Show AS TO DESERTED WIVES I 1 apt tn 11 lie 11 karri 1 if it the they miiko to the boort an odd statement emanating fron from tho the chicago dureau bureau 0 of associated charities casto casts an interesting sidelight aldel leht upon tho the divorce question according to this statement the burden upon the bureau ot of women who have been deserted by their husbands Is out mit of a I 1 pin portion to a soI society ety in III ono nay ay and another it has been estimated cst that there are in chicago 8 50 women who hove have been thus left alono alone in the world of the recreants have hut but many are till still hangers on in the household leaving lenvin their wives to earn the bread wh if then the chicago courts are asking ie la to be done with these offenders the question A would ouia be eimoto 0 enough ivet were a it not that the deserted wife 14 1 loath to act in motion tho machinery of the tho law or if she han ha done so Is genara generally US to atop stop it A philadelphia lawyer when asbed this wjk of tho the impression that aff s were not much better in this city vaya the philadelphia press you nilst he laid devise an off effective octive ou can stop a aril ic when a husband is to 0 bo be tried for III his wife the latter must cen cenci mally ally bo be alc prosecutor and it sh ahu gets na au far as taking the oth o th spirit generally leaves ler pt rt about that st 31 a e tho the i i jacc and L ly ight aho she Is baci at the station bouto to ceo tea tle tie fellow I 1 bellave bell feve that in fully 75 per cint of ahse tb so a tt destt aro are lost through tigh the default of the wife as the complaining witness Doal dej many a oman who would be only too glad to bo be rid ot or a husband in any other wa ara will refute to take a step stop that would land him in jail JJ f the chicago Clil cago la Is now looking out tor for about fifty women who hao ba a been dezer deserted ted theeo these women are clein ing cooking ielne seil ng and at from 1 to IGO 1 GO a day but an officer of tho th society ex c the opinion that tull full 40 per cent of them are abiri ob ir ing their earnings with their good for nothing husbands hua hus lands |