Show 1 FOUL CRIME CHARGED indiana woman accused of poisoning leoning Po stepdaughter step daughter tho the arrest of mrs W R krauss tho the young wife of a leading druggist end and business man of hartford city ind on a charge of poisoning her stepdaughter step daughter one of the most popular young xoung women has caused great excitement cit ement tho 1 macht sto to the dead girl will be given a chemical analysis mrs airs krauss is still in jail jall she Is 27 years of ago age and tho the daughter of dr W A anderson president of the state veterinary asso association dation tho the mother of 0 mrs krauss noa nee rao anderman died in a cincinnati hospital ital airs krausa krauss was one of tho the beneficiaries of the will all property owned by mr ir krauss la Is in his biame at the time of his marriage marr laga to rae anderson three months ago he be made a will bequeathing practically all his property to bis his daughter crystal krauss the dead girl |