Show SUGAR consumption ON THE INCREASE it is estimated that in the last calendar end aryear year there was to in this country tone tons of sugar which was the greatest amount ever used evon even exceeding the remarkable showing of 1902 and marking ru em r u in crease in consumption of more than that 8 per cent over the figures for 1903 thia this advanced our per capita consumption t pounds for 1001 1904 the highest previous fl gursc being 72 8 in 1002 in the last twenty years our per capita consumption of 0 sugar hua has increased from fifty one to more than seventy alve pounds per annum last year the tile actual increase in tons 1903 was which was well in excess ot of our beet sugar crop for that 5 ear car therefore tar far fro from the beet sugar industry of the united states adVa advancing neing at a rapid rate to promise for tho the future a domestic supply equal to the demand the crop did not amount to tho the gala 44 1 made in the tho consumption froM 1203 1903 N to 1904 did all this sugar 0 come arm domestic cane that Is k cano caco sugar produce 1 within our own 1 borders and not including our insular possessione accounted for tons domestic beet sugar supplied tons maple sugar an exceptionally tio nally heavy crop tone tons and molasses sugar augur tone tons alt all told ther therefore elom the supply of sugar frog from strictly domestic sources accounted for tons not a fifth of our ur total consumption |