Show SMALLPOX ARRIVES IN PRICE won Deve developed toped came at the home of at J M from kansas there ie Is tt a case of smallpox nt at the homo home of J L M billiard millard just on the west outa kirth at of town his little 4 year old daughter being taken down with the disease last monday afternoon where the little one could have ha e gotten it ie Is somewhat Bome what of a mystery unless it was exposed on a recent visit tot of mr millard and family to ta their old home in kansas dr Is in attendance and has and will use every precaution to confine the disease to this one household alio llio family has not been out since the return from the east so that no one has been exposed As yet tho schools have not been closed nor have public gatherings M boon forbidden as la Is usually the case under like circumstances thero there is no cause tor for alarm |