Show 70 IN THE OIL BELT the milton lilton land and oil company hao entered into an iron clad agreement with X E burn burns of salt lako lake city and owen burns at 0 chicago whereby the two last named gentlemen are to commence drilling an oil well wel luDon upon the property in emery county within the next eighty daya days the agreement haa has been filed with the county recorder of emery county it calls calla for bell a well 2000 feet fet ats unless oil Is struck in layng quantities before thai that depth Is reached the hole Is to 91 inches in diameter at the top and not less than three inches at the bottom Is to bo entirely cased eased and all work done in a first class manner in case the contractors find it impracticable to continue work on the first well they may start a second or a third well and sink the same on the same conditions as named for dortho the findt well the consideration to be ghen the burns Is a certain percent of the capital block of the company sum oil two weeks ego ago editor haines of the castle dale progress sent a letter to congressman sutherland requesting hiro him to present to the proper government officials the matter of the extreme necessity of sun sur evlog Neving the un surveyor survey eyad od lands of emery county in asmuth as some acres of such land acs ha already been located as oil all land over which there might arise some trouble and liti litigation Cation later on because of the difficulty in properly describing such land by the locut locators orK A reply has been received from train mi sutherland nd in which he says among other things 1 I agree with you in what ou say about this land and will wilt do all I 1 poi possibly sibly can to have the survey extended in the tile near future I 1 11 will present the matter at once to the proper officials als hem and urge immediate action MW C the huntington oil and mining company with a capitalization of shares of the par value of a share has been organized tho the principal cipal business being at huntington utah among those interested are levi N X hormon harmon thomas Thoma sC 0 hain ford A M True trueman nian oliver er J T harmon and it A howard the company owns 1920 acres of land adjoining the property c et the sau sad Ita lu in the sinbad buann aults oil its holdings there are numerous oil spring where the crude oil of good lubricating quality may bo be dipped up with a bulked great things are expected from this p atily 8 11 the Rl oVerdo minto g company has filed articles of incorporation at salt lake city the company Is capitalized tor for divided dl aided into share i of tho par value of 10 each and the officers oft leers are W 0 hell hall president AV 0 staines vico vice president J john 11 woodman secretary josiah bar n na t tr treasurer company will mine for pemp leum and other oils and natural gr gases ses con contract conti act for and sell mining claims refine reline oil oils sell crudo oils oils agnses etc its holding lire are around green river LOOKING OVER HOUND T A ketchum who ie Is handling some eastern utah and carbon county lands for a denver syndi syndicate syndicat cat casover was over north of Sunn ysido last week to ascertain when it would be practical for his company to bring in machinery ho he found the snow still very deep IP ir the hills but thinks he will got abig ij m anh wh hence when work will begin out towards the nine mile section ho he predicts a big crowd here for the oil convention and will attend himself if he gets back from california in time 1 I 1 f oil 1 E 0 gamble ari oil all expert who operated jpe rated successfully in other holds fields Is at tit green River with it corps of on gliders securing lands upon which early development will be commenced mr gamble represents n chicago syndicate filch secured land in the Ik beaumont held field and got out on the top of the boom he represented the same people at boulder boulders colo and Is now drilling a well alx six miles north of grand junction junctions his pres nt rit headquarters qun arters he lie tine fins great faith in the outcome of the utah fields oil IL AND AN I 1 fred fro 0 richardson BIchard aon at 0 bun san J jow 0 wo cal ls I 1 at castle patti aa to devoto devote attention to the all and mining resources of tho the county the gent gentleman letI M la 18 an experienced oil man and miner minor and rayj ea emery Coil county lity Is to one ot of the moot inviting fielde for pits that ne knows 0 o of it Q V warren of the santa re who Is interested in the bebco Be boque colo oil operations was in price a few days ago and says the first well ell is down 1100 feet and is yielding gas and oil la in such titles us as to convi convince no tho the exploiters tatt there 1 is a largo ago body of oil further on more rigs than ever are being put up tip the gold dividend oil company of salt luke lake city has filed artial of incorporation with n capitalization of ah shares awe at 1 each the Theof office ra are a re E B ht president arthur Art hutC 0 jarvis vice ice president dent and lowis T Can cannon nors secretary es and the company compan owns 60 1130 acre of oil lands in emory county over oil location notices were filed with county recorder Bp corder andorson And oraon at castle dale in one day last week of this number the new now york and utah oil and mining company sent in one and john schrader dr Jen jannotte notte miss F S mcolan and other leadville and denver people sent in forty three the kaiser min mining ing company of salt suit lake city has beon been incorporated ith a capitalization of shares of 1 each iho officers tire are 3 J A groa gross president S 8 W west vice president and ana c B jack secretary and treasurer the company owns tho the copier copper boy group of four claims near woodside |