Show talking about price jachn M holdnes of san francisco espedal spec lal agent forthe hartford flie e in siiri sur inco atice com compardy parly of Hart hartford furd conn with assists of over millions of dollars dolln rs was in price I 1 bt saturday and placed tho the ogency for his corn com pal if with K 11 W crockett who mho is 11 to write policies and ad uda st lomes los 9 mr holmes Is n mun man who hue has tra travella veltA oner considerable country ind tabs so 8 of nil all tho the places ho he cinq visited of late ho lic hns has ai n none with brighter tor than price he looka for a big all oil boom in eastern utah the coining spring and summer ho he hits much talk of the to town n allover all over the country of lne late duo he lit thinks to the associated press and salt lako lake city sent out flam mm here liere by loen lomnic I 1 correspondents |