Show united baates land office salt lake city utah september 10 1003 1901 to whom it may concern the state of utah oolooloo micol tu its fiert rt of if its grunit fur for ibo me ilse ot of the th ulver 11 of f utah under iho the ath th sect ecklon loii of the ac ut of approved luly id 1 1301 the ollow ing in tract munel mu nel by tan state states sull up i general a 0 minem limal acial land n tico 1 hero by van isiha that t the all bald saito will submit 1 1 it to th the D ch character cier of or laid all M inet 1 1 ab fo t tb b I 1 hea e j aristor oil aart at this office on the isab lay or november asu at t too 10 u clock a m vis t 74 ecyl 13 nl 14 aradne mee is t twp wp 13 r I 1 I 1 to u embrace ceif d in list no 4 af t un 1 v era ty of utah all pirson persons portion of fiam cribei tracts aa or dIri nir to protest or object to ahn thereat oi br tho 1 pro hereby d tn appear gin that dale 1 and kurmit testimony in support iipp ort or tor objection FRANK D 1110 vt Is no T 13 |