Show CALL FOR republican COUNTY convention price utah march it 11 1804 1904 pur ant to a call of the stale state chairman we me hereby call a conent contention lon of the republicans of or carbon county utah to meet at price on the slat day of march at 3 2 0 clock p in tor for the purpose of 0 electing eight delegates delee atea to attend the state convention called culled to meet at salt lake city april 8 the purpose of eald said state convention being the election of delegate to attend the national co convention mention called to meet in the city of chicago in june of ts year baid county convention shall consist of twenty delegates apportioned among the following precincts as follows tol lons lows on ane basis of one delegate to every votes otes OP or traction fraction thereof cast tor for the hon lion joeph jo eph li how oell ell for member of con congress giess in 1902 dele precinct votes gates winter inter quarters la W i gaelic oate gate luj 3 s helper bj i spring ulen glen la I 1 arice 3 ei lington 1 I 1 minnie mabil U 2 bunnye lae lat Us l at 4 i adur creek 4 1 I all ail delegates shall be acted at least five daya days before the county conven lion tion la Is called to meet and the respective precinct chairmen are requested to ti arrange for primaries and tor forward ard a ilat ot of all delegates and niters alternates ates L elected to the county chairman at the earliest po possible moment this convention hlll also elect eight delegates to attend the judicial district called to meet at ait nit pleasant Vica sunt sanpete county utah at 2 Z 13 in april 9 1904 at nt this convention a district judge and attorney mil nill b be 7 nominated to be te voted for at the ne nex general election in november next A full attendance of nil all delegates Is earne earnestly stIv requested and the time tor for calling the convention has been net met in ader L to give the delegates from the upper end ot of the county a dunce to reach price on train no 6 of that date yours armeit J LEE county chairman hanily ciack 1 secretary |