Show ont A the criser with tIr sery trees it la Is r ething of a science to trans plant trees that hive have beon received i 1 m a distant nursery and have ha ve them live it used to be thought that there must be a largo larre percentage of loes anyway even under the me best conditions dit ions both the nurserymen and the planters have now learned teamed that tree trees of all kinds can be handled in a way to insure their living when placed in their new locations A well packed tree has its roots kept molet moist by being rolled la in damp mosa moss aid rud tied up in bagging bugging the old scheme of pulling tilling V trees out of tho the ground exposing their roots and sending them away without any protection was the cause of many a tree roe boving a failure when these trees dived at the distant station they were thrown out on the platform laef orm and belt let there exposed to the th heat ot of the sun and the drying effects of the wind in the course of time ume the pur chador drove around and got bis his con sign ment perhaps a couple of days after their arrival by that time then their roots were good and dry he drove home and set out his hie trees in any old efty AY even had bo he set act them in the beet beat possible way it Is altogether like ly ir that a good many trees would have perished owing to the drying out ol 01 the roots when a large part of nn his trees failed to grow ot of course courso the nursery an waa was to blame so the buy gi GL said ho he was right to borne somer extent in that the fees trees f ees were sent away with roots not p oberly protected in sending trees long or abort short dishes the roots and their moisture supply furnish tha the key to the situation proper treatment treat mont of the tree from the time it U comes out of the nursery row to the time it goes into the place assigned to it in the orchard will insure a good healthy tree in setting a hundred of thee there need be no failures point points on an asparagus Aspa culture Cu iture when the asparagus mp ts aragus plants come up in the new they should be div on every opportunity to grow and make leaf for the leaves are what must be depended on to develop root the fact that the roots depend on me the top should not be forgotten constant pruning of the top does not lu crease the roots as some might suppose all the material that goes to the of the roots first roes arito the leaves and ie Is elaborated that Is clanged into a form that can DO be in cell construction the ground pound must be kept free from weeds and from hard crusts every encourage ment should be given for the forma tion of top and thi thia should be con linued till the berries form and find turn red then the tops that have hea the red berries should be cut off or the ber ries picked off and thrown aw away the berries hould should not be permitted to form seed tor for that will take much stance substance from the roots moreover if the berries are permitted to stay on the plants they will fall to the sound ground growth Is done and the next year multitudes multi of little plants 1 will l st start from them this to the cause of many a bed running out or i the tho stalks getting smaller there wa will however be a good many other tops than those with berries and these may to remitted to remain m the wafer water should not be bp pa permitted to 10 stand on the asparagus bed but should be drained away from it as all he the asparagus plant 1 IR very pU i ble to rust and other fungous diseases for the canneries Can Cann nerlee erles it is in that the tomato apply Is short so far as tho canned prod sams act Is concerned A man conversant with the conditions existing say aye that for three years past the marker market nas has not aten fully supplied and that it will tan ta a most bountiful barvell to put tho market in a 1 normal ast wilater canned tomatoes were 2 actually imported into the united I 1 states from Can afla a thing before sd of A probably the high prices asked for the canned product in to ome extent due to the comparatively abort crop 0 of lut year but 1 it does seem that the tapply of this fruit woula be sufficient for all U LIAO tomatoes towa toes that are actually could be taken care of there are tall lious of gardens in this country where tomatoes go to waste evary yi ar because the owners cannot use them u and there lo Is bloem do sale for them em the he shortage in the supply on the market in winter in due then to ick of fal deuced 1 for using what Is actually pro ip bantams were imported from arpan EF where they SS hive evidently been bred for a long tame as they breed very true to type only after tong generations can a type be thus fied they are chally acclimated and hadjy ar population of london during durins the jast lae i neatly live 1 |