Show vw a w vy resignation REFUSED congress requests castro to reconsider reco mider the venezuelan congress by a unan unanimous linous arte has declined to capt president castros ro resignation and has passed a resolution requesting him to reconsider hie his decision de clelon it ie Is believed the president will yield to this ex expressed desiro desire of congress and remain no in in power the congressional hall as crowded saturday and all the members of the diplomatic orus were present when president castro lastro read his message to congress president castro first passed in review the terrible conditions which prevailed in the country and decour denounced ced the terrors of his coun thymen 0 but ho lie continued it if it A Is painful to consider how much blood has been shed and how many tears it is a consolation fort to think that their bitter stream by the law of campen bation will bring something that should corres correspond nand to present day as sicco sirce every struggle begets an idea and every victorious idea justifies the supposition that an onward step has been taken on the road to human perfection our victory achl zen legislators over the adversities which have just opy oppressed ressel us must terminate the tumults of our life otherwise we shall reach a shameful dissolution in closing his address president castro said 1 I now decher my bresg nation in ia order that you may proceed legally to call on him who should take my place so that there may remain to no venezuelan the slightest pretext for or any hostility to his country or for connin ronn hanco with tho the foreigners who without any grounds 0 that at have force fell upon unfortunate venezuela trod dine ding under tinder fact reason and justice to the detriment of civilization and right all the energies and possibilities of rny my life are at your service should it become necessary to arise and defard our country against the attacks of the foreigner all the glory I 1 ask Is to contemplate venezuela respected prosperous aid happy |