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Show AAG ~The Salt Lake Tribune OPINION Sunday, December30, 2001 Bad Booze Laws Cause No More DUI Tragedy This Holiday Season More Problems Than Responsible Drinking legal ornot, that arose because BYKEITH BAKER of Utah's ludicrous liquor law labyrinth. Lawyer Fenn has an expert understanding of the The evil done bythe propo- nents of prohibition, including booze rules, rules that are be- the LDS Church, goes beyond yond the comprehensionof or- harming the health of the people. Federal Prohibition caused dinarymortals, and both sides buy his expertise. This may be good for lawyer Fenn’s bank balance, but is it good government? Therecentlyreleased Moni- criminal gangsterism and drug addiction to rise in America. Decades after Prohibition ended, the country isstill burdened bythe great expense and harm done bythese fruits of misguided religious fanatics. The best-known BYJEFF ZENTER toring the Future Study for 2001 found that 70 percent of high school studentsdrink al- ethical cohol. That /is illegal. Most problem stemmingfrom Utah's liquorlawsis the use ofpolicestate tactics by ABCC cops using entrapment to enforce the drinking age,but thatis not the only problem. Thepotential for corruption teen-agers ‘you see on the streets or who live in your house or who attend created by Utah's Byzantineli- your week is representing the LDS Church before the Mormondominated Alcohol Commission to urge it to continue to force non-Mormons into the Mormonlifestyle, and the next season and its festivities, which for evaluate priorities and hug loved ones just a bit longer. Asthe holidays approach,all of these activities will take on a renewed importance to many families as they cometogetherto celebrate, and to enjoya brief respite from the tragic events taking place in the world. Sadly, for manyfamilies in our community, there will be only moretragedyand sorrowthis holidayseason. This tragedy will come not at the handsofa foreign poweror terrorist organization, but at the hands of normal people who makethe unfortu- nate decision to drink and drive. According to the National Highway church arecriminals. It isnota good situation to criminalize the next generation and ignore it. For the most part, the cops Traffic Safety Administration, 30 per- ignore illegal drinking so they -pointin theirlives. After a long period of don't haveto lock up all your children, and this raises several ethical problems. Why do quor rules is illustrated by lawyer Jerry Fenn, who one wehavelawsif the cops ignore their enforcement? Whatis the lesson this teaches our kids?It teaches them it’s OK to thumb The Utah Highway Patrol and Salt an accident increases with the holiday The past few months have been Wrought with enough tragedy and bloodshed tolasta lifetime. In the wake of horrendous acts of terror, many Americans took pause to examinethat which they held most dear, to re- centof all Americanswill be involved in an alcohol-related autoaccident at some decline in drunken-driving fatalities nationwide, numbersrose again in 2000, from 15,786 in 1999 to 16,653. Last year, from Thanksgiving to New Year’s, 1,708 died at the hands of drunkendrivers. Thelikelihoodofbeing involved in such many means consuming alcohol. Utah is by no means a/safe haven from drunkendrivers. Ask the families and loved ones of the 89 people killed by alcohol/drug-impaired drivers last year in Utah. Alcohol/drug-impaired driving is an issue that impacts everyonein our community. There is hope. The month of December is Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month. This initiative is sponsored by the 3D Coalition. The 3D Coalition is a national organization in- LakeCity Police Department’s program to reduce impaired driving was honored in 1999 by the 3D Coalition as an example of a successfully working program.It has reduced annual drunken-driving fatalities in Salt Lake City from eight to oneor two. Please do your part to help this holidayseason. Use designated drivers and call cabs if you don’t have a designated driver and have been drinking. If you are hosting a party where alcoholis served, keep track of your guests. Make cluding law enforcement, federal gov- sure drivers are designated and offered ernment, public health and private or- non-alcoholic beverages. Don’t let guests drive themselves homeif they have been drinking. Tie a red ribbon on your car’s an- ganizations such as MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). Throughout this month, many activ- ities will be takingplace to raise awareness of drunken and drugged driving tenna to show your support for this cause. Call MADDat 269-8645 to find out andto help reduce drunken driving fa- where you can get ribbons or volunteer to help stop impaired driving. talities. The 3D Coalition hasthe goal of reducing impaired-driving fatalities to Aboveall, be careful. Considering re- 11,000 a year by 2005.In Salt Lake County, MADDhasorganized a campaign to tie red ribbonson car antennasas a re- enough tragedy and sadness. Let’s not compoundthat with more tragedies and cent events, our community has seen loss of life that could be prevented. Let this holiday season be a time for joy, peace, and celebration, not sadness,pain and mourning. minderto behave safely and responsibly. when drinking. Beginning on Dec. 28, there will be an increased police pres- ence over the New Year's celebration. Onthis weekend,local law enforcement will be increasing patrols and sobriety checkpoints to remind motoristsoftheir presence. Jeff Zentner works for the Salt Lake County Division of Substance Abuse Ser- vices Salt LakeCity. their noseat the law, at the po- lice, at the courts and attheir week appears before the same commission lobbying on behalf parents, and that’s a major of restaurants seeking alcohol licenses. In December, the commissionhad three licertses to dispense. There were six applicants. Two of the applicants reason whycrimeincreases. Weneed sensible lawsthat “YEAREND protect the public from the very real problems of alcoholism while not hindering the healthy benefits of moderate drinking. Today,/we haveneither. We have laws that only makethe problems worse. But even now, rememberto have a were represented before the ABCC by the’ LDS. Church mouthpiece and former chairmanofthe ABCC,lawyer Fenn. I don’t needto tell you who did and didn’tgeta license, do 1? Nobody has suggested there drink or two every day, and you will live long andprosper. was anythingillegal in lawyer Fenn workingboth sides ofthe street, butis it moral, ethical or Reith Baker, Ph.D., is a retired sociologist who has ob- proper? It is a situation that ReasonsTo Buy A Onna Menlove Today! Sea eee Ame) aS ALI CM SHALL § LEARANGE aa UO PET REeLN ‘must be retailed by 12/31/01 served Utah culture firsthand for the pastfive years. Helives in smellslike a deadfish rotting in the hot sun,and it isa situation, Baa VOT © NO PAYMENTS UNTIL Teal mY HeberCity. Dry Eye Disease? e - 02 4.7 Magnum V8, Customer ae Package Do yousuffer from the dryness, itching, burning, pain, sensitivity to light, and foreign body sensation caused, Pwr E DURANGO SLT 4X4 Everything, Tow Pkg, Auto, Rear Air 3rd Seat, Very Nice! $26,185 MSRP $32,445 MSRP. -$4,574 Menlove Disc Menlove $6,237 un bythis disease? 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