Show LATE washington aw NEWS AND governmental proceedings commander comma anler in chief torrance nce of the G A it lit compana d b ba silas 11 II fow fw ler for 11 ills adjutant general has arrived in Wasil washington logton and will inal maintain quarters here until entil the 0 t of the annual encampment of the G A II 11 lu in october HIP war his liis decided to appoint a lond of armity otil of ficeri cers to in vesti gate and anti report upon the needs for military purposes of the rort sill reservation oklahoma 1 territory Arri tory with mith it view of having the landa lands tint are not needed allotted to the tile apache indian pil these indians indian deairl to oc cup cut the landi wid and cultivate them anti officers of the army have recommended mat such a board be appointed surgeon gooral lotwood said re antl that 11 1 hii jata satisfied that the cholera situation in the philippines no well inell under control and tint thit there be a general diminution in the lumber of cases from now on lie declared that all the latest information from the philippines wag as favorable to tile early suppression of the scourge the chief f actor in that direction was the rainy reason which general forwood forn N said lint already opened and ft N III continue until november orders have been issued by the navy department pio fur for a visit of the united states steamship ad adams arns to wake island and lie the midway islands belonging to the united states in the pacific ocean this action has been determined on as a result of a recent communication received at the tile debirt ment from the tile master of the trang transport port buford who nho reported that while approaching pro aching wake island in june last he discovered it inhibited enli by a party pirty of japanese complying with the request of ot the secretary of the Tret treasury sury department part ment will detail an expert architect of the treasury to gr to peking china to complete the plans and sped ficat foug for the new united states legation 0 building there and superintend the construction the french architect who performed a like service for his government and who was engaged to plan and construct tha the buildings for the united states has gone to france a and nd ii will III not return As his ills plans were jere not altogether satisfactory minister conger has asked that a competent architect be sent from tho tile united states stites the of tre navy recently asked the saval naval of construction 0 list ruction to consider what should bo be done with uie lie former dyn dynamite ignite cruiser vesuvius aad the board decided to recommend that a board of mine sure be appointed to pass upon liei disposition the resin lus att attracted rated much attention at one time as it was thought she might revolutionize mar warfare fare but she proved a failure during the spanish N war ar for rome sonie time site has been laid up in the C CLarles town navy yard it costs about 1000 a henr to take care of her chui not in lit uc u c it Is thought the board of survey may recommend the tile taking oft off of auni etc the census bureau has issued a report of or the tile manufacture of carriages and wagons for the census year ending may fay 1 1000 the report shows a capital of invested in tills this industry in lit the tile establishments reporting from the united the value of the products Is returned at during the past decade trio capit capital till invested invest id d increased almost and the value of products almost the statistics show that tho trend of the industry Is to vard v ard tho the central stites st ites N where here land mud Is 14 che iper sul suitable table lumber and nail prices therefore favorable arid m where here niso also the devi loped rill railroad road systems afford abundant meana means of tria cioll berles of the internal bureau has directed that ha immediate steps be taken for the lollee tion of the taxation of profits and lom accounts or undivided accounts 0 of banks trust companies or private buks bink under the aar r venue act of june 1608 the amount to be collect oil ed will approximate it Is aid said under nn opinion of the I 1 jart ment of justice the tax had bad only been collected on the capital and surplus of hanks but the commissioner ruled last january that the undivided profit or pruitt and loss accounts of banks are inart of the surplus and anti thereby auh eject to ta after this ruling was ling made by request of representatives of banks the th agreatt 1 janu nry last vist 0 o withhold NN collection pending vending a it decision by the tile united Stat states tt court in a suit atilt to be brought to cst et the question james 1 organ president tit of the first national nation if datil of chicago was uns the elmir chairman of the committee writing lie the banks thu called upon the cell assigner Ass ioner I last january prot protesting cating agal rust tl collection of this tax january 27 tb I 1 list lat the commissioner wrote him that while he be would acquire the banks trust cotnua nits and othera others interested to make returns at once to the department show ing ng their undivided profit or profit and loa 1 accounts acco nuts he lie would mould AIt libold col cot lection until a deoc decision don M was 88 secured in the united states district court but said laid distinctly in this letter that if the court held that under UK tile law andl tided profits arc are a proper subject for then payment of the tux tax would be enforced notwithstanding au an appeal might be taken by the banks to ohp supreme court othis tax was repealed repeated by the list congress the re peal to take effect jular jul 1 a 0 that at present there Is no internal revenue re toz on capital surplus or undivided profits of banks the tax n be collect ed wll bv be for tho the year endel july 1 I 1 KZ the naty has been in formed that at tit the trial of the torpedo boat chaunce ci off the birren island course august blip aie ina 8 knots her contract speed being twenty seven sven knots secretary shaw ha has 4 given glien so some me study to the of the proposed ciban loan of and baa reached tho the conclusion that the questions Iino involved led arc are not aeh no come within the jurisdiction of he lie treasury it 1 li 14 4 likely that the bec a will III u bo inform the secretary ot of rhe repairs to the white giouse are hearing nearing completion and will be finished long before the president la Is ready to bring his family back to washington of the old white house notel not uSte bl will be left but the outside wall and these will not be changed it he kas A few rods from the white house within the grounds ground A the work mork of erecting an office building for the president Is being rapidly pushed niong along and will be completed by UK time the president returns to take up bis his official life in washington the walls of the new building aie nie nearly completed and it does docs not compare well jell with the tile white house or tho the state war N ar and navy building between m nelch aich it Is 1 situated the structure Is low and built of red brick and its appearance Is not grepo prepo prepossessing many changes irive been made in the interior of the white house and the removal of the business offices will jill give plenty of room for so 1 il functions roosevelt and his ills family intend that the short session of congress abill bo be marked by fully as much social life as ever characterized a sein at the national en capital pital the ansi answer er of secretary boot root to the petition of miss rebecca J taylor for a writ in rit of lamue to compel him blin to restore her hr to a clerkship in the war has been filed miss tailor was dismissed betl for publishing criticisms on the philippine policy of the administration secretary answer sias one of these published litters na was 3 referred by secretary hoots roots direction to miss taylor for an explanation or statement emont ement that miss taylor admitted its authorship without offering any tiny justification or retraction and that her an answer siNer in the opinion of the secretary of was was insubordinate and prejudicial to the order and effi efficiency clency of the service and secretary r root therefore caused her removal secretary hoot root says hia ills action was s not taken talen because of misa taylora taylors lora political or religious affiliations and that all the acts of the department in lit the case were done in conformity with mith the civil cili berince ua regulations lions ilia ills ansi answer cr contend tint wit the tile action of the head of an department la in respect to the caze ca ze to 1 not subject to review or control by a chait chui coui t of law lav rind that lila its action cannot be direct directed en by y a luan mandamus dainus army officers nj are tire not noised t the report that oen gen jacob I 1 seek see in lit the courts if tr ider of the president by vi A 11 summarily retired 13 think hb treatment was ai a i flit 1 A l U 0 order which placed hini on the retired list was mai appended to the president comment on the tin flu lugs ings of the court ni martial artial which that general smith be admonished by the levi le eving ing authority in lit this case the president of the united states general smiths friends hav have contended that the president by appending tho tile order for retirement to the admonition increased the sentence under the tile law the reviewing aut authority bority of a court has no authority to increase a sentence sin tence secretary hoot root and judge Ado advocate cate general divia davis have bild un attention to the coLl colment ment on the tile legality of general smiths retirement judge advocate general davis in answer to a query pointed out tint thit tho tile law inny which enables the I president to rt tire an officer after lie li Is sixta tai two 0 ears old without giving cause was nas never ao as a punitive me suro and did not increase any punishment it exercised in connection therewith the president has appointed olver over wendell IIo Ilo luies chief justice of the supreme bourt of massachusetts to be an all osso asso clata elata justice of the supreme court of the united beatts bt atts vice lee justice gray re d the resignation of justice gray was nas due to III health several months ago he lie buffered a stroke of apoplexy somo some aitor laef r was uis followed by another he ile lias has not appeared on the bench stine lie was vas astrio en the first time ills advanced age sey seventy citty four yeara years t jd against his ills recovery with mth serious ri lt i kc that he pro probably bibly P vcr er would be able again to assume the tile wire n which litch he lie so long il hid II 11 filled distinguished abille and honor or he fie decided a it short time thile ago to tender ills hi reIgn resignation atlon to the tile president oliver et idell Ilo luies was mas born in boston march 8 1911 and und 1 ans as educated deduc a ted at Il harvard arvard he ile in ill the tuen dieth regiment in and was as 1 wounded at halle bluff at antietam Amic tam and anti at the leond battle of 0 fred he ile was ins ou out t with the rank of captain in ISO 1811 he ile lard been offered a aa as lieu ilet I 1 nant colonel of a in isal 18 b but U t de declined C I 1 I 1 tie 1 I promotion hi III law I 1 I 1 v was admitted OdIt ted to the lar in 1636 and in boston in ier 1852 2 lit h antl was as professor in the law school at Il harvard arvard and in the same year ajai appointed a justice of the court of the state the nely appoint cd ed jurllee was as the hero of the ebous a bory my scar searah h for the captain written by hie his ather father oliver Ws 1101 holics mes gr er |