Show MONUMENT TO MINERS mother th 1 oat out wishes of her ifer son regarding unknown gerowe of the scofield diameter A beautiful monument has just been finished for mrs hugh dougall of spring ille which will bo be elected by her at in doing this she ts to carrying out tho the wishes of ner eon son W B dougall dougal the young civil engineer who was killed in the winter quarters coal mino mine explosion may 1 li 1900 he was employed by the coal company and a short time before his death he told bis that he intended to erect a monument in mem mom ory of the unknown dead coal miners miner who were burled buried at scofield he d did I 1 not live long enough to carry out his intention bl bit t his mother will do so for ahlm the monument Is a sarcophagus of utah and ond massachusetts granite live feet five inloes in heights th two feet six z inches wide und and four feet long on each aide side of tho the cap Is ang engraved raved the letter 1111 B 1 standing for barney barnet the name by which young dougall was familiarly known the monument Is inscribed with a number or lines line from grays elegy and dedicated to the unknown dead |