Show some gener information elf county cleric donaldson hot has for IWA W oded his annual report to tha state auditor showing the tile assessed kalua alone of carbon co cotrit urit giving the various items going to make up the to hotl assessment reni reil estate had and improvements F farm arm lands town and eity city lotia 9 coal lunda real estate ampro improvements ernests making it total of 1 jivu stock horses and mules cattle sheep hog 3 making a total of personal property bees merchandise and trude trade fix fixtures turps machinery tools implements and supplies solvent credits Judg judgment mena eto etc 1536 money personal property not otherwise on um aerated ulak making ilig a total of aum estate nod improvements alre katock personal property property axi essed by state board orand grand total general total number acme acris ns wised assessed lar acre 5 YI 02 agg ng gregat regato valme ot of town lota lots number acids wal coal lands total mid of cool coal lands there are tire in the tile county 11 1118 Is head of horses and ir ailee t 2052 head of cattle head of phoel aud ninety six el head ot 0 hogs |