Show DONT BE A duc RD they tell te 11 a story about an old fob fol low 10 in 1 tho the days of long uro who went arcu id the streets in ae e with a lighted lantern a who when cose roe one asked him what in the world he was doing said that he was looking for an honest man I 1 have no doubt the tone of his voice and the look on an his face espres ed a doubt whether he ever w w ild fand the object of hi his search some folks most of them about as skeptical as old diogenes himself are hunting the world over for honest men today to day and declaring with long faces that there Is not such a thing to bo be found no air they declare positively you can not find them they arc are not on tho the face ae rf the car ear b bit ent they are we simply do not know how nor where to tn look for them if that old fellow had just hung tip his lantern and gone out into the world to meet men as they went about their everyday duties it would not have bale taken him ions long to discover the man he be was so anxious to meet so with they their are all about vs if it we only kaw it it |