Show F I 1 I 1 N fi carload of uranium does to denver den wr for test Every everything thin 9 looking exceptionally good throughout the oil belt matt warnar from emery county dhori he lie has 1 ion for several da tiny getting out ont n cur air load of uran uranium funt from froin some proa pros in which himself hims arthur J leo lee and other pi ko folka folks are interested and which ta is lube up be shipped to the east thie this week tot foe testing tho tile bluff stuff Is to aw consigned from Desert switch to deader where it Is 1 to 0 bo he delivered over to AB frenzel Fr enzol the gentle gentleman trian who was wa set In Jilce tice nud ld also ale tit t tho property wrt y tho latt has a bond abond on it nd la Is confident thee deposit will develop into it gleat lebit prod producing licin t property salar sa far very little development hue hus bw done I 1 oil from the shades tho rho mi pleasant oil goe gas core corn pany la is good ita its president of the coni company hn i hud had a retort and lilts lin axen in it at tho oil in ili ita its natural senta from the ohnia fount nil till oser mer o ser iho tile mount atin aide side choro tho tile property pro la Is k located with tho used ii 1 crude bild 1 lie lit hus bush sue ceal 11 1 betting getting on an refined oil from front a pound of shale for ilie the lot which lie put through tho the retort this la Is considered a n good showing for tho tile used tho tile cotti pany liam that it lilts found a i company which can cain and will place is 11 f tho tile treasury to enough f funds to a plant to bo be used in tho tile of ae great salt lakes shores con inama that underlying tho tile z zone one isom ft oin which gua gas line has been steadily for runny a oars in Is ono one that be mudo audo ciui illy of oil all Charlt Clu irh 4 K unit itaco clates hit atte e dad up tho the holdings ot al tho the lake shore gas und oil corn com puny pany upon the inar glas of great halt salt luke lake daid to dc tho the of this conviction will viii sink aa w soon its equipment con can ix installed upon tho the bround ground to it dapah of 2500 fet says tho the TrI tribune bunc to equip ind and boro bore to that depth it fund of lina ata n provided and thattie taftt abo under undertaking talking will succeed tho the haa tim the opinion of not ft a fuw low most eminent exports to austain it theory long embraced by who liuo hmo audo mudo a study of lit the basin no work as yet el tho national oil nt orter thus answers nn inquiry in ita its ishito of last week reek with ft a charter issued by the of jonh utah tho tile chicago oil corn cont puny pany begun began in june 1001 with ft a capital stock of shares having ft centa ats ooch cacti the company denims to control aeres in oland of green river our latest reports from tho property state that no de development has been done dolle frank but inester Is president it 0 wilson vico vice president lont find and 11 barnett ancret ory and treasurer tho the iraln la Is in salt suit lake city oil at pueblo colo denser denner bring tho the anfor mitlon that a big ilg oil how ilow has iwen been on it ranch twelve antler northeast of pueblo colo nt at tt it depth hundred feet the ell if Is owned h a company of which D 11 moffat 1 N a large stockholder holder it is stated staw that tho the well Is now in dakota L ennd rand and that operations will bo be sui suspended 11 it can call bo be cased the flow was struck n week or ten days ago but no newa news sig it itwara was bemuse public four barwis barrels of uio the oil have been sent av a test yesterdays herald saya says capt X A eade a manager of tho pe at soldier Su nimit haa has been in the city for a few days utter a trip to and the tile east tomorrow lio lie papette to leave lea vo for chicago OhI cago and asifur a consultation with his chief ho lie III len leme lene e for southern illinois where ho the boiter leiter syndicate ilaa been anair inga ing a big block of coal land theca tain expects that boid of hia lite time chrs this aar ear will ill bo be consumed in directing the he opening up of tho the new now fields whiff with rig un tin 0 trip to the cla 1111 hes salt lake tribune says that the white te star oil syndicate has its well down elx six hundred anand fiC tand la Is re rejoicing jo leIng mm dry hole ariller Kr iller davin davis haa has found no dini culty in lit keel keeping I 1 ng tho the water cased off on and tho tile work la Is going on in as satisfactory it m manner anner as is pos 1 ahue fur far the lay lity 0 of tho the well has confort cen orinal nett with tho tile strains gracd trae 1 on tho anticline this pivus gilves manage 11 confidence deum that the tho big oil sand for which Nl itch tho the drill la Is being driven Is I 1 but four hundrup feet further farther on and that ho will ct bring lu the alist pro duclus veil yell lu its utah tho the contractor who it breed greed to vodraw draw thit th catling f from the well of the western alope oil company ot at grand tun jun hue lilts met with ith boine vime hard I 1 luck when whon ho flo hundred feet had been drawn the remaining agoo feet dropped to the bottom it may to so quire so several arul daya days to draw all till tho the casing thero is lit some talk among tho the stockholders oi of taking the equipment of this thiH well to is polut ne arton and sinking it SOCO foot toot this cun tin bedone be dono for 1000 the duma burris well wel I 1 nt at isert desert switch is 1 now don mer eighteen hundred feet sud mid Is being catob co off ready ui bo be pit put down still further or until oil la Is truck struck or tho the capacity of tho tile machinery three thousand feet Is it la Is understood two to other wella havo bt been n contracted tor for by manager burns rumors 4 ha hae e reached price that it was a fow few daya days ngo ago near summit by somo soine of the numerous pisit pinales les who anro sinking shafts there on ela cl c bilins ilm Ho however weer the report la is not 3 set et i eri erit tied led J S A beverly writes president stew art of tho the uintah olt win parly that he Is 18 engaged in purchasing linsing bis his drilling rig fig tind that ho he will boon bo on the property ready to begin operations ns as eoon soon us as the snow will allow successful work mork tile dairy fork rig la Is still at work having un till oil annd sand which produced PrO dUCOS a a 4 fire tire flow tiow 0 of oil acel accident dent this well uell should bo be completed in twenty days the tile success cess of tho the enterprise seems insured the petroleum oil ground which lloa iles near that of the ground upon which J A benerly isto Is to drill will bo be amongst tho the developers daring tho the e coming orning season truth kigns bright weekly weck ly naka asks what la Is the tile matter with tho the new york uenh compan it Is understood that tie aioo Is being duade by it to resume operations in darks clarks valley 01 kennedy A expected back shortly to emery county whore where preparations will be im to place the rig of tho the cincinnati utah company in commis commission llon for the season of the tile oil con pany parly owning territory this side the aler from front will III visit the tilt valley in a few da das s with a view of starting development work D 0 dunbar has been heard from he the utah colorundo company will be ambuj the first to start up in the eastern utah fields this season J A beverly is expected any timo thilo from the east with the rig rit has pur hashed for sinking taking al the tile uintah Ulli tall com panya well near cotton ue Wert oil and asphaltum com company pars will be I 1 in the tile field during tho tile coming ccok eek RM R M popo rope la Is already on tho the ground the oil city company ip I 1 still en in putting dowa casing and has not gained much deth depth lately several persons owning farms south of f onalle ialo dale tiro are figuring to join i in n sinking a wall M |