Show aft j r r tv physical culture and self defense st or ROBERT 08 R fr cebalt I 1 41 w igat r ehtor ef f ah the W rd aloa ml oa H TJ Y ab richer f r t wo 7 rf it lay a ftc 1 on Mii cu ur e part II 11 article 5 3 the poise in boxing in my first lespin on boxing I 1 told you how bow to use your feet now wo we will vill suppose you have learned that correctly and we will go to the nei next lesson how to hold the body the body of 0 a boy or a man is the boiler it Is from there that all the steam comes that moves the machinery cht nery the arms and legs no matter how big and strong the arms and ices logo are they jil not be able to do anything unless the body elves gives them the power so you see bow much care you should take of the body there Is in no exercise that will do so much to make the body strong and healthy and full of steam as bobinc care cire must be observed not to do anything an thing to offset the tie benefit of tho the exercise such as smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco As for drinking boer beer or spirits no one of 0 common sense will do that then when the body Is clean and full of vitality there Is always a feeling of cheerfulness and good nature there Is no desire to be quarrelsome no one should learn to box so that he may bully it over others but that he can defend him celt self from attack and for the health and strength that the exercise gives beginning Begin ninn it Is natural lor for the american boy to box he picks up a bit of the art himself in sparring with bis his play mates but the trouble with this Is that ho he Is likely to begin all wrong and then he has to unlearn all he be knows before ho he can learn the right way WILY in taking your stand for ter a bout with the gloves let the body lean ican a little bit forward from the hips have all the muscles loose put the left ide side forward do not stand with your body square to your opponent it gives him a wider target to hit and does cot mot allor you the swing of the body and mind shoulders which you need in order to strike a good blow hold your shoulders down the left the correct boxing position one particularly this gives you length of reach and ease of arm move mort keep your left arm out but not bt raight always have your elbo e bent a little A perfectly straight arm Is easily hurt if the arm Is bent a little at the elbow it gives it strength and quickness of action swing your body with the waist as a pivot do not have it set that Is held rigid always keep it swinging 9 cot not so bard hard as to tire you but so that it Is ever ready to start in any direction the body can start much quicker it if it be moving than it if it t bo be eull bull getting away from attack A boxer with bis his shoulders about hie his cars care and his boda held rigid cannot move quickly when you jump I 1 back from an attack do not alter the position of your body in other words go back with the body held in the ame same manner a when yot began to par spar the cealan u for this Is that when you land away on your feel feet jou you are still la in a position for either attack or defense should your opponent follow you fill the lung lungs when boxing keep your stomach in and your chast out cot not stiffly but naturally it may be awkward at first but you will soon learn how easy it Is and wonder bow how you ever stood any other way by keeping the stomach in and the cheat full of air you enjoy all the lung strengthening benefits of boxing and keep the stomach out of harms barms way that part of the body Is always a point of altac and should bo be protected I 1 will next tell how to bold hold the handa bands while boxing position for the hands in my lant last chapter I 1 told how to hold the body while boxing the position tion of the body 1 a most im part in the art 0 of t self defense vow now that you have bae learned tho the correct way war of holding the body I 1 shall abaft tell you how bow to bold old the hand in boxing never bae the biedes set sel and tense always have all the TOur cles of the arm arms and body and legs loose and ready for action hold your hands bands open never close your oat except ft rt the moment when bon ou rou ajl v r and nd a blow mow the reason for this Is I 1 olain holding your fist flat closed strains train the muscles of the forearm and nd uses up a certain part of boar strength on necessarily always remember that you should never use any physical force until the moment arrives 1 when you need it do nut have your mua mus clea 1 strained and rigid keep every thing thin loose it Is easy to do so and the beat best always cornea comes from a man who la Is not muscle bound in landing a blow remember this par ocular piece of advice never rever hit with the thumb always keep the thumb up and when you land a punch have tho the impact and your opponents head I 1 in euch such relation that your hand will not be injured that Is it use the first two knuckles of the hand in bitting hitting a blow never close the hand until the blow 1 Is landed the reason for this Is that it strains the muscles of the forearm and tires the boxer needlessly holding the bands hands open not only relieves the muscles from any unnecessary stran but keeps a wider space of glove always ready to defend from attack now in stopping a blow there is a wrong and a right way always turn stopping a right hand Body Punch the palm of the glove outward in topping stopping a blow keep the band open this presents a ledger surface to the glove of your opponent and will do more to prevent his blow from landing than if your flat was closed in guarding always keep el boar close to your sides this takes in the benefit of the forearm and if the gloro glove bo be held close to the face all that side of the body Is protected never land a punch without having the block ready to meet the counter every time you start a punch remember that your opponent intends to come back with another punch the particular art of the game Is to land a blow without a return but every time you make an attack you render yourself liable to an offensive demonstration from the man with whom you are sparring one of the bes best uses of the band in boxing is not to use them when a blow is struck the proper way to avoid it Is 1 not to stop it with the band hand or forearm but to slip it dy by slipping a blow I 1 mean that you should pet way from it in such a maner that no rt A of your opponents opo arm touches you this Is known as ducking and aid sidestepping side e stepping for instance it your starring sparring partner swings his life right light for the side of your face lower your head and let the blow go over do not duck in toward him let your head go under the blow and away from it to the elde bide this prevents your opponent from landing an uppercut upper cut which he be would do if you were close enough to him always remember that the hands are a most important factor in boxing never land a blow that will hurt the hand hands when you lead a straight punch keep the thumb up when you swing always keep the knuckles up A blow Is landed with the two knuckles of the hand bard there Is another thing to tell a young man it if ho he wants to succeed in boxi boxing fig take your chance when you see it and hit from where your hand is to why do I 1 win fights because I 1 see the chance when it comes and 1 I take it every little while a mm leaves him celt relf open but it Is only for a vu second cond it is not even a second it is in lees leas than the tenth part of a second toll must belze that chance and strike the instant you see the ov opening ening what I 1 say to young men and what I 1 aay say to everybody Is this do just what I 1 do it if you want to make a success in life always hit when you see the chance do not draw your arm back hit from froin where your hand band Is this movement 1 called the slip resorted to in the pace face of threat ened punishment and you have got bina him that Is my motto it 1 Is no trouble to whip your opponent when ou uee use that 19 ry A J drexel nid bid daf I 1 I 1 uttered at kail rail london landom |