 2,3, and 4, the to allow direct observation in the absence of the suspicion of cheating, and it shouldn't.” person is cheating on a test. stance Abuse Services, and the Testing Act allows Utah en- ployers to test employees as 2 condition ofbeing hired and for the ity, the employer said incourt willow’s staff on Nov. 1, 2001, circumstances of private drug Tur asserts it had just cause for asking Beeoe to sub- Medicaid recipient at the facil- showed 71 percent of major US. S. of at least a dozen states that have statutes regulating the News columnist. He can be The lawsuit’s violation of right to terminate her when she workers who agree to drug testing can expect to enjoy. A 2001 survey by the Ameri- Chet Currier is a Bloomberg privacyclaims are part of an evolving area of case law, said Lewis Maltbyof the Workplace Rights Project at Princeton University. Maltby said one employment meant they had a dures. The ovtcome of the case also could provide a barometer of the privacy standards Utah n a wouldu't they? @ Continued from E-1 ing Act, which governs private drugtesting policies and proce- that way. Theyshould have no troubleseeingthe logic in “You have to have another reason for that.” said who has been in the business in Utah for 10 years, and owns Intermountain Drug i “For example, if the temperature is tested in the cup and it is served samples as proof that a person has not been using drugs, Loveridge said And asking a person te undergo a drug test is by its nature an in- 30-year 15-year Thisweek 7.13 Lastweek 713 664 664 Lastyear 653 7.03 556 554 845 842 Car Personal 641 9.19 15.20 card* 1505 1489 1341 1305 17.00 “Average has changed trom a fixed rate card to a variable rate card in the 10 largest metro areas. Date federal tax revenue,and thus lone dala ails) bya increase in stages over the Date tank engaged in deconstruct ing to fatten your bank account. For true What purpose could this ea stated goal, the game is bound to get tougher.Still. if Islip up and pick a fund thatrises in contribute toa government budget deficit. This is a problem under postmodern fiscal doctrine, which holds that the high, sell low.” aa ing investments that lose mon. ey. Once losses become my ter you die. True. under legis: lation passed in 200] the amount ofassets exempt from estate taxation is scheduled to Sepag ts mmenmerl he oan. Others stocks are not a good buy. Reason No.3: Postmodern thet incresse enerey use and the proliferation of seinen ite mali ‘A postmodern portfolio that loses money helps decrease Personal loans are for $3,000 2: Mortgages investing abounds in tax benefits. If you are so unfortunate as to receive taxable gain dis- That is just another wayof try- back later for a lower price. largest banks and SAL in the 10 are conventional at 80 Sues tate eee ey Oe 0 MMDA* 6-months 1-year 2-1/2-year 5-year * Money Market Depost Accounts } Yields on bigges! money fusés Here are the 15 biggest money-market mutual funds open to their current seven-day This Fund (ranked by size) week Fidelity Cash Reserves 1.75% MMP/Prime Port 1.78% ‘Schwab Money Market Fund 1.32% ‘Schwab Value Advantage Mi 1.65% Smith Bamey Cash Port/Ciass A 126% Merrill Lynch CMA Money Fund 1.61% MorgStan Dean Witter/Active Assets 1.62% UBS PaineWebber RMA MF/MM Port 1.59% MorgStan DeanWa/Liquid Asset 1.50% Money Market Trust 1.24% Money Fund 1.55% Alliance 1.00% SSgA Money Market Fund/ClassA 1.77% Wells Fargo Cash 1.64% Vanguard Admiral Treasury MMF 1.76% Avg. taxable 1.39% Tax-free funds 1.04% Denny’s its problems insteadof trying to explain them away Rebounds From Bias Suit @ Continued from E-1 ———aa restaurants are currently omed by minorities. “The way | gauge whether people are serious is what they do at the top not what they do with waitresses and cooks, but what they do with the board and the big salary positions,” said Darrell Jack. son, a black South Carolinz state senator who did some public relations work for Ad vantica during the height of to fiehoat® said Leighton Hull, a black franchisee who owns 14 Denny's restaurants in California, Hawaii and Indiana. Much of the credit has been given to Jim Adamson, a former Burger King executive and turnaround specialist who in 1995 was brought in as CEO of Spartanburg-based Advantica. Adamson set about changing the perception that discrimination was an accepted part of the corporate culture. He did it by making inclusiveness and diversity a part of the wayof doing business. Every employee, from ex ecutives to wait staff. re ceived training that empha- dicator of suspicion, he said its problems and was ap proached by Adamsonto join the board. Jacksonsaid that although Adamson hasleft Advantica — he’s now leading the reor ganization of financially troubled Kmart theinfra structure is in place to keey Advantica on track, Womer and minorities make up al most half the company’s se. nior leadership team. But while Advantica has been successful in dealing with diversity, that success has not yet translated int profits. For 2001, the company rx ported more than $73 million in interest expense related tc more than half a billion dol lars in long-term debt. The company reported an $8 million loss last year. compared with a $98 million loss the previous year. Reve nue fell to $1.63 billion from $1.16 billion. “Hf it's not a good test.” Loveridge said, “then I'm no better off than [asking about drug use and] saying, ‘I believe you. Let Uinta Business Systems manage your fulltime network at part-time prices. + Dedicated Network Consultants ¢@ Priority Response * Free Diagnostic Phone Support ¢ Anti-Virus Alerting Call today for more information on the benefits of the IT Advisor program! rights, said her Salt Lake Cityattorney Steven Paul. “In this case, they went way over the line,” he said. “First of all, there was no privacy, and second, there are more AUBS (801) sc 461-7635 toilet with their hands in clear view, Loveridge said A collection device in the commode makes a cup unnecessary, he Zz. Loveridge said he has seen THE WATCHDOGS Reporters Dan Harrie and Greg Burton keep a skeptical ¢ye on Utah government EXECUTIVE MBA Earn Tomorrow's MBA Tooay! 0 an MBA without interrupting your carcer month program for professionats with 6+ years of work experience * Class meets one full day a week on alternating Fridays Bright Trading LLC - (601) 816-1773 (The *1 800 CONTACTS” E. Wadsworth Pk. #202 - Draper, Utab. 84020, and Saturdays * Two-week international trip at conclusion of program © Graduating ctass of 2002 comprised of 35 percent women © Leading-edge technology-enbances program with ncw SIGN O1 bee SEAS aes laptop computer inciuées * GMAT waived in select cases AT FIRST FEDERAL SECURITY INFORMATION SESSIONS 4.052 Take this opportunity to get an overview of the Executive WEA Progeem and meet the EMBA staff, facuity, students, 2nd aun Agrét 16, 2002: 6 pm. 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