Show aw NORTHWEST NOTES the leo saloon at glencie Olen cue mont was robbed ot of by marked masked ban ilits on tho the morning of the eth news comes from Gold Held nev that E A colburg Col buru ji jk has been de do ported from that camp by miners and warned neier to return bill 11 shot and killed his wife maud and then blew blow oat out his brains at Mee meeteetse wyo it Is said that jealousy aas the cause ol 01 the tragedy while playing with a small calibre rifle john tyler a 6 year old boy ot of Il hamilton amilton mont shot and fatally wounded the 8 year old daughter ot of john marvel As one of 0 the features ot of tho the lewis and clark exposition it is proposed loro posed to hold a series of airship contests similar to that which will take place at st louis A body identified as that of I 1 E M nordberg first mate of the ship st francis was found floating in tacoma harbor by an officer of the revenue cutter grant martin u keozh an eccentric character was waa found dead oa on a country rowl near butte A slash from a knife across the left wrist covering an artery quite plainly pl bialy it was a case of suicide peter faure a wealthy sheep owner living near walla walla became despondent depond ent because his wife from whom be as separated refused to return to him and committed suicide fauro faure took tool poison the J B D sullivan saloon at butto butte was held up by three masked men and the proprietor sullivan and three patrona patrons lined up against the wall and robbed the bandits secured about together with some jewelry thirty one cne japanese members of 0 the first reserves left seattle last week on an tho the steamship kanagawa slam tor for japan in response to a summons from the war department this Is tho the first call on the reserves since the war began jesse armitage aged CO GO sprang into indian creek near virginia city mont to eave save his wife who Is also 60 years of age and after a struggle in the waters of the swollen stream lie the pulled the aad woman to shore only to find her dead posses are still out in tho the vicinity 0 of thermopolis Thermo polls polis looking for tho the two bandits who killed 1 I 0 cashier of the first national bank of cody in an attempt to rob tho the bank tout but the report that tho the robers have been trapped is denied one of the largest mountain lions ever been seen in that section was killed near bonita mont by G W gill and 11 L 1 mullins the lisa it measured nine feet from tip to tip gill and mul had ona one of the exciting expert ances a of their lives in dispatching the animal the killing in cold blood of marshal hiram dates bates of coal creek a coal mining town in fremont county colo by two negro cs grant and wenley thompson whom he be waa was trying to for disturbance has caused the white residents to issue a warning to the tile negro population to leavo leave tho the camp the body bedy of a man badly decomposed and with one side of hia his fact wholly eaten away by coyotes wag was discovered by carl lot standal on the east slope of the main divide says a butte dispatch there la Is no way of identifying the man as was nothing on him to give clue to to his identity J 13 mann was sentenced senen ced to five years in the penitentiary and hia his wife nettle mann to one year by judges chapman and rice at chehalis Che halls U vath ash mann and his wife burned their millinery store stare in centralia Cen in august for insurance money frank wells a wealthy stockman living at Canlas prie ore left his home about a month ago in search of winter coding grounds for hia his cattle ed aid a id has not been seen since wells friends are urn unable to find any clue to hia his wh whereabouts and fear foul play A terrible accident was narrowly averted at Peni leton ore by patrick who stopped a runaway omnibus containing a dozen small children being returned homo home from school barely in time to prevent Us its colliding with a switch engine five fire prisoners who were serving on tho rock ppe vile gang ging and who had bad men sentences of from four to ten months to complete from the county jail all at portland by sawing their way through bolts bars and locks between the hours bourn of 9 at night and 7 the next morning |