Show in ss casim COMMIT t ar denver new news it ta is fully fally that the government is koloff to gate the recant ute fling a by game tai d us in a north western let it doo doto the gret fact that will be stab lish id d to 19 that oat the tb india indi A were off heir their reservation and stil the next a th 4 they were violating the law laws ot gt the be state of colorado incidentally it will aleo also cine out bat that the were warned not to come within the borders of the to kill 1111 gme game it 1 will a 0 esq sa ia in evl 1 waw that the ret in charge of three indiana permitted them to leave 1 tho the res ervist erra lon and mad mady no effert to ronel tarm up until ater alter the killing 7 murreil 1 the ati iia were atin a tin la in to 1 of the iw tt tb breut beut was derelict la in vidal IS daiy tn in nut keeping the I iuna on the it ho had heeded the warning of game ward I 1 swan there would have bain deal ute the thi new news repeats the coln ta on ala alish b it baa hall 0 so o ofton insisted in if the avern tant will keep tha indians indiana en ca the reservation theta will be no encounters between liliani and nd chiw wo recall ro murder of white men by imling no to killing of III Matis by white men that baa has occurred la in went years that was wa not directly cily tract trac cible ble to allowing indiana to roans off their for what tor blob I 1 h a been abed in cheso collis loc tons b tween white whites and indians loi Hane loc too government and its agents aro aril to baine blame call it or what eb one piatt tt it tho united unit d states ayi a tot inaina lillon or to bave have item kill will 9 inon let itt it keep them abra tilty lelong nl that Is on the reservations which hia bt been provi provita td for them lt it alio atso keep v bite iu iut u ibe lie 0 1 v s minnes haa axen 1 I in the balance lie LM las finite quite loit lost bla ids balo wo the people voted a statesman ani and fia fin I 1 that they elected fleeted only a trading politician who bad pawned in adrance the patronage of the presidency to the crowd ol 01 anil and scoundrels that mabeu vert vend 4 and intrigued anil and ho led in tho the interest ot of an unprincipled cau dilate v 0 exchange once upon a lime a ain tala man got mat at the editor and 1 topped lito lil paper the neit next he oil his corn at low four wats cents bilow the market prices then ha lis property wa wait 11 for taxes because ha he did not read of the bale sale soon after he waa was arrested ind and fined fight eight dollare dollars for hunting on banday sunday ani asil paid thirty dollan dollars for a lot of notes that had been advertised for two weeks and tho the public had keen been warned not to negotiate for them lie its ibon I 1 I 1 od ed a ug big with a foot lice like n arge hammer to kick kilk film au all the way tray to ati 11 newspaper boffl v where he be p lid ica a four years tn in a I 1 anchal sal lis I 1 I 1 he editor pipi an agder ment to knock lim awn and rob bim him it be ae ever uh luh fit I 1 life without a ip r |