Show NOTICE united states land office salt lake I alie city blab I 1 tab july 35 1904 BO in lo whom it may concern the state of utah having elected as n a part of wo 1 grant for the of perman permanent nt water reservoirs for or irrigating purpose purposes anler the twelfth ate tion of the act of con boneri griMs july to 10 iffa lf 4 the following descried tract tracts returned b t be te united states surveyor genelar gener ar min r jl 1 I landt lands notice Is I 1 hereby given that the sald stake will submit proof as to the ch fracter of or alii said land before the roister register and recel receiver verat at tbt 1 dofice on MondAy the 3 1 let at day of october 1904 fit AtlO lo a m viz via na N SEW n 7 township Tow nhip 13 south jrsn e 13 12 lan lait salt lake Werl meridian dlan embraced in 11 NJ 1 9 all claiming any portions of aid de il tract tracts r einera inera tet ct to the tion thereof by the state are tebe hereby reby to on that date and ad submit testimony la in epport of their e claims alms or objection objections FRANKI register Re etter UFO A amil receiver pint pub aug 4 last sept 29 abfal |