Show WHY HE COME valet gave coci reason but a poor excuse 13 11 harriman Harrl man whose controversy with george could gould in the northern pacific great northern rn plan has been much discussed ot of late bad had some years ago a valet named ganka banks banks was in a hundred ways an oddity he ile took snuff he wore a wig ho he sported a thumb ring and in the depths ot of winter protected himself with neither gloves nor overcoat mr harriman Harrl man says that one morn ing when he awoke be he found that fanks had bad neglected to call him and that neither hia lite shaving water nor his bath had been prepared accordingly he be shouted bankel banks bankst I 1 yes sir air banks shouted back banks where are you iro im up in my room in ld L d sir air why ahat do you mean by lying abed this hour in the morning come here at once oncel mr harriman Harrl man stormed 1 I cant do it sir air banks cried lustily why cant you do it 1 I cant do it sir im drunk sir albany areus argus |