Show IT fps LOOKS BAD for opening of reservation in october aa TALK OF or ANOTHER DELAY jobbing politicians evidently Evid ertly after additional valuable mineral concessions A washington march 5 ile lle a indian lation bill padd bytho by tho house today contains n pro lalon islon postponing tho opening of tho uintah res er atlon until october 1 1205 the original nul intention was koopen to open tho the res resi i i er erv atlon tu to settlement by july let to october let next at the tile latest congius aman howell energetically rp prote protested against ond and had an extended tended et conf orenee thia this morning will secretary hitchcock and bushed jilin ain to withdraw tho request for this provision which has been made to chairman sherman and by him lo linser sorted ted in the bill howell was informed that sur voyis and allotments could not possibly bo made before october 1 1005 it Is thought hero here the anino same influence that hue litts succeeded i along in holding up 4 tho tile opening of tho the reservation that 1 Is theao T ho he alac hac llac leaseholds lease holds la is again ut work mork an effort will be made to defeat tho provision postponing tile opening in tho the senate A |