Show HUMAN BEINGS AND ROOKS philosopher points out similarities in their ria matures tures im from the country he said od dressing nobody in particular and apropos of nothing and I 1 want to tell you people that we are only a lot of rooks did you ever watch a colony of rooks bulli their nesti nests in the spring everybody looked reflectively aay well ill tell you first a rook picks up a stick and puts it in bis his nest then goes away after another one when hes pono gone another rook files flies to his nest and steals the stick when he gets back he lie puts down tho the second stick for still another rook to steal and after the first stick he lie find it and when he gets back to his nest he finds the second stick gone and ho he starts after that scolding and swearing in rook fashion as hard bard as he can by this time the other thieves have been robbed too and it only takes about three sticks to go around the community and get the whole blessed colony powwowing pow wowing now aint that human nature nc ture everybody looked away reflectively |