Show AND V USSR the tile cou county nty commissioners meet 11 in regular session on the of octo T 4 I 1 ber b ill the Sun nilde public school opened 1 last ing monday with a large attendance f under the efficient charge of elmer hristian sell and miss laurette au ali derson oSie spy py hollow fenest kentucky bilske ke highest in price highest quality gentlemen of judgment should drink hollow nichols bros senate saloon M the resignation of lewis 0 singleton as justice 0 of we peace of price precinct Is on me V nith ith tha the wald of count commissioners the vacancy will III lu le filled next chere will be it of the tile republicans of 0 price precinct at the law office of judge second floor first national bank building tomor a raldo eN opening ening to till all members of the porty party uro tire in invited cited S Yo morria who nho for st aral ears has lind the contract for carrying tho the ambil from price to vernal has sold his ills name home at the tile latter pineo place to georgo borgo I 1 adams mid and will return to ills old homo home in idaho where ho lie ovina extensive ranch and aria block interests doctors everywhere recommend Ilat herpera pers whiskey for the enervating abing tf licU ol 01 hot weather it and nd as a safeguard ni alaria beci iuso of its purita bold by thomas P mur aby lofters one of the oldest or tho uintah indians and a it mon man ot of his tribe died on oil tho the reservation a few daas da g ORO ago and in accordance with a custom in vogue imong the Ind indians lans hia ills best horses bere cre led ui ill to the deal warriors warr iora und tind killed unit that ho tie might huo liao them to rido over oner the hills und and aleson ales of tho tile happy hunting grounds hud had been a it lo 10 lover or of or fust fast horac u it und nd owned 1 I some that beio among the horses that beio eto shot N as eno one far which he recently paid cleber city last week neek lad a bensa flun A hypnotist by tho the of f fontanna Fon tanua had been givinn exhibitions hibl there for se several eral da dais a and had a aoun oun a lady misa miss nillo duncan so completely in hia his that she was determined to marry him his wife who was loft left behind it lit Co coalville alville rita an unpaid board bill appealed on tho tha spot pot ho however oever which put a stop to the ceremony and tile professor skipped lout annu lind as a an nc ac comillie rora ilice it by name and who hulls train kinei the latter did the sleeping eler ping net alt in it i window for nu dollzia dol luia luts by tho the way ho stilled to gee cc emery stake academy ocene I 1 ut it Castlo dule Dulo last monday ni with ith 4 k 1 A harria as principal and miss mattio mattie 1 nelson ns a 11 assistant 1141 tant tho has been teaching in old mexico w hilo lo 10 tho the latter latte r cornea comes from f ron prove pron a ike als glusgol A shipped from colton to ornain last thursday the fourteen cars of steers walh hl it he lately bought of at whitmore bros J M whitmore along with ON two 0 cars of his ills own a st stun u fr august sli showed oed up tip finely tor for gross earnings of the klo rio grande system the tile total balne an I 1 increase reas a over er august 1901 of the pei lod of thy the mical acar car tho the giosa glass ban readied reached 1 au an of thoro will I 1 bo it civil seri service fee exam illation in salt lake city october for ti tto e of topographical draftsman braf ksinan t ith to sal salaries arlet and foi for the position tIou of assistant engineer at 1000 salary both with tho the geological vey there la Is nothing no thing better for family and medicinal uso use than old valentine valentino ivha handled exclusively exclusa cly in lit price by nichols bros the senate saloon moderate in but high in ltv it get let a bottle for homo home use highly recommended by physicians for its purity frad olsen of berron has purchased tho milt mill route and dairy bus iness or james nelson at lit Sunn ysido and has moved meed his ills family theio to den devoto oto his ills entire timo time to his ills new business lie ile bought sixteen head of cona cows from mr nelson and tind willada will add out ut a as many more to tho the bunch bostom Pos toulie e Ing inspector sharp was at wellington last saturday investigating Ine a it theft from the pos tonico there whereby postmaster tidwell lost lostlen ten dollars in government funds from his ills cash braot the advocate la Is not justified in giving tho name of tho tile oung man who admits his guilt until such time at as an arrest Is made D M crandall of was in ill 1 emory mery county last week to engage eurage men and teams for the utah construction st com company piny to work in salina canaan can on ho ile offers men 1 60 50 per day and and teams per day thing found mccran mr crandall Is of tho the opinion that work will continue on tho the castio castle valley road until it is 19 completed although the men ill hols he la now employing campio ing arotzken arc aro taken for torn a month only i leon L loo f bo u row a it graduate of the tile salt lake lahe high school and a nephew of mr and mrs J W loot beutow of price lias gono gone to boston chero lio lie will take a tour four sears lourte u in the boston university pro pre paring himself liim self for tho mr loofbourow attended leland stanford university last henr car and it was upon a scholarship won ion by him at tit that institution that ho lie will enter tho the boston university mark P braffet Brat Tut who lately formed a law partnership with A weber of ogden for tile nw at salt lako lake city has up ill offices in fit bulto ami D r walker building tho tile firm of weber braffet Br alTet in addition to their other practice is retained under tinder a good maldry as at attorney torne a for tho the liquor dealers association of salt lake city the are also counsel for scofield town mi braffet however ll ower tern altis the attorney for tho the utah ruel 1 cora company pany pleasant valley coal company and tho the rio grando western rall railway way M L i myton lyton A who was hero here the first of the eek sa sava there are now plenty of soldiers at fort du besne that Is IF companies 1 and 0 G of the twelfth infantry itry and the one troop of tho the fourteenth cavalry under captain ates with mafoi tho twelfth infantry in eo command milland of the major roster Is a great dis and keeps his tits command Lon imand constantly ready for summons to war iho the command coniti tand from front the fourteenth clyal 1 Is going away shortly and land major understands that two troops of alla ninth cavalry are to be stationed motioned atthe at tho P post ost a that regiment is bout to return from tho tile philippines phillp |